In the dark basement, Wu Sen had already eaten the last bit of dry food, and had not entered the water for three days. Doing a full set of plays, more than ten days ago, he was blindfolded to the basement. For the first few days, Benjamin was so good to have a good meal and a good meal. Nie Ye and others made a pair in order to catch the behind-the-scenes ambassador. Try to rescue his posture. However, since the news that the chip was stolen from the old US side, his situation has turned sharply.

Benjamin’s men sent several photos of his tortured torture to Wu’s family. After discovering that the Wu family’s reaction was not too big, Benjamin probably realized that Wu’s family did not pay much attention to him, and that another association’s Wu Sen had already severed the relationship with Wu’s family. The United States came to the news that the chip had been stolen, and Benjamin completely abandoned Wu Sen as an abandoned son and abandoned it in the basement.

In order to be realistic, Wu Sen was beaten and beaten. After Benjamin began to torture him, he would send someone to treat him. Later, Wu’s attitude was unclear. Benjamin wanted Wusen’s tragic scars to be shocked. Wu Yong, no longer treat him. And this is also Wu Sen's own consent.

Wu Sen thinks that he knows Wu Yong very well. According to his conscience, Wu Yong has always been good to him. He has never touched him since he remembered. Of course, Wu Yong is not a violent person in nature. One child, only Wu Yi, who has never been worried about it, played the most. However, Wu Ye will pretend to play with Lai, Wu Yong will only do it more often, unless he is anxious, he will not hurt him.

In fact, he is more envious of Wu Yong's way of getting along with Wu Ye.

Where will the real father and son be like Wu Yong, and he will be as polite as a guest, how can he get close to him? No, in fact, before his mother died, before he knew the truth, he was as close to Wu Ye and Wu Yong before he was threatened by two mournings, and regarded him as a full day. The best father in the underground is regarded as his greatest dependence.

However, no.

Wu Yong is not his biological father at all.

He was only the product of the mother's red apricots. When he knew the truth, the mother and his biological father were buried in the sea of ​​fire. So far, he still clearly remembers that the man pushed him out of the window at the cost of the crumbling factory...

The mother's red apricots went out of the wall, and the two hearts were clear. The grandmother and grandmother who was still there seemed to have a number. He couldn't forget. When the two old people heard that the mother and the man were buried in the sea of ​​fire, their eyes flashed easily. And turning their heads to their own coldness. At that time, I knew the truth, and I personally experienced all of myself. How guilty is the only thing I know best.

Since then, his feelings for the Wu family have changed.

He hopes that he is the son of Wu Yong, but he is not; he wants to leave the Wu family who makes him feel like a needle, but he must stay, and must get something that can make himself settle down before Wu Yong knows the truth. At first, he certainly couldn't think so much so thoroughly. He just thought of Wu as his own home. He didn't know where he could go when he left. Later, when Wu Yong remarried, when Wu Ye was born, he suddenly realized that Wu Ye was the child connected with Wu Yong's blood, and he was nothing. When Wu Heyu was pregnant with Wu Li, he could fully understand that once the truth was revealed, he would only become a shame that Wu Yong would not recall in his life. He would have nothing like the two crickets said...

In the darkness of the five fingers, Wu Sen’s only thing he could hear was his weakened heartbeat. In an instant, he suddenly regretted it. He couldn't help but think that if he didn't cooperate with Benjamin, he wouldn't design Wu Ye, and he wouldn't gamble on Wu Yong's "Flesh Love", then he wouldn't be trapped in this dead rotten today. Know the basement?

If at the beginning he did not listen to the coercion and temptation of two shackles, he would not do anything, do not smother the pregnant He Yushu, do not design Wu Yong, do not murder Wu Ye, then will everything today be different?

The Wu family, who was born in the city of H, and the Wu family, who respected the maintenance of the prince Zhao, strongly repented and lingered over the heart of Wu Sen over and over again, so that he could not tell whether the body was more painful or more Uncomfortable.

Wu Sen tried to keep himself on the cold wall and used the last bit of force to prepare the mouse around. He had to recall the past and over again, trying to remember the details of each forgetting, so as to keep his mind clear. I don't know if I have heard a fierce dog barking for a minute, an hour, or a day.

Zheng Yaowu, the son of Zheng Dawu who was also controlled, was much better than Wu Sen. Zheng Yaozu's reading performance is good, but it is not a blind nerd. On the contrary, his mind is quite enough. He has a good fist in school, and he is docile and docile on the surface. Teachers and professors like him very much. He has a blue-hearted heart and black hands. The guy who deals with discrimination against the yellow race is never soft. The thorns in the school are not dare. To provoke him, such students inevitably appear to be somewhat independent in school.

After Zheng Yaozu was kidnapped, he first screened his own list of enemies. His old man has limited financial resources. He is only attending an ordinary high school, and his 'enemy' is limited to the thorns in ordinary high schools. He understands them. Those guys will be the most deceived and afraid of hard trials. They will be yelling at a group of people to block him in the alley. It is possible to kidnap him a foreign poor student and he is not daring to do so.

If it is not his problem, then it should be that his father has a problem.

However, Zheng Yaozu can't figure it out. He is just a big gangster. Who will provoke someone to do it with him?

At the request of ‘the kidnappers’, Zheng Yaozu only had a phone call with the old man. Even if he didn’t say the last sentence, he couldn’t understand the specific situation. He could only infer that the old man had a big disaster this time.

