The meat was so delicious that it was eaten by the owner.

Li Qingquan suddenly turned his head:

“My granddaughter likes to eat luncheon meat. Give me 100 cans.”

Wu Guangyu was surprised and happy:

“Uncle, you are generous!”

The other survivors also looked at him sideways.

In this day and age, can we still consider whether we like to eat or not?

It’s good enough to be full.

“Then brothers, let’s go?” Wu Guangyu asked.

Everyone said:


Each buyer also has several people, or even more than a dozen people, to prevent being robbed by others.

Nearly 200 people followed Wu Guangyu and walked into the dense forest.

Li Qingquan successfully attracted everyone’s attention to himself.

No one paid attention to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan stared at the yellow-haired man.

The yellow-haired man left Wu Guangyu’s team and ran in another direction.


The yellow-haired man excitedly found his companions who were ambushing in the dense forest:

“Boss Peng! Boss Peng!”

Peng Hu was chewing a roast chicken, spitting out the chicken bones and asked:

“Huang Zhiping, how is it?”

Huang Zhiping smelled the chicken and swallowed his saliva, saying:

“Brother Wu has it done! The old man went to the warehouse with him!”

“Good! Hahaha!” Peng Hu slapped his thigh and rubbed his greasy hands on his clothes.

He threw the remaining half-pack of roast chicken to Huang Zhiping:

“You are a good kid, I give you a reward!”

Huang Zhiping was surprised:

“Thank you, Boss Peng! Thank you, Boss Peng! Shall we go and rob the convoy now?”

Peng Hu laughed sinisterly:

“No hurry! There are tanks in the convoy, we can’t deal with them. In addition, the situation in the car is not clear, and we don’t know how many soldiers are in the convoy, so we can’t do it! Let’s go back and control the old man first. As long as he doesn’t go back, the people in the convoy will definitely be anxious, and they will send people to get off the car to find him. Let our people keep an eye on him and wait to catch him! It’s much easier to catch him under the car than on the car!”

Huang Zhiping said admiringly:

“Boss Peng is really a master of planning! The 910th Army won’t target us, right?”

Peng Hu sneered:

“Our attack on the convoy will make a lot of noise, and it will definitely It will be seen by other survivors. I enjoyed the compliments of everyone: “Go! Let’s go back! Huang Zhiping, you bring 5 brothers to stare next to the team. If someone can come down, you can catch it, and send someone to notify me! I get that old man and those pigs, and soon come back.” “With these pigs, I can dig out more fairy fruit! 10 to the brothers! “” Long live Peng! “Everyone cheered. Peng Hu took everyone to the warehouse. … Jiang Fan retracted his eyes. What ghost is the fairy fruit? Since the other party is not going to attack now, I will not be in a hurry. I will catch Peng Hu and his group first.

As for the five people led by the yellow-haired man named Huang Zhiping, they still want to capture my woman, which is ridiculous.

They don’t know what they are facing at all!

Weak beauty?


There are more than a dozen gun-wielding mutants and two powerful mutant beasts!

Even if the women don’t attack, Husky Baiyan and White Fox Xueer can kill Peng Hu and his group.

Jiang Fan also noticed that as Huang Zhiping and others left, other small vendors gradually packed up their stalls and prepared to leave.

It seems that all the actions are to trick these 200 people to go to their territory.

What do they want to do?

Huang Zhiping led everyone to walk hundreds of meters in the dense forest and came to an abandoned factory:

“Brothers, come this way! It’s that warehouse!”

The other survivors were both excited and nervous, fearing that this was a trap.

But there are more than 200 people here, so the other party shouldn’t be that crazy.

Jiang Fan noticed that the red fog around the warehouse seemed thicker than other places.

The field of vision was reduced to about 3 or 4 meters.

The plants here are generally denser and taller than other places.

Even the shrubs that can be seen everywhere are unusually thick here.

The shrubs in other places are only as thick as a bowl, but the shrubs here are almost as thick as a bucket.

The degree of mutation here seems to be higher than

Other places are much bigger!

Li Qingquan whispered nervously:

“Mr. Jiang, I feel something is wrong here.”

Jiang Fan whispered:

“If the situation is not right, you hide too, pay attention to protect yourself, don’t worry about me.”

Li Qingquan took a deep breath:


Others also found something wrong and looked around cautiously.

Jiang Fan’s perception and the light of the mind were running at full capacity.

He found that in the factory behind the warehouse, the red fog was thicker and the plants were taller.

Especially next to a substation at the edge of his perception, the red fog was almost as thick as substance!

There was a low building not far away, and more than a dozen women were chained around their necks and tied to the radiator, and there was even a female superpower among them.

There was a deep pit outside the low building, filled with piles of human bones, it looked like there were at least thousands of them!

What exactly is this place? ! !

Jiang Fan was shocked and curious.

Everyone walked into the warehouse.

In the dark warehouse, there was a faint light from torches, barely illuminating the space, and the red mist was slightly lighter, allowing everyone to see the situation inside clearly.

The warehouse was full of gasoline barrels, with a strong smell of gasoline.

Wu Guangyu stood with a group of armed strong men, grinning at everyone.

Everyone felt something was wrong.

One person shouted:

“Boss, where are the cans?”

Wu Guangyu laughed wildly:

“Cans? What cans?”

He threw several cans on the ground.

The iron cans were strangely shattered, like broken plaster, instantly turning into fine white sand.

How could they look like cans?

The survivors were all stunned.

Jiang Fan suddenly realized:

“It turns out that this guy’s ability is to simulate counterfeiting.”

A few people found something wrong and turned around and ran out.

Halfway through the run, his whole body suddenly caught fire, he screamed, and fell to the ground and struggled wildly.

What was even more bizarre was that even if they touched the gasoline barrel, the gasoline would not ignite.

The flames seemed to have identified them, burning only on them and never spreading out.

Soon, they turned into a piece of charcoal and were completely motionless.

At this time, a group of strong men came out from outside the warehouse gate.

The leader was particularly special, with flames burning in his eyes, and the high temperature distorted the air nearby, making it difficult to see his face!

Only Jiang Fan [saw] his appearance clearly, and it was Peng Hu just now.

Peng Hu snapped his fingers, and a spark flew to the ground.

The ground instantly caught fire.


The flames were obviously controlled by Peng Hu, forming a huge circle of fire, which would not burn randomly, but surrounded all the survivors in the middle.

Everyone exclaimed.

Everyone squeezed into the crowd in fear, fearing that they would be burned.

Peng Hu walked straight through the flames, and the flames automatically made way and then closed again.

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