“…I don’t know how my sister is doing now. Luo Tian shouldn’t have done anything to her!”

Jiang Xiyue’s beautiful eyes were full of worry.

She has been trying to find a way to go out recently, but no matter how she applied, the approval for the mission has not come.

Although life in the official base is okay and all basic supplies can be guaranteed for her, Jiang Xiyue has no mood to enjoy it now.

She has been worried about her sister.

“Are you Jiang Xiyue?!”

At this time, she suddenly heard a burst of hurried footsteps, and then a soldier who spoke not very standard Mandarin was looking at her excitedly.

The other party’s face was flushed and his breathing was rapid.

The look at her was even more enthusiastic, as if looking at a warehouse full of food!

“Sorry, I have something else to do.”

Jiang Xiyue’s beautiful eyes flashed a trace of disgust, and her tone was cold.

She also regarded Li Kefu, who was talking to her, as those who coveted her beauty and wanted to coax her with words and have something happen to her.

After all, with Jiang Xiyue’s figure and appearance.

They are all top beauties in the official base and are very popular.

However, Jiang Xiyue misunderstood the other party this time. Li Kefu had to work hard to find out about her situation because of the bomb in his stomach.

He was also anxious to give her the walkie-talkie.

“Wait, I have something to tell you!”

Li Kefu saw that the other party turned around and was about to leave, and he couldn’t help but get anxious. Don’t leave, the bomb in my stomach will explode if you leave!

He got up and was about to chase, but this was the official base after all.

Seeing that he was still entangled, Jiang Xiyue directly explained the situation to the patrolling soldiers.

When the soldiers saw Jiang Xiyue’s identity tag, they immediately became serious.

“Harassing scientific researchers, come with us!”

Several soldiers surrounded him and said coldly.

Li Kefu became even more anxious when he saw this posture.

If he was taken away by the patrol team and locked in a small dark room for interrogation, his life would be over.

“Expert Jiang, I am the only person who survived this mission. Captain Ou asked me to discuss with you that the spy identification system you made did not recognize Luo Tian’s face!”

In a hurry, Li Kefu said with a quick mind.

Jiang Xiyue, who was about to turn around and leave, stopped immediately after hearing what Li Kefu said.

“Sorry, I forgot about this. Let him go.”

Jiang Xiyue turned around and smiled.

Upon hearing this, several soldiers in the patrol team did not say anything and let Li Kefu go.


Li Kefu was about to say something when he was stopped by the other party’s eyes.

“Hush, follow me first.”

Jiang Xiyue took Li Kefu and turned around to an empty corridor, and then said lightly: “You can say anything, this is outside the monitoring range.”

As an expert in the field of network, she certainly knows where the monitoring areas inside the base are.

“I met Luo Tian at Shashibia. He asked me to give this thing to you, saying that it can contact your sister!”

Li Kefu handed the military walkie-talkie to the other party.

Jiang Xiyue took the walkie-talkie. After hearing that she could contact her sister, she couldn’t help but tremble, and her beautiful eyes couldn’t help but show a touch of excitement.

Just now, after Li Kefu said Luo Tian’s name.

She was smart and realized the other party’s implication. It must be Luo Tian who found Li Kefu and asked him to convey some news to her.

But what Jiang Xiyue didn’t expect was.

The walkie-talkie that Luo Tian brought to her could actually contact her sister directly!

“I know, thank you.”

Looking at Jiang Xiyue leaving here with the walkie-talkie, Li Kefu couldn’t help but lean on the corridor and exhaled a breath of relief.

“…Fortunately, the thing was handed over to the other party.”


He quickly widened his eyes and said in horror: “No, did I forget something…”

“Expert Jiang, Expert Jiang, wait a minute, there is one more thing!!”

A camouflaged, low-key armored vehicle was driving on the snow.

It was heading towards Genting Manor.

“The action later must be concealed, and don’t make a big noise, understand?”

The captain of the soldiers said coldly.


The soldiers nodded.

Their mission this time was not to attack Luo Tian’s shelter, but to sneak into the manor and take a group of nearby owners back for interrogation.

In an attempt to get more information about Luo Tian.

After driving a distance into Genting Manor, the armored vehicle stopped in a remote corner, and the soldiers filed out and decided to walk forward.

Not only was the snowmobile camouflaged, but even their clothes were processed, although the inside was still combat uniforms., but the appearance is no different from ordinary clothes.

What a coincidence.

This scene was just discovered by Shen Hua and his group.

“Brother Shen, look, there is a group of outsiders coming from nowhere in the manor!”

Song Jun said in a surprised tone.

In the villa.

Shen Hua also leaned on the window and found the camouflaged snow armored vehicle parked nearby, and his eyes became hot in an instant.

“Hiss… In addition to the surname Luo, there are actually people who have such a car that can be driven on the snow!”

Shen Hua took a breath of cold air.


Soon his expression became excited, and his eyes also revealed a deep greed.

“Song Jun, if we have this kind of snow vehicle, do we still need to worry about food shortages?” Shen Hua asked without looking back.

“Brother Shen, that’s definitely not the case! If we have this kind of car, wouldn’t we go wherever we want, and all the food buried in the snow outside is ours!”

Song Jun was also very excited.

In their eyes, the other party was really a fat sheep delivered to their door, a car delivery boy!

“Let’s go, call the brothers, there is work to do!”

Shen Hua grinned.


After the eight official soldiers left, Shen Hua, Song Jun and five other men also quietly came to the vicinity of the armored vehicle.

“Brother Shen, this car is so domineering, just like a TM armored vehicle!”

A younger brother said with wide eyes.

Look at the appearance, the outline, and the thick armor on the side. They believe it can withstand bullets!

“It is probably a very expensive car, several million!”

Song Jun also commented.

Shen Hua couldn’t help but scold: “You care about how many millions it costs, Song Jun, didn’t you steal a car before? Hurry up and open the car door for me!!”

Under Shen Hua’s spur, Song Jun also took the simple tools and began to concentrate on opening the car door.

But he couldn’t open it after a long time, and sweat broke out on his forehead. He said anxiously: “Brother Shen, there’s something wrong with this car. Why is the lock never seen before!”

It’s different from other cars!

Because he was too anxious, he couldn’t open it for a long time. Song Jun had no choice but to pull the car door and say: “Fuck, what a broken car!!”


Song Jun fell on his butt in the snow, and the car door was actually pulled open by him.

“Fuck, the car door is not locked!”

Everyone was shocked.

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