The Death Guard commander's eyes lit up and he roared violently. I saw a shopping mall at the end of the street ahead.

The Septic Greedy Devourer is huge, so it should be able to get rid of the threats behind it by using it there.

The team took turns taking cover and finally rushed to the front of the mall gate.

Without hesitation, the two men in front immediately opened fire.

The glass door of the mall exploded on the spot, and several high-explosive grenades were quickly thrown into the mall hall in advance.

Boom boom boom!

Before the monster lurking inside could react, it was torn into pieces by the explosive shrapnel of the high-explosive grenade.

Da da da da——

The team rushed into the mall immediately, and intensive gunfire rang out immediately, and the mutants inside were torn to pieces by bullets.

Individual third-level mutants can withstand bullets, but the captains of the Death Guard kill all these advanced mutants at targeted locations with their swords in hand.

The team did not dare to stop and charged forward.


There was a loud noise behind him, and the bloated Septic Greedy Devourer smashed the mall door and rushed into the hall. Tentacles stretched crazily to every corner.

The death guards ran fast, but the monsters around them were all destroyed. Those who were still alive fled madly into the depths of the mall, but they could not escape the tentacles.

Each mutant is drawn into the septic voracious devourer's body by the tentacles to become part of his healing process. The atmosphere of terror filled the air, and the septic greedy devourers continued to burrow into the mall, chasing the death guards.

But precisely because of the delay and attention these mutants provided, the Death Guards quickly fled through the mall from the back onto the other side of the street.

After orderly destroying other mutants on the street, he continued to run forward.

Finally, after crossing three or four blocks, he completely got rid of the septic greedy devourer behind him.

A few blocks away, everyone could hear the wanton and crazy roar of the septic greedy devourer, with constant roars and smoke flying everywhere. It was obvious that this big guy had gone crazy because of their escape and was venting his anger on everything around him.


"Put me down!"

Yang Zonghe was placed on the ground and kept breathing.

He never imagined that he would come here with a large number of troops, bringing enough heavy weapons and various ammunition, thinking that he could handle it at will.

It turns out this guy is so difficult to beat!

No, it’s not that he is difficult to beat, it’s someone who is causing trouble!

That damn bird appears again and again, it's definitely not an accident!

There must be someone behind it!

"Meng Fan, it must be this son of a bitch."

But now is not the time to talk about this. Yang Zonghe started to cough crazily due to excitement, and thick blood began to appear in the saliva he coughed up.

This shocked Yang Zonghe.

He vomited blood.

I'm going to die.

I'm going to die!

At this moment, he suddenly felt extremely regretful, why did he let Yang Kai leave home!

If I had just completed the organ transplant when he became an adult, wouldn't I have so many things to worry about?

No, the key is not that Yang Kai goes out.

With the protection of the death guards, nothing will happen to him. The key is this piece of shit Meng Fan!

"No, I can't die. I have worked hard for more than twenty years. I can't be killed by a mere monster and Meng Fan."

Yang Zonghe glared at the death guard beside him!

"I order you to go back now, kill that monster, and get my organs back."

"Now, immediately!"

Yang Zonghe screamed like crazy, but unexpectedly, no one around him moved this time.

Everyone looked at him with a cold expression. It was like looking at a dead person.

Everyone's face was filled with anger.

His brothers died, dozens of people came out, and now only a dozen of them are dead. Everyone was as embarrassed as a dog.

If it weren't for the scumbag father and son Yang Zonghe and Yang Kai, their equipment and skills would definitely be enough to live a different and wonderful life in this doomsday world.

His dead brothers were all killed by these two beasts, father and son!

Hatred is burning, and more than a dozen dead guards are approaching step by step.

Yang Zonghe was stunned.

But he was not afraid, and his first reaction was indeed furious.

He stood up and shouted angrily.

"What's wrong with you, obey my orders! Didn't you hear me?"

"You are the dogs I raised. You eat what I eat and use what I have. It was I who trained you and trained you to be what you are today."

"You losers, trash, and rubbish, don't forget that everything you have is given to you by me. You don't have to do anything I say!"

"Bring Yang Kai back to me now. I'll wait for you here. I'll give you half an hour. If you can't do it, just die..."

Yang Zonghe cursed loudly and did not notice at all that the eyes of everyone under their helmets had completely changed.

Thick hatred burned in his eyes.

A dead guard suddenly took out his gun and aimed it at Yang Zonghe with a blast from the butt of his gun.

Yang Zonghe suddenly fell to the ground and screamed. A large piece of his forehead was dented, and his head was bruised and bleeding.

The anger in his eyes turned into shock: "You dare to attack me?"

"What's wrong with doing it, you old thing!"

The death guard who took action kicked Yang Zonghe away again.

"You bitch, who are you without us? Keep barking at me!"

"I can't stand you for a long time. We can live well without you, but we have to fly out of the Yang family and come to Jiangcheng to die!"

"You killed all my brothers!"

The death guard cursed angrily while punching and kicking Yang Zonghe.

Where there is the first, there is the second.

More and more Death Guards rushed forward, punching and kicking Yang Zonghe like rain.

These were all awakened ones, and the weakest one had reached level three. How could an ordinary person like Yang Zonghe bear it? Two punches had already caused his whole body to be shattered.

The severe pain finally made him completely sober. He begged for mercy in a hurry: "Don't hit me, I was wrong, I won't scold you anymore."

"Let me go, it hurts."

How arrogant he was before, how dog-like he is now.

Yang Zonghe curled up on the ground and rolled, howling like a pig being slaughtered.

The commander of the Death Guard stood coldly by his side, without any intention of intervening.

After a while, he raised his hand: "Okay, don't beat him to death."

More than a dozen Death Guards dispersed, and everyone's face was full of endless hatred.

Yang Zonghe lay on the ground, his whole body like a pool of meat paste.

"What should we do next?" a Death Guard asked.

"Why don't we just leave and leave him here."

"We have guns, people and equipment, and we can do anything."

But the commander of the Death Guard shook his head: "I have a better way."


"Let's hand this damned old man over to Meng Fan, and follow Meng Fan in the future, what do you think? If you want, this old man is our token of loyalty!"

Everyone was shocked!

Follow Meng Fan?

At first, they rejected it.

After all, some of them have guns and equipment, and they are all awakened. Who doesn't want to be the boss with power?

But the other words of the commander of the Death Guard awakened everyone.

"It's good for one person to be the boss, but if you meet that thing again, can you guarantee that you can survive?"

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