The sky darkened.

Jiang Fan opened the subspace again and found that the tentacle monster was dead.

The flesh was shriveled, leaving only a thick outer skin.

It was wrapped tightly on the road roller, which looked a bit funny.

In perception, the twisted flesh in its body was still as bright as before.

Jiang Fan climbed onto the body of the tentacle monster.

The mucus on the surface of the skin was cracked and lumpy, and it was very hard.

Jiang Fan walked over the twisted flesh and chopped it down with an axe.

A few minutes later, Jiang Fan dug out a blood-red gem!

This twisted flesh, after the tentacle monster died, actually condensed into a gem.

The shape of the twisted flesh and blood is still flesh and blood, but it has become transparent and looks a bit weird.

“Can this thing also transform [qi]?”

Jiang Fan took the flesh and blood gem out of the subspace.

The flesh and blood gem immediately began to absorb the red mist and release tiny [qi] particles.

Jiang Fan was overjoyed:

“It really works!”

With this thing, when practicing the call method in the future, you can take it out to increase the concentration of [qi] and increase the speed of practice.

Jiang Fan put the flesh and blood gem into the portable space.

Can I kill a few more tentacle monsters?

He thought of the inpatient department of the Third People’s Hospital and couldn’t help but be moved.

Do it as soon as you think of it.

He immediately opened a door and went to the inpatient department again.

Knowing the details of the monster, Jiang Fan had the confidence to deal with it.

The tentacle monster is a great threat to ordinary survivors and other superpowers, but to Jiang Fan, it can only be said to be average.

If you really can’t beat it, just turn it into a virtual and escape.

He turned on the virtualization, walked out of the portal, and landed on the roof of the inpatient department.

The scene in front of him stunned him.

The inpatient department has undergone tremendous changes since the last time he came.

The outer walls of the building are covered with cocoons everywhere!

In the perception, dense tentacle monsters are crawling up the Jinxiu River and crawling towards the land.

Wherever they go, all animals are caught and made into cocoons.

Jiang Fan’s face changed.

In addition, what surprised him was that not all tentacle monsters had that twisted flesh and blood.

All the tentacle monsters here cannot absorb the red mist.

Jiang Fan did not stop, and immediately opened the door again and teleported again.

This time, he came to a place 200 meters away from the river.

This place was originally a residential area, and now it is also covered with dense tentacle monsters!

The survivors had already run away.

There was no living person in the perception range.

The tentacle monsters were entangled with the big trees and jumped on the treetops.

Groups of animals were running away in fear.

If you are not careful, you will be caught by the tentacles, wrapped in a cocoon, and hung on the treetops.

Even a giant cat as big as a car cannot resist the entanglement and strangulation of the tentacles, and will be tied up and turned into a cocoon in minutes.


Jiang Fan’s face turned pale.

Jiang Fan teleported again, this time opening the portal above Jinxiu River.

Jiang Fan did not go out, but carefully looked out from the subspace.

In the perception, the bottom of the water was flashing with dazzling red light everywhere!

Various kinds of terrifying fish, shrimps, frogs, crabs, and water snakes were killing, preying, and becoming stronger crazily!

There are also some strange animals similar to tentacle monsters, and no one knows what kind of animals they mutated from, and they are even more domineering.

Compared with land, the underwater without obstacles is the real Shura field!

Almost all the underwater creatures that are still alive are surprisingly large.

Many of them have ginger in their bodies, and obviously they also have enlightenment fruits underwater.

Jiang Fan’s scalp tingled.

“This is just a narrow river, and it has become cruel. What a horrible scene it will be in the sea!”

Under normal circumstances, these animals can be fought, anyway, it can’t affect humans.

But what if these animals land?

Just like the tentacle monster.

Moreover, many aquatic animals are amphibious!

Jiang Fan was in a heavy mood.

He never expected that the biggest danger was not from land, but from underwater.


Where to escape?

Mohai City is one of the largest cities in Longguo, and it has become like this.

What the hell is going on outside the Mohai?


The ground is too dangerous.

Move your home to the Mohai Pearl Tower first.

It can be far away from the ground, and away from the sea and river.

If the aquatic monster lands, it will naturally be handled by the authorities.

Anyway, the tall people will bear the sky first when it falls.

Let you guys act like cuckolds on TV.

I want to see

Look, if aquatic creatures come ashore en masse, how long can you survive!

Jiang Fan did a simple search and only found a tentacle monster with twisted flesh and blood in its body.

But this tentacle monster was too big.

It was at least 10 times bigger than the previous one!

And it was lying on the bottom of the water.

Jiang Fan would not take such a risk, so he opened the portal and went to the Pearl of the Magic Sea.

After two consecutive teleportations, Jiang Fan stood on the top viewing platform of the Pearl of the Magic Sea.

From the perception, there were actually five survivors alive in the Pearl of the Magic Sea TV Tower.

This surprised Jiang Fan.

However, they were all ordinary people, only the superpowers.

Jiang Fan was not in a hurry to find trouble with them.

He stood a few hundred meters high, overlooking the entire Magic Sea City.

The red fog and sea of ​​clouds covered the entire city, with only a few tall buildings sticking out of the red fog.

Taller and denser than the tall buildings were the trees.

Poplars, willows, sycamores, ginkgo trees, all kinds of trees.

Some trees have grown to incredible heights, even taller than the Magic Sea Pearl TV Tower.

Such a huge tree, the base is probably thicker than a building, and it has almost formed its own ecosystem. The treetops cast a large shadow, and all kinds of animals shuttle between them.

There is an extremely tall tree about one kilometer away from the Magic Sea Pearl TV Station.

A group of strange monkeys from nowhere are lying on the treetops.

They have white faces and black backs, and they all have four arms.

The monkeys probably discovered the enemy, and suddenly let out a shrill cry, leaping quickly on the treetops, and finally rushed into the red fog and disappeared.

Jiang Fan sighed.

“I’m afraid it’s hard for the earth to go back to the past.”

Jiang Fan looked far to the east.

There should have been a blue ocean there, but now it is also blocked by the red fog.

There were no tall buildings or trees on the ocean, only endless red fog, like a sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, a giant sea snake suddenly jumped out of the red fog of nearly 100 meters!

The giant sea snake was covered with silver and blue scales, with terrifying bone wings on both sides of its body and three rows of bone spurs on its back.

Its head was above the clouds, and its lower body was still in the red fog. Its height was almost unimaginable.

The giant sea snake held a giant cruise ship in its mouth, which looked like the size of a cigarette in its mouth!

According to this ratio, the giant sea snake was at least 5,000 meters long!

Jiang Fan was stunned.

Facing this unimaginable creature, he had no words to express it.


The giant sea snake roared through the sky and the earth.

The red fog and sea of ​​clouds within a radius of 100 miles were shaken violently.

Then, the giant snake drew a huge parabola and fell heavily into the sea.




A huge crashing roar was heard, as if a nuclear explosion had occurred.

The mist was huge.

There was even a beautiful rainbow hanging in the sky.

Jiang Fan stared at the red mist in astonishment, and after a long while he said:

“Fuck! Fuck! Ah!”

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