At this time, Wang Bin curled up in the corner. His body temperature was over 40 degrees Celsius. His heart was beating at an unprecedented speed. His blood vessels were dilated, so that the capillaries that were originally hidden in the subcutaneous fat became clearly visible.

His lips were trembling. If you listen carefully, you can barely make out that he was muttering "I don't want to die, I don't want to die".

Cheng Xue stood seven or eight meters away from Wang Bin, and it was unknown what she was thinking.

Zheng Xuan and Ding Nan looked for everything in the room that could arm themselves, and their eyes were always vigilantly looking at Wang Bin.


Wang Bin's body spasmed violently for a few times, and then he collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Then, he suddenly bent up again, his pupils had turned a dead gray, and his skin was ulcerated on a large area. That was the manifestation of his body cells being unable to withstand such violent mutations and divisions, and large-scale death.

Ding Nan pushed Cheng Xue out and shouted, "Quick, kill him! He's turned into a zombie!"

But it was too late. Wang Bin, who had completely lost consciousness, seemed to have a lot of hatred for Ding Nan. He actually passed by Cheng Xue and rushed straight towards Ding Nan.

"Ah! Zheng Xuan, protect me quickly. You said you would protect me forever!" Ding Nan shrank behind Zheng Xuan, using Zheng Xuan as a shield.

Zheng Xuan relied on the plastic armor on his body to barely resist Wang Bin. But his armor was not made of steel after all, and some parts were even spliced ​​with cardboard.

It was torn into pieces by Wang Bin in a few strokes, and Wang Bin's nails were also turning black and longer at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the claws of a beast. Grabbing Zheng Xuan's armor immediately made a numbing sound.

Zheng Xuan cried with a sad face: "I, I can't do it. This is our classmate, we eat together and live together!"

"If you don't kill him, he will kill you!" Ding Nan picked up the bottle that Su Yuan threw away from the ground, hid behind Zheng Xuan, and suddenly smashed it on Wang Bin's head.

But Wang Bin seemed not to notice, just desperately trying to bite Ding Nan.

Just when Zheng Xuan felt his arm was sore and numb, and was about to be unable to resist Wang Bin, Su Yuan walked over and kicked Wang Bin on the knee.

The latter immediately fell to the side, and Su Yuan took advantage of the situation to pinch his neck and pressed him face down on the ground.

The zombie that could make Zheng Xuan, who was 1.85 meters tall and weighed 200 kilograms, so flustered, was actually powerless in front of Su Yuan, just as easy and casual as an adult picking up a child.

In Su Yuan's opinion, among these people, only Cheng Xue looked good. He wanted to train Cheng Xue and asked her to come and give Wang Bin a quick death.

Cheng Xue was unwilling to do anything and shook her head like a rattle.

"Wang Bin is dead. Although his body can still move, his soul has long been annihilated. Now he is just a walking corpse. The end of the world is so cruel. If you don't want to die, you must learn to face it."

When Su Yuan said this, Cheng Xue felt like an iron-blooded general teaching a new soldier who was about to step onto the battlefield.

Every word was like a mountain, steady and unshakable, making people unconsciously feel obedient.

"I...what should I do?" Cheng Xue was at a loss, and had no idea how to give the so-called "quick death".

Su Yuan's right hand was like a pair of iron pliers, pressing Wang Bin firmly to the ground, and the other hand pointed at the back of Wang Bin's head and cervical vertebrae.

"The most effective way to kill zombies is to destroy their brains or nerve centers. In addition, fire, lightning, and freezing are also very effective."

"After the mutation of the zombie, each body cell contains a perverted vitality. Even if you chop it into a dozen pieces, it cannot make it fall into the true sense of death, just like the tail of a snake or a gecko, even if it is cut off from the body, it can still move for a long time."

Su Yuan had seen a special kind of zombie in his previous life, which could deprive other zombies of their flesh and blood organs.

This deprivation is not devouring, but tearing it off and putting it directly on its own body, which is very similar to the Western legend that uses different parts of many corpses to splice together to become a hateful butcher.

"In other words, we have to smash their heads?" Cheng Xue felt her stomach churning. Even thinking about that scene can make her shudder, let alone asking her to smash her friends who have been with her day and night?

Just as Cheng Xue hesitated, Ding Nan suddenly gritted his teeth and lifted a flower pot as thick as a bucket, and smashed it on Wang Bin's head.

There was a sound like a watermelon falling to the ground, and a stream of red and white brain matter immediately flowed out from under the flowerpot, followed by dark red blood spreading like a stream.

After Ding Nan smashed it, his face was pale, and he was still cursing: "I told you to stare at me and bite, I told you to stare at me and bite!"

Su Yuan's face was cold. He wiped the blood spots on his body and said to Ding Nan expressionlessly: "There is only one possible reason why Wang Bin stared at you, that is, you smell of blood."

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Xue and Zheng Xuan immediately looked at Ding Nan in shock.

"You, what do you mean by this?" Ding Nan grabbed Zheng Xuan's arm and explained anxiously: "Don't listen to his nonsense. I'm not injured at all, how can there be a smell of blood on my body? You have to protect me, you said you would protect me forever!"

Zheng Xuan nodded unnaturally and said: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

But he was also scared. Besides, which man wouldn't say "I will love you forever and protect you forever" when confessing to a girl?

Now Ding Nan recited this sentence like a tight spell. It has only been a few minutes, and he has said it twice.

Cheng Xue's brain is still quite smart, and she asked Ding Nan if she had her period.

Ding Nan said no, but she reached into her pants and when she took it out, there were a few strands of blood with mucus on her fingertips!

The zombies' sense of smell is extremely sensitive to the smell of blood. In their eyes, Ding Nan, whose crotch is stained with blood, is as conspicuous as the butt of a firefly in the dark.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Ding Nan pleaded with Zheng Xuan in a crying voice: "I don't want to do it either. Who knows that my period will come at this time. Please don't abandon me."

After getting Zheng Xuan's assurance, she found a sanitary napkin and changed it, but she still looked like her father had died.

"Okay." Su Yuan clapped his hands and asked Cheng Xue and others to look at him.

"Now do as I say. Cheng Xue, go to my room. There are two mantis knives by the windowsill. Go and get them for self-defense."

"Ding Nan, pull down the curtains and twist them into ropes. Zheng Xuan, find a way to fix the ropes made from the curtains at the door and adjust the height to the middle of a normal person's calf."

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