As he spoke, Dugu Pang pointed to the distance, and cold sweat broke out on his face instantly.

Su Yuan also found something unusual from the vibration of the air. He jumped onto the roof of the car and took a look in the direction Dugu Pang pointed. His face suddenly changed!

In the distance, a large group of zombies with bared fangs and claws rushed towards them like they were participating in a marathon.

In front of the zombie group, there were hundreds of zombie dogs as pioneers. No wonder the fat man said that the dogs were coming.

"The zombie group and mutant creatures are coming! Get in the car quickly and rush out as soon as possible!" Su Yuan carried the old madman on his shoulders, and then stuffed him into the troop carrier through the car window.

The car key was inserted under the steering wheel. Su Yuan successfully started the car without using it for a second.

"Wait, wait!" Dugu Pang rushed to the standard rifles beside the corpses, "Let me pick up two guns and take them away."

Su Yuan yelled: "Don't take them, they may have died here because of the shooting. Once the gunshots are heard, the zombies will gather more and more, even if they shoot in the head, it will be useless."

Dugu Pang heard this and ran back to the car with a look of pain and regret.

The group of survivors behind also saw the group of zombies. They didn't wait for Su Yuan to turn the front of the car over, and they all swarmed into the carriage of the troop carrier like bees.

"Run! Tide of zombies! It's a tide of zombies!"

At this time, whether male or female, they all screamed in fear, like a young wife whose pants were stripped by thugs.

But the rated carrying capacity of these two troop carriers is only eleven or twelve people. Even if they are crowded, they can only squeeze in about twenty. But there are more than thirty of them in total, and the car can't fit them all anyway.

At this time, people were all furious. After all, no one wanted to stay and wait for death, so they all desperately climbed up by clinging to the car box. They pushed each other and looked even more chaotic than the zombies.

People went crazy and used all kinds of stupid tricks such as pulling ears and hair. People on the car were constantly pulled down. One person was pulled down and two people squeezed up. Shouting and crying were loud!

Finally, when everyone was squeezed into the car, the zombies were already close at hand!

Su Yuan stepped on the accelerator hard, and the troop carrier roared towards the zombies!

There were thousands of zombies staring at them with their eyes wide open, and their hideous and bloody faces were getting closer and closer. The footsteps of the overwhelming zombies running up actually gave people a feeling of powerlessness like facing an avalanche.

Not only were there zombies blocking the road, but there were also countless broken-down vehicles. Su Yuan relied on his skilled driving skills to squeeze in wherever he could. If he couldn't get through, he would just step on the accelerator and crash into it!

Everyone in the car was so nervous that they were sweating. Dugu Pang clenched his fists and shouted, "We can't drive forward anymore. If we drive forward, we will crash into the zombies!"

"I just want to crash into them!" Su Yuan stared at the group of zombie dogs in the front, gritted his teeth, stepped on the accelerator, and crashed directly into the zombies.


Dugu Pang and the old madman were so scared that they screamed desperately. Even armored vehicles can't play like this. The zombies in front are not just one or two, but a huge group. The zombies are as thick as a city wall. God knows if the car will overturn!


"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

The armored vehicle first hit a zombie dog, and directly knocked it into a rag and flew into the air.

Everyone in the car felt their bodies shake violently, followed by a series of crashes!

Even through the thick armor plates, the sound still made everyone's heart ache.

Some prayed for Buddha's blessing, and some prayed for God's presence. Facing such a group of corpses, everyone could do nothing but pray for God's blessing.

At this time, time seemed to suddenly become very slow, and one second seemed as long and unbearable as a year.

The windshield was soon covered with blood and minced meat, and the wiper speed was set to the fastest speed, which was useless. Su Yuan's vision was seriously obstructed.

Looking out from the car, everything was blood red, as if driving on the Shura field.

After all, the troop carrier is a troop carrier. If you look down from a high place, you can see that these two armored personnel carriers are like chariots that charged into battle in ancient times. With armor plates that can withstand grenade explosions, countless obstacles in front of them were knocked away and crushed!

Whether it was zombies or mutants, nothing could stop this chariot!

But the zombies in front were getting more and more numerous and denser, and the usually nervous Dugu Pang's face also became ugly.

"What should we do? Boss, we can't get out! If this goes on, the car will be forced to stop by the tide of zombies sooner or later!"

Su Yuan growled: "I know..."

Before he finished speaking, the zombies in front suddenly disappeared!

The car rushed out of the zombies, and it felt like coming to an empty square from a crowded train station.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the wheels suddenly slipped violently, and the direction was completely out of control in an instant. The car spun around wildly, just like driving the car on the ice!

Everyone in the car felt dizzy and screamed desperately. If they were thrown out of the car, they would definitely fall and their brains would burst.

The troop carrier slid out for a full fifty or sixty meters, and finally hit the green belt flower bed on the side of the road!

Even though the troop carrier was extremely heavy and had so many people on board, it still flew up more than three meters high like a can being kicked off.

Then the chassis turned upside down and fell heavily to the ground!

They didn't die at the hands of zombies, but they almost died in a car accident. It can be seen that "Irregular driving makes relatives cry" is indeed not just talk.

Everyone was beaten badly and stumbled out of the car.

Only then did I realize that the road was covered with a thick layer of moss-like fungi, the color of which was almost the same as asphalt. It looked like a layer of petroleum spread on the ground.

When you step on it, the carpet will rupture and something like the mucus in aloe vera will flow out. Slippery and smelling like rotten fish intestines.

"His grandma's!" Dugu Pang covered his head and bared his teeth and cursed: "What is this? Why does it look like shit? It's so disgusting!"

Everyone stepped on the fungus carpet, their feet slipping constantly. Only by supporting each other can we barely stand firm.

Su Yuan's head and feet were stuck in the car by the airbag, and he had to get out a little later. When he saw the fungus carpet on the ground clearly, his face turned ugly.

"No wonder there are no zombies here, please stand still and don't fall! This thing is called crude oil carpet, and it eats meat!"

Dugu Pang said: "Looking at their color, you can tell that they are definitely not the kind of beneficial plants that bask in the sun, drink water, and perform photosynthesis. But this thing has no teeth, so how can it eat meat?"

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