At this time, Su Yuan only had the rope of the Flying Tiger Claw in his hand, and did not hold the Venomous Fang in his hand.

Everyone in the car couldn't help but sweat for Su Yuan when they saw this sudden scene.

Su Yuan was not in a hurry, as if he raised his foot and kicked away the nearest one. Then he freed up one hand to pull out the fang without the gun barrel, and stabbed the second short figure into a skewer.

Only then did he see clearly that the two things that were rushing toward him were actually two mutated teddy dogs. Su Yuan is good at everything, but he has a deep-seated dislike for teddy dogs.

That was when he was in high school. Once, he and a girl he liked were walking in the park near the night market. At the critical moment when they were talking about you and me, he opened his mouth and the girl closed her eyes.

Su Yuan's excited heart and the girl's trembling hands were about to fight, but his teddy dog ​​suddenly hugged the girl's right leg.

From then on, the girl who got Su Yuan would think of that embarrassing and suffocating scene again when she saw Su Yuan, so that the love between the two withered before it had time to sprout.

As the saying goes, "Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet." Su Yuan stabbed his fangs into the mutated teddy dog's body, turned it 180 degrees, and then threw it under the wheel.

The fate of the other mutated teddy was not much better. Su Yuan didn't even want the crystal core on their head. Before the teddy had time to pounce forward, it was cut into two pieces by his gun.

In the past, he was worried that Teddy was still alive no matter how annoying he was, and he had never done anything to abuse small animals. Now that we have arrived at the end of the world, of course we should kill everyone when we see them, and let go of the frustration in our chests.

By the time he returned to the other side, the group of people had opened their mouths in shock, enough to hold their own fists.

Two leading men stood up and ran to Su Yuan, nodding and bowing to thank him for saving his life. The people behind him also waved.

Su Yuan just nodded lightly, then unfolded the map and re-determined the route, preparing to continue his journey to Xuanwu Fortress.

The rescue of more than twenty people was just a matter of convenience on the premise that he was sure that it would not put his own life in danger. I didn't expect that these people who were so desperate that their pants would fall off would be able to come up with anything good to thank him.

At this time, the two men suddenly looked at each other with embarrassment. The bald man came up to Su Yuan with a smile on his face, handed Su Yuan a cigarette, and then said with a smile:

"Oh, I'm so young, but I'm so skilled! Thank you so much for saving my life. Otherwise, all of us would have fed the zombies. Thank you very much! That... I don't know yet. Brother, your name is..."

"Su Yuan. The revived Su, the Yuan of the head of state." Su Yuan did not take the bald man's cigarette and asked casually: "If you have anything to do, just tell me. I have to be on my way."

The bald man coughed twice and said with embarrassment: "It turns out to be Brother Su Yuan. I really admire your name for a long time. The thing is, my brothers and I are all from the 'Rebirth' survivor gathering place ten kilometers away." .

We went out to a nearby town this morning and wanted to get some food to take back. As a result, the gunfire attracted too many zombies and almost surrounded us.

Half of the more than fifty of us died before we escaped here. If you hadn't come to rescue us, we would have been completely wiped out today. "

Su Yuan said "Ah", "A gathering place for reborn survivors? What, are the people in your gathering place all reborn? When did you all get reborn?"

The bald man was stunned, wondering what kind of brain circuit this guy has?

He quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, the word "rebirth" is the name our boss decided to give to the gathering place. He said it means we have regained a new life."

"Oh...just keep talking." Su Yuan thought he had finally found his comrade, but he was so excited.

The bald man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, reorganized his thoughts, and then said: "Aren't we here to look for supplies? Although many people died, we didn't gain anything at all."

He pointed to the two vans on the other side of the river, "Have you seen those two vans? One of them was filled with rice and flour. The other was filled with rice and flour. We found a supermarket and emptied the shelves. The carriage is packed.”

Su Yuan interrupted: "What does this have to do with me?"

The bald man was stunned again. Everyone knows how rare survival materials are in the last days. He did not expect that Su Yuan would not react at all when he heard that there was so much food and supplies in the car across the river.

Originally, he was hesitant before saying this, worried that Su Yuan would abandon them and take away the two carts of supplies if he found out. He even thought of possible countermeasures before finally deciding to speak out.

Now it seems that the role of that countermeasure may be used as a condition to impress Su Yuan to help them.

The bald man smiled awkwardly, " really has nothing to do with you. I just want to ask you if you can do us another favor? Help us get the two cars on the other side of the river to this side."

"If you agree, you will receive 20% of the supplies in the car as payment. I know this is not much, but we sacrificed more than twenty brothers to get the supplies here. If we go back empty-handed, or I brought too little stuff back, so I really can’t explain it to the boss.”

Su Yuan shook his head and expressed no interest at all.

If he wants rice, flour, supermarket goods, and the like, he can get them from any supermarket with his strength.

The bald man took a deep breath. It seems that he has to use his trump card.

He looked at the interior of the "Turtle" and suddenly asked: "Brother, is this car an armored personnel carrier? To be honest, although we wear uniforms and use standard firearms, we are not soldiers. These equipments are all picked up on the road. Did you pick up this car too?"

Su Yuan thought to himself, whether you are soldiers or not, I have already guessed it. The soldiers of our great China are not as bad as you. But the bald man was right about one thing. He really picked up this troop carrier on the side of the road.

"Where my car came from is none of your business. But you said that your equipment was picked up from the side of the road?"

Su Yuan looked at them and saw that each of them had a complete set of equipment with live ammunition, including long guns, short guns, and grenades. It's not unusual to find one or two guns, but it's a bit strange to find so many and so neatly arranged equipment at once. This stuff is not cabbage on the roadside.

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