The steel bar pierced out of the ground strangely and hit the soft part of the mutant frog’s lower abdomen.


The steel bar slipped and slid out of the mutant frog’s skin!

“Its skin is too slippery, all mucus!” Jiang Fan’s face changed slightly.

However, under Jiang Fan’s brute force, the unsharpened steel bar was not much different from a spear.

Even if the skin was not cut, it was still very painful.


The mutant frog screamed in pain. It could not attack the enemy below its abdomen. It jumped more than ten meters away and hid in the red mist without saying a word, staring at Jiang Fan with mysterious means.

In its experience, the enemy could not see it at this distance.

Little did he know that in Jiang Fan’s perception, it was as dazzling as a torch.

Jiang Fan sneered:

“The beast is quite smart!”

Suddenly, the mutant frog opened its mouth and shot out its tongue!

The distance was too short, and Jiang Fan had no time to react. In a flash, he instinctively held the steel bar horizontally in front of him.


The tongue hit the threaded steel bar, and the steel bar was directly bent into a U shape.

At the same time, the tongue suddenly generated a huge sticky force, sticking to the steel bar and suddenly retracting it, and Jiang Fan’s body was dragged over uncontrollably.

The mutant frog’s big mouth was right in front of him!

“Want to eat me?” Jiang Fan’s eyes condensed, and a supermarket shelf appeared out of thin air in the mutant frog’s big mouth!


The mutant frog bit hard, and suddenly shivered in pain, and immediately spit out the bloody shelf, and the steel bar loosened at the same time.

Jiang Fan glanced at the U-shaped steel bar in his hand, threw it into the space, and then took out a huge construction hammer.

“Since sharp weapons don’t work, I’ll use blunt weapons! If 100% doesn’t work, then 200%! Explode!”

Instantly, Jiang Fan’s whole body was filled with strength.

The mutant frog looked at Jiang Fan with hatred and stepped on him.

Jiang Fan’s body retreated 2 meters like a ghost.


The mutant frog’s webbed feet stepped on nothing.

The hammer followed closely!


It hit the mutant frog’s foot heavily.

Suddenly, the bones broke and the flesh rotted, and the hammer head sank deeply into the flesh and blood.


The mutant frog screamed, and all the muscles in the body visibly contracted into a ball.

It raised its foot suddenly in pain.

A huge force came, and Jiang Fan and the hammer in his hand were thrown more than ten meters away.


Jiang Fan hit the outer wall of the building, his chest was stuffy, and his blood and qi were floating all over his body.

Jiang Fan was furious and instantly started a higher level of blood and qi explosion.

“400% burst!”

He kicked the wall hard and rushed back from midair like lightning.

He stepped on a hole in the wall.

“Die for me!”

Jiang Fan roared, swung the hammer and smashed it down.

The mutant frog immediately shot out its tongue, hitting the hammer, and it made a loud noise of metal collision.


“Get down!” Jiang Fan exerted force again.

The thick tongue could not resist the huge force and was pressed to the ground by the hammer.

The mutant frog was also pressed down by its mouth and fell to the ground.


The mutant frog was scared and turned around and ran, jumping more than ten meters away like a cannonball, and its speed was far beyond Jiang Fan’s running speed.

“Want to run? No way!”

Will link, open!

Jiang Fan’s consciousness forcibly broke through the mutant frog’s will bubble and pulled its consciousness into a blank will space.

The mutant frog was about to jump again, but suddenly found itself in the air, and was frightened and frantic.

The real body fell to the ground with a thud.

Jiang Fan felt his energy rapidly depleted. Even for a mutant frog with such a weak will, forcing its consciousness was a huge consumption!

He quickly closed the will link, and at the same time caught up with the mutant frog, and smashed it with a hammer.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mutant frog was knocked dizzy, and lay on the ground with a gurgling cry, unable to move.

Jiang Fan smashed it dozens of times and found that this thing had thick skin and a layer of slippery mucus on its skin.

Even the hammer was not very effective, and it was extremely easy to slip away, and most of its power was removed.

Jiang Fan took out a stun grenade without saying a word.


Jiang Fan spent a lot of physical strength and used his arm to penetrate the mutant frog’s skin and skull and insert it into the frog’s brain.

He threw the stun grenade into the frog’s brain and quickly pulled it out.


A muffled sound.

The mutant frog’s eyes bulged out, blood flowed from all seven orifices, and its body twitched.

A few seconds later.


The mutant frog

The frog lay on the ground weakly and finally died.

“Huh!” Jiang Fan closed the blood and qi burst and took a deep breath.

The short battle of less than a minute consumed most of his physical strength.

This kind of explosive battle is too much of a burden on the body.

“Fortunately, the effect is good. I finally killed this mutant frog!”

Jiang Fan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and put the body of the mutant frog into his personal space.


Zhang Zilin was silent.

Ding Zhengli still died.

Several other injured people also died.

Only a young man who was bitten by a giant mosquito survived the night.

However, he is still running a high fever, and no one knows how long he can live.

Doctor Du said guiltily:

“I’m sorry, Officer Zhang.”

Zhang Zilin sighed and shook his head:

“It’s not your fault. The virus has evolved too much, and the previous medicine is a bit weak.”

The survivors watching felt cold in their hearts.

It’s too dangerous outside. Even if there are medicines and doctors, once injured, death is inevitable!

When they remembered that it was still more than ten kilometers to the TV station, they were terrified.

How long had they walked, and half of them died!

Even the superpower Liu Gangfeng died.

How many people would be left when they reached the TV station?

Everyone began to retreat.

Think about it, in fact, the Fortune Center is still very good.

Before, they were trapped in the Pinghai Road Police Station, which was always covered by red fog, with a narrow vision, which was both depressing and terrifying.

Now on the high building of the Fortune Center, with a wide view, everyone felt that there was not much point in going to the TV station.

Besides, even if they went to the TV station, would they have enough food?

How is it possible!

The room was very depressing.

At this moment, Yang Jiawei suddenly looked up and said:

“Leader, the mutant frog downstairs seems to be fighting?”

Soon, the fierce croaking of the mutant frog came from outside the window.

It sounds like the mutant frog has suffered a loss? Zhang Zilin was surprised and hurried downstairs to check carefully on the third floor.

The mutant frog disappeared?

She observed carefully for more than ten minutes before going downstairs to check.

The ground was covered with blood, gravel and crushed plants.

The mutant frog seemed to have fought with some animal and suffered a loss!

Zhang Zilin was secretly frightened.

What kind of mutant animal is it!

It can’t even beat the powerful mutant frog!

However, she didn’t think much about it.

Leave quickly while the mutant frog is not here!

Zhang Zilin climbed up the stairs in two steps and said to the survivors:

“The mutant frog is not here now. I’m going to leave. Whoever wants to leave, pack up and leave in 10 minutes.”

Are you leaving now? The people who followed Zhang Zilin looked at each other.

The survivors of Building B just watched coldly.

At this time, walking more than ten kilometers to the TV station?

It’s looking for death!

They won’t go!

Only the six students of the Magic Sea Film and Television Academy are determined to leave.

Hu Liangliang offended Jiang Fan. Maybe Jiang Fan will cause trouble for them one day!

Hurry up and leave the big devil as far away as possible!

Zhang Zilin looked at the crowd and saw that only about 10 people were preparing their luggage. She was a little disappointed, but also secretly relieved.

There were too many survivors before, and she really couldn’t protect them all.

It’s better to have fewer people.

The survival rate should be higher.

Zhang Zilin thought about it and decided to say goodbye to Jiang Fan, then walked up to the rooftop, and jumped over again after accumulating strength.


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