Zheng Yaozu was never ashamed of his own origins, and he never looked down on the old man who was a gangster. On the contrary, the father and son were quite emotional.

He can't be the burden of the old man, he must escape!

The person who grabbed Zheng Yaozu had never thought about it. This one-faced book was so thin and thin that the high school student had hidden a blade on his body, which was a big idea, and even let this little mouse run away.

When Zheng Yaozu successfully escaped, He Xiaobao had already let Wu Ye rescue the news. As a result, Zheng Yaozu lost his value, and they were too lazy to send people to chase him.

Zheng Yaozu contacted Zheng Dawu for the first time after he escaped. Nie night, they reached an agreement with Zheng Dawu, and the communication tools of Zheng Dawu were all returned to him. Therefore, Zheng Yaozu contacted his old man for the first time. According to the content of their agreement, Nie night they have to guarantee the safety of Zheng Yaozu. Now Zheng Yaozu has escaped smoothly. Even if they are not happy, they have to help him to return to China safely.

Since the country turned more than ten days, it finally returned to China.

As the mastermind of the kidnapping case, Zheng Dawu, while talking about the conditions with Nie Ye and others, thought about his son's safety and did not consider bargaining for his sentence. After returning to China, Zheng Yaozu learned about the cause and effect of the incident and learned that the old man is very likely to be sentenced to 10 years in prison. It is not worth the old man. In the end, the old man is just a puppet in the hands of others. It is not a mastermind. .

Zheng Yaozu thought about all the words that the old man had said to him, and finally put his eyes on Wu Ye.

"... So, do you do everything possible to block me at home, just to plead for you Lao Nai?" Wu Ye frowned at Zheng Yaozu, and his look was somewhat unpleasant. Anyone who is in the process of organizing a group to brush the boss is disturbed, and the mood will not be too good.

"Yes." Zheng Yaozu stood in the opposite side of Wu Ye, and constantly immersed sweat on his forehead. Until this moment, he finally understood why the old man mentioned the word "Wu Ye" and his body trembled with a look of horror. It’s too sloppy, but as long as there is a 1% hope for the old man to reduce his sentence, he will not regret it.

"Wu Shao, you are more clear than me, my father is also coerced by helplessness to kidnap your nephew, the fault is not one of him." Zheng Yaozu forced the fear in his heart, forced himself to look at Wu Ye's eyes The body, which is slightly thinner than the same age, tried to calm down, but in the end it shivered because of fear.

Before deciding to let Zheng Yaozu come in to meet, Wu Ye received a phone call from Nie Ye, saying that he found Wu Sen. I think about my infamous ‘hole 爹’ big brother, and then look at the 18-year-old Zheng Yaozu’s appearance for his old man, and the mood of the second is slightly more complicated.

After a little thought, Wu Ye sneered: "You are very courageous and filial. I appreciate your two advantages, but they are not enough for me to open up your old subnet."

Zheng Yaozu’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He had the right to gamble and insisted on calmly saying: “Wu Shao, I am willing to do things for you, no matter what.”

Wu Ye sneer: "There are many people who are willing to swear allegiance to me. What is the value of a high school student for me?"

Oath to allegiance? In the eyes of Zheng Yaozu, he made a strong light. He tried to straighten his waist and said: "I have the confidence to pass the test of Harbin and get the full scholarship. My brain is my value."

Can two people say that he is the most hated of learning scum?

"So confident." Wu Ye took up a delicate coffee cup on the coffee table and took a sip. "But, what I want people to do now is not to read Harbin, but to go to the continent to open up some industries for me."

Yucheng now lacks food and water, but still lacks some tight materials, such as salt, such as high-concentration alcohol, such as rare metals, etc. Now he is being stared tight, and people who are close to him are also stared. Tight, and then want to continue to smuggle the world's things to the zombie plane, you have to support another agent.

Moreover, his family now has money to have money, but there is still no power to preserve these wealth. Eggs can't be placed in a basket. For the same reason, it is quite necessary to leave a back road for the family.

"I am willing to go!" Zheng Yaozu did not hesitate.

Wu Ye smiled and smiled and shook his head: "If you are willing, it means that I am willing to do so. I have to think about it. You should go back first."

Zheng Yaozu bite his teeth and dare not entangle again, "Yes!"

When Zheng Yaozu left, Wu Licai asked: "Brother, what do you want to do?"

Two less laughs are inscrutable: "secret."

It’s a secret. You’re still ‘I’ll tell you if you ask me, oh, I want you to beg you, right? I’m not asking you to die.

"Oh." Wu Li nodded indifferently, holding the brain and continuing to play the game, Yu Guang swept to the stupid brother's face with constipation, and the corner of his mouth could not help but bend up.

"..." Oh, fart, it wasn’t like this before! It must be that the old **** of Tonghuang took his baby brother to the wrong! (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

That night, Daqin looked at the long ears of the rabbit boss, and looked at his face with a sullen look. He quickly followed the hair: "Why, who made you angry?" Saying, the poor rabbit leader from his men 'Rescue', the rabbit boss broke away from the master's claws, and quickly followed the big gray and ran away without a shadow.

Second, he bluntly told his ‘big plan’ to tell Daqin, and incidentally expressed his dissatisfaction with Ah.

In terms of grand plans, Daqin can also help improve and perfect. Regarding the issue of A-Lei, Daqin can't talk too much. Just kidding, who can't offend a small sin? Moreover, Aye complained that it was just a mouthful of addiction. He dared to say that Wu was not. It is estimated that he would not want to eat meat tonight (")!

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