The lower the floor, the darker the room.

The red fog blocked a lot of sunlight.

The sunlight could hardly shine down.

At the 10th floor, the light outside was like a cloudy day, and the creepers covered most of the windows, making the room even darker.

Below the 5th floor, the brightness outside was like a moonlit night.

It was even worse indoors, with the glass completely covered. If the lights were not turned on, the room would be completely dark.

Coupled with the red fog, no one could be seen 5 meters away.

But perception was still unaffected.

Jiang Fan stood in an empty room on the 2nd floor, looking at the ground on the first floor with a solemn expression.

In [Perception], the lobby on the first floor almost became a sea of ​​plants.

There was a faint glow everywhere, mostly in a neutral yellow color.

A few plants emitted red light, which obviously would attack humans.

Various insects and animals shuttled among the plants.

Huge rats, cockroaches, and ants were everywhere.

Flies and dragonflies were the same size as drones, shuttling and circling among the plants.

Most animals also emitted yellow light.

In other words, they were unlikely to attack humans.

This was probably the survival rule they inherited from the past.

However, as time went by and the competition for survival intensified, it was hard to say that these animals would not regard humans as prey.

In addition, Jiang Fan also confirmed one thing, that perception could [see] the situation under the soil.

The Fortune Center community was built relatively early, and there was no parking lot downstairs.

Under the ground was the foundation and soil.

Jiang Fan [saw] various creatures in the soil, mostly rats and earthworms, which were not a big threat.

Jiang Fan observed carefully for a few minutes and confirmed that there was no threat nearby.

In order to minimize the exposed skin, Jiang Fan took out a thick jacket from his personal space and changed into hard hiking shoes.

After he was ready, Jiang Fan’s heart moved.


Jiang Fan walked through the floor and landed on the first floor.

There was no one in this room.

There was a window that was not closed tightly.

Ivy climbed in through the cracks in the window and grew all over the walls and roof.

At this time, Jiang Fan suddenly [saw] a man and a woman walking carefully over and finally came to the door.

The woman was holding a flashlight for lighting, and the man fiddled with tools outside the door for a while.


The door lock opened.

Jiang Fan was surprised.

Wow, a technical talent!

For ordinary people, security doors are difficult to open.

Even if Zhou Tianhao was given a hammer, it would take a lot of effort to force the security door open.

This man is amazing.

He can open a door in a few minutes!

The man turned to the woman proudly and said:

“See? I told you it was easy.”

He was a locksmith. Before the end of the world, he was just a low-level person who was not taken seriously.

Now spring has come!

The woman said in a sweet voice:

“Brother Liu, you are so awesome!”

Liu Dongqiang said proudly:

“Xiao Jiang, follow me, I promise you won’t go hungry. That food and accommodation is nothing. No matter how much food he stores, it will be eaten up. Follow me, we will drive to each house, and we will drive to the next one after we finish one. We can eat for at least three years!”

Jiang Fan laughed secretly.

It’s a pity that you came a step late, and I took all the supplies!

Xiao Jiang said shyly:

“Brother Liu, I’m not a casual person…”

Having said that, the man and woman closed the door and started to eat each other passionately, and they couldn’t see that there was a person standing in the red mist not far away.

Jiang Fan glanced at the woman, and the system popped up a reminder:

[Jiang Yan]

[Age: 36]

[Quality: 7 points] (contrasting young woman)

[Women’s virtue: 0 points] (a prostitute who has been tested for a long time, multiple infectious diseases)

[Comprehensive score: 0 points]

[Ding! Does not meet the minimum system requirements! ]

Good guy!

0 points, big brother!

I’ve seen it for a long time.

There are also multiple infectious diseases!

Brother Locksmith, enjoy it yourself.

Jiang Fan mourned for the locksmith brother for a moment, and his body slowly went underground.

He controlled himself to fall about 2 meters deep and walked forward in the soil.

The feeling of walking in the virtual underground is very novel.

It was dark around, and the eyes could not see anything, but the perception ability provided vision.

Jiang Fan found that in the virtual state, he could not only pass through stones and soil, but also through creatures such as earthworms.

