The more you move, the more you move.

Jiang Fan’s heart moved, and the [qi] in [ginger] instantly gushed out, and his body strangely floated back more than 2 meters!

Farther than Zhang Zilin! Jiang Fan raised his mouth slightly:

“With my [qi], I can make about 10 ghost maneuvers, which is definitely a magical skill for sneak attacks and life-saving!”

“Most of the time, there is no need to move so far. If you can control it to about one meter, the consumption will be even lower!”

However, Jiang Fan tried repeatedly, and finally the [qi] was completely consumed, and he was unable to control the moving distance of the ghost maneuver within one meter.

Every time the [qi] began to gush out, it was out of control.

“My proficiency is still a long way from Zhang Zilin’s casual maneuvers. It seems that I need to practice for a long time.”

Jiang Fan was not in a hurry. Zhang Zilin had practiced for 20 years, and he had just started. This was already very good.

Then, Jiang Fan began to practice the burst of blood and qi.

After more than ten hours of rest, Jiang Fan’s muscle aches finally disappeared, and his body recovered again.

“500% can only be used in emergencies, not in daily combat.”

Jiang Fan decided to start with 100% and learn Zhang Zilin’s skills, short and local bursts, so as to extend combat endurance.

He found out that this skill was ridiculously difficult as soon as he started.

When Zhang Zilin fought the mutant frog before, the rise and fall of combat power was so arbitrary and easy.

Only when he changed to his own hands did he realize that this skill was also extremely difficult!

Jiang Fan practiced for 2 hours before he stopped in frustration. It can’t be said that he gained nothing, but that he made no progress.

“It has only been more than ten days since the red fog descended, and Zhang Zilin has practiced to the point where she can use her arms and fingers like a finger. How long will it take me to practice? Is Zhang Zilin really a martial arts genius?”

Jiang Fan frowned.

“Now, I have only two directions.”

“Either continue to increase the overall physique, increase the duration of the burst by 500%, and speed up the recovery speed.”

“Or continue to increase the overall physique to the point where a 100% or 200% burst can crush all enemies!”

So, the goal is clear, which is to increase the overall physique.


Since the skills are not suitable for me, I will just rush at the attributes!

Instead of strengthening the shortcomings with twice the result, it is better to strengthen the advantages to a level that others can hardly reach.

If the skills are not enough, the panel will make up for it!

Jiang Fan took out a handful of physique strengthening fruits and will link fruits and ate them.

One, two, three…


[Ding! Will link increased to 7 stars…]

Jiang Fan’s eyes lit up, and he immediately clicked on the description of will link:

[Will link: 7 stars,

You can establish a will link with creatures within your field of vision and communicate in your consciousness. The distance is 100 kilometers, and the upper limit of will links that exist at the same time is 20;

You can use your will to establish a consciousness space and pull all linkers into it for communication. The upper limit of consciousness space that exists at the same time is 1;

Will +20. ]

Will space!

Jiang Fan immediately activated the will link ability and saw the will bubble again.

Within the perception range, all creatures are surrounded by colorful bubbles of various sizes, which looks very magical.

The colorful will bubbles are like fragile soap bubbles, shaking slowly, as if they will burst with a poke.

Jiang Fan’s own colorful bubbles are the most solid among them, almost motionless and extremely stable.

“Is it the effect of the increase in will?”

“How to establish a consciousness space?”

Jiang Fan studied for a while, and soon separated a small colorful bubble from his will bubble, which was about the size of a quail egg.

Jiang Fan’s consciousness was immersed in it.

This was an infinitely vast pure black space.

Jiang Fan’s heart moved.

The space changed with Jiang Fan’s mind.

A pure white floor with no end in sight appeared under his feet.

The sky above his head turned into a night sky with bright stars.

Jiang Fan’s mouth corners slightly raised:

“Interesting… a virtual world that I can build, and I can also pull others in. This thing is a consciousness BBS.”

Jiang Fan used his consciousness to perfect this space again.

A holy golden mist appeared out of thin air on the pure white floor.

The golden mist surged up layer by layer until it was a hundred meters high.

A huge golden high chair appeared above.

Jiang Fan’s figure instantly appeared on the golden high chair.

He stood on the seat, as if standing on a vast sports field.

Same as on the field.

“I need to…get bigger!”

Jiang Fan’s body got bigger.

It became as huge as a mountain.

He slowly sat on the golden high chair and looked down at the world of will.

Suddenly, Jiang Fan felt his energy was consuming rapidly, and his mind was getting more and more confused, as if he hadn’t slept for three days.

This feeling of consumption was completely different from physical consumption.

Jiang Fan had an epiphany in his heart:

“Maintaining a complex scene requires a lot of energy.”

His consciousness quickly left this small bubble of will.

At this time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he could actually see the scenery in this independent bubble of will from the outside.

White floor, bright starry sky, golden mist and high chair.

However, after his consciousness left, it seemed as if time had stopped and everything had solidified.

“What is this? Archive function?”

Jiang Fan also found that after the time of the independent bubble of will stopped, energy was no longer consumed.

“It seems that it is not to maintain the consciousness space that consumes energy, but to make it [alive] that consumes energy.”

7 stars can establish a consciousness space, what about 8 stars?

What about 9 stars!

Jiang Fan was very excited and took out another handful of will link fruit to eat.



I don’t know how much I ate, but I still didn’t upgrade.

After all, this will link fruit is 1 star. Even if his physique is suitable for will, it is ridiculously difficult to upgrade to 8 stars by eating 1 star fruit.

Jiang Fan kept eating until he felt sick again and wanted to give up, but the surprise came!

[Ding! Will link increased to 8 stars…]

Jiang Fan was overjoyed and quickly checked the panel:

[Will link: 8 stars,

You can establish a will link with creatures within your field of vision and communicate in consciousness, with a distance of 200 kilometers and a maximum of 30 will links at the same time;

You can use your will to establish a consciousness space and pull all linkers into it for communication, with a maximum of 3 consciousness spaces at the same time;

You can force the target into the consciousness space, and the success rate and duration depend on the difference in will between you and the opponent;

Will +30. ]

Jiang Fan immediately noticed the biggest change: forced pull of consciousness!

Jiang Fan found out with a simple thought that this ability has many uses.

For example, to ambush someone.

If you are halfway through a battle with an enemy and suddenly pull the enemy’s consciousness into the consciousness space, the enemy will be startled when he finds that his body is in the air, and the body will naturally make an inappropriate response!

This is your chance to defeat the opponent!

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