The ground was covered with dust and the ground was covered with dust.

20 meters underground.

Jiang Fan saw everything clearly and smiled with satisfaction:

“Huh? That’s a good thing. It can help me detect that kind of monster.”

He followed cautiously from underground.


On one side of the stadium is an empty playground, which is now covered with half-person-deep lawn.

On the other side is the rostrum, behind which is an indoor basketball court.

Gu Lianying and the group of survivors thought that Wu Junpeng would not dare to enter the playground, but they miscalculated.

Wu Junpeng and others rushed in, and they could only continue to flee in panic.

A small number of people disappeared in the lawn and red mist.

Most people fled into the indoor basketball court.

Wu Junpeng killed a few people, rested for a while, and then chased after them.

As soon as Gu Lianying entered the indoor basketball court, she was stunned by everything in front of her.

For some reason, the red mist here was very light, and the vision was much wider.

The entire basketball court was covered with thousands of translucent cocoons.

These cocoons were large and small, emitting a light blue glow, illuminating the entire basketball court.

The most terrifying thing was that a human or animal was bound in each cocoon!

Most of them were dead, and a few were still alive, looking numbly in the direction of the crowd.

“Save me! Save me!” In the cocoon closest to Gu Lianying, a man reached out to her.

Gu Lianying looked and found that it was Teacher Zhao, who taught vocal music.

Teacher Zhao’s upper body was still alive, and his lower body had long melted into a reddish-brown liquid, dripping down and accumulating at the bottom of the cocoon.

In the liquid, the ground was densely covered with strange tentacle larvae.

They swam and squirmed in the liquid, sucking the liquid quickly.

“Ugh!” Gu Lianying vomited on the spot.

The other survivors were also trembling, at a loss.

Blocked by the cocoon in front, and with Wu Junpeng, the killer behind, this time they were really desperate.

At this time, Wu Junpeng rushed in with a group of people, and saw Gu Lianying and others standing in the open space, and shouted excitedly:

“Hahaha! Run! Why don’t you run… Damn! What the hell is this!”

Wu Junpeng and others were stunned.

“Damn! Something’s wrong!”

Fang Daoping was the first to react, turned around and ran.

As a result, just as he ran to the entrance of the basketball court, a huge tentacle fell from the sky and wrapped around his body.

Fang Daoping screamed in horror:

“Let me go!”

He swung his knife and chopped at the tentacle.


The knife chopped into the tentacle, like a pool of sticky glue, and it couldn’t move at all.

The tentacles pulled him up to the roof.

Everyone looked up.

Only then did they realize that there was a huge translucent octopus lying on the roof, its body appearing and disappearing from time to time.

However, it didn’t look like an octopus.

Its head looked like a spider, with three pairs of long fangs.

There were hundreds of tentacles, waving slowly in the air.

Weird and evil.

Everyone felt cold all over:

“What the hell is this!”

“Mutated octopus?”

“Aren’t octopuses in the sea? How could there be octopuses in the school!”

Fang Daoping was pulled in front of the tentacle monster and screamed in horror.

Dozens of slender tentacles spit out transparent mucus at the tips, and nimbly shuttled through his body, like weaving cloth, and soon wove a huge cocoon.

The tentacle monster hung the cocoon on the basketball hoop, just like other cocoons.

Fang Daoping screamed, but was trapped in the sticky cocoon and couldn’t move at all.

Everyone was shocked.

Through Fang Daoping’s experience, everyone understood.

This tentacle monster seemed to have kept them in captivity and would not allow them to leave.

At this time, a ragged man crawled out of the dark corner, laughing wildly:

“Hahaha! Good! It’s better to die!”

Everyone turned around and saw that there were actually two living people in the corner.

The two seemed to be students of the Magic Sea Film and Television Academy.

One was obviously unconscious and crazy.

The other tall man looked normal.

“Deng Wei, you’re still alive!” A survivor said in surprise:

“You’ve been missing for three days, but you’re still alive!”

Deng Wei was overjoyed:

“Yes! I’m still alive! It’s good that you’re here! With you here, I can live a few more days! Hahahaha!”

Lv Junpeng slapped Deng Wei to the ground and roared:

“What the hell are you laughing at! Tell me! How did you survive!”

Deng Wei was still laughing, and seemed a little mentally ill:

“Hehehe! Tentacle Monster 1-

2 hours to catch a person to make a cocoon. If he dies, I can live for 1 hour, hehe. ”

Lv Junpeng’s face changed drastically.

He looked up at the tentacle monster in horror.

1, 2 hours to kill one?

He looked around.

There are more than 40 survivors here, and he can only live for 40 to 50 hours?

Lv Junpeng said firmly:

“No! I can’t die! I must have a way to rush out!”

Deng Wei sneered:

“No, you’re dead! ‘

Before he finished speaking, Lu Junpeng cut off half of his neck with a knife, and repeated word by word:

“I said, I will definitely rush out!”

The scene was dead silent.

Only the mentally ill survivor was still laughing wildly:

“Hahaha! Dead! All dead!”

He ran wildly in the stadium.

The tentacle monster seemed to really attack only once an hour, and did not attack him.


Jiang Fan focused [looking at] the tentacle monster.

Inside the tentacle monster, there is a fist-sized twisted meat ball, which glitters in Jiang Fan’s perception.

The twisted meat ball absorbs the red mist while emitting [qi] particles around!

“Strange, how can it absorb the red mist?”

Jiang Fan frowned.

This is the first creature he found that actively absorbs the red mist.

Moreover, this tentacle monster can also release [qi]!

Jiang Fan couldn’t help but think of Zhang Zilin’s breathing method.

According to Zhang Zilin’s description, before the red mist, she practiced for decades without any movement.

After the red mist came, she could feel the ginger position filled.

Could it be…

[qi] is not the product of environmental changes, but is produced by some animals or plants similar to the tentacle monster?

Can I absorb this [qi]?

Jiang Fan decided to give it a try.

Judging from the brightness, the tentacle monster’s combat effectiveness is not high.

Mainly because its attack distance is extremely long, and its attack method and defense ability are also very special.

But it is ineffective for Jiang Fan.

He could sink into the ground and escape at any time.

After Jiang Fan confirmed that he was not in danger, he rose from the corner to the ground and walked out.

The survivors heard footsteps and turned around.

There was still a living person?

Everyone only took a look at Jiang Fan and found something wrong.

Why is this guy dressed so cleanly?

It doesn’t look like he is surviving in the end of the world at all, just like a college student coming to the stadium to play on the weekend.

Moreover, this person looks very healthy, with a ruddy face, bulging muscles, and no signs of hunger at all.

Lu Junpeng couldn’t figure it out at all, but he was secretly alert.

Jiang Fan ignored everyone and walked to the bottom of the tentacle monster, which is also the place with the most concentrated [qi].

He sat cross-legged and practiced breathing.

Lu Zhen looked at Jiang Fan in confusion:

“Fuck! Why is this guy here too!”

Lu Junpeng asked:

“Oh? You know him, who is he?”

Lu Zhen whispered:

“He killed Teacher Ding and took Teacher Su away. It turns out he is also trapped here. Where is Teacher Su? Was she eaten by this monster?”

Can he kill Ding Yuxiu? Lu Junpeng stared at Jiang Fan, feeling a little threatened.

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