“500 meters to the east, there is a Yida shopping mall with a supermarket inside.” Jiang Fan identified the direction and headed towards Yida.

rush to the direction of the mall.


After Liu Dongqiang and Jiang Yan had a passionate moment, Jiang Yan was a little impatient and said patiently:

“Brother Liu, don’t stay outside.”

Liu Dongqiang reluctantly pulled out his slippery fingers, and said with a feeling of unsatisfied:

“Okay, let’s get some food first and continue when we go back.”

“Hmm~” Jiang Yan said shyly.

The two began to search the room.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look, but you’ll be shocked when you see it.

The whole room seemed to have been moved by a moving company, completely empty!

Not to mention food, even furniture disappeared.

Liu Dongqiang scratched his head:

“Did this family move out? Let’s change one.”

Jiang Yan was a little disappointed, but didn’t say anything. It was just bad luck.

Liu Dongqiang, a blue chip stock in the end times, must be firmly controlled in her hands:

“Then let’s change one?”

“Change one.”

The two changed one again.

Still empty.

Changed to another one…

Liu Dongqiang was confused:

“Fuck! What’s going on?”

Jiang Yan’s face was not right:

“Why is there nothing!”

Liu Dongqiang hurried to the one he had just visited the day before yesterday.

He opened the door and saw that it was empty!

Liu Dongqiang shuddered.

Where are the things? ! !

Did I touch something dirty? ? ?

He was panicked.

The wall glowed dark red under the reflection of the red mist, and it looked gloomy.

Liu Dongqiang forced himself to calm down.

Before, he relied on his ability to open the lock, so he didn’t cherish the food he got and squandered a lot of it casually.

Now there is not much surplus food at home.

Who would have known that now there is no food!

Liu Ge said in a daze:

“This is a big trouble!”

Jiang Yan’s face was gloomy.


If everything in the room was taken away, what good would the locksmith Liu Dongqiang do?

She wanted to leave right now.

However, leaving Liu Dongqiang would not be a good target.

She could only bear it and glanced at Liu Dongqiang inconspicuously.

In any case, the ability to open locks is still very useful in the end times…

Liu Dongqiang was still confused.

Jiang Yan remained calm and pretended to be panicked and asked:

“Brother Liu, what should I do if I don’t have food?”

Liu Dongqiang was panicked and embarrassed. He was slapped in the face for what he had just boasted. He didn’t know how to face Jiang Yan and said with a red face:


Jiang Yan whispered:

“How about… let’s go to other people’s houses at night… and get some?”

“Steal?” Liu Dongqiang was startled and waved his hands quickly:

“No! No! It will be troublesome if we are caught by the police!”

In peacetime, he was a timid person who didn’t dare to cause trouble at all.

Jiang Yan was so disappointed:

“Brother Liu, can the police still arrest you now? Look how many people died this afternoon, is anyone in charge? And that convenience store clerk killed Coach Zhou in public, did the police come?”

Liu Dongqiang hesitated:


Jiang Yan said aggrievedly:

“I know Brother Liu is a good person, just pretend I didn’t say anything, I just can’t bear to see you starve.”

She hugged Liu Dongqiang’s body, leaned her head on his shoulder, and said gently:

“No matter what Brother Liu chooses, Xiao Jiang is willing to accompany you until the last moment. I only regret that I didn’t meet you a few years earlier and couldn’t give birth to your children. Alas, who made us unlucky…”

Liu Dongqiang’s head banged.

He has lived for more than 30 years, and no girl has ever been so gentle to him.

Not to mention a plump and beautiful young woman like Jiang Yan?

This is not the end of the world, it is clearly my spring!

Liu Dongqiang seemed to hear an evil voice of incitement.


In this situation, can the police still come to arrest people?

If I wait until midnight and quietly open the door, just to steal something, who can find out?

Liu Dongqiang gritted his teeth:

“Okay! I’ll get some food tonight. I know who has food.”

Jiang Yan’s lowered eyes flashed, and the corners of her mouth rose quietly.


This kind of stupid man is the easiest to manipulate.


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