Endless Adventure

Chapter 102 - Devil Fruit!

My father looked at me and asked, "Why do you need to train talents? You already have experienced warriors who will support you when you become the King."

I answered him by saying, "From Master Krista I heard many stories about your youth, father. You and master Krista were not only master and subordinate but also great friends. I too want to develop such bounds through adventuring and many battles. Nothing develops friendship more than fighting together!"

My father smiled and said, "Krista, Yoshiie, and Densetsu you three may leave. Meruem, my son you have to stay!" After the three of them left I looked at my father confused.

I asked, "Dear father may I know why I was asked to stay behind?"

He said nothing and looked at the guards that surrounded him. He said, "You are excused too!" Hearing his words the guards slowly left the meeting hall. Only three people were left in the whole gigantic room. King stood up and started pressing parts of the throne. After he pressed different parts of the golden throne I heard a sharp sound of something opening. The throne started to slowly rise up revealing an elevator. King and Queen boarded the elevator and King looked at me he said, "You came here too!"

I followed them and entered the elevator. He pressed the buŧŧon for the lowest floor and we slowly descended. When the door opened I saw something wonderful. The room where we arrived was like a garden of gods. There were many different kinds of fruit trees all with various sizes. It looked like I arrived at the paradise. I went towards the nearest fruit and was shocked to see that it was a Devil Fruit. I looked at every tree to see that every fruit there was a Devil Fruit.

My father looked at the garden and said, "After 300 years of hard work this is the greatest collection of Devil Fruits. There are 78 Dragon Devil Fruits. They all were made from 78 different kinds of dragons. My father and his father too wasted all our life to create this collection. There are 77 available fruits for you to eat here. Choose any of them that you like to consume!"

I looked at the all Dragon Fruits and asked, "Will I become weak to water after eating those fruits?"

My father was confused as to why I asked that question but he still answered by saying, "Weakness to water is the same for every Devil Fruit. The technology of creating a perfect Devil Fruit was only known by the First Void King. Only he knew how to make a Devil Fruit without this weakness! But there was also a downside for that technology as that technology only allowed for a Devil Fruit having only one user. The Devil Fruit of the First Void Emperor after his death never reincarnated into the nearest fruit. No matter how perfect the Devil Fruit is it will always have some downsides! But the power it gives is truly terrifying! If you eat a Dragon Fruit your power will increase hundredfold. Before eating my own I could hardly kill a Dragon but after eating it I was easily able to kill normal dragons! You are my pride in just the age of 9 you already killed a dragon and it was even without using a Devil Fruit! If you eat one right now in the future you'll be the strongest King that ever lived!"

After he said those words I could see tears of happiness in his eyes. Please control yourself you are a king of the world. My mother the queen took out a handkerchief and gave it to my father. I looked at her and was shocked to see that she too was crying. Queen please control yourself you have to be a support for the King, please you have some professionalism.

I looked at the crying King and said, "I don't want any Devil Fruits! The perfect life form wouldn't be perfect if he has a weakness!" After saying that I went towards the elevator and waited for them to come too.

My father stopped crying and his face turned serious. He asked me, "Are you sure? Devil Fruit will give you unimaginable power. And the only weakness it has is water which could be easily avoided by using Geppo!"

With a serious face I answered, "Yes!"

He smiled and entered the elevator. When we were back at the meeting hall King his the secret elevator and called for the guards to come back inside. He looked at me and said, "You can bring those talented people with you. But they all have to be approved by one of the Leaders of the expedition. After he said that he called out for a guard and asked him to bring Densetsu. After few minutes the guard came back with a samurai.

King looked at Densetsu and said, "Follow my son to see if the people he chooses are talented or not. Test them as you see fit! Ah!!! Also I forgot to congratulate you! I heard that your wife birthed a healthy boy!" After he heard the orders he bowed down and said, "I'm happy you care about such an insignificant event. I truly didn't deserve your praise!" After saying those words he stood up and left the room. I followed him.

After we left the castle he asked me, "Your highness the prince where is the first candidate?"

I looked at him and asked, "Do you know WC. Donald's restaurant?"

Densetsu nodded and said, "Yes, even thought I never visited that restaurant I heard many wonderful stories about the place. It is the most extravagant restaurant in the whole Capital. Only the richest and the noblest if the elite could dine there! The candidate is there? Who is it?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, He's there he is one of the three sons of the owner. Right now he works on his fathers restaurant as the waiter."

We quickly arrived at the restaurant and entered it. When the person who stood next to the door looked at us he stopped us from entering and said, "Sorry to tell this to you but you don't have the right outfit to dine in this establishment!"

I looked at everyone in the restaurant and saw that all of them wore suit and ties. He never told me there was such a rule in here.

I looked at the person in front of me and politely said, "I never heard of such rule before. Can you just let me in for this time. I will pay the triple price for the food I ate."

The person looked at what I wore and then looked at Densetsu's clothes. He in a disdainful tone he said, "I don't think you could even afford a food here!"

I looked at my clothing and knew why he said that. I was wearing a commoners clothing made from cheap materials. I hate those extravagant clothing for the nobles so I wear a cheap clothing when I go around the capital.

When I tried to say something the person I was talking to was sent flying. The person broke the door of the restaurant and landed on the other side of the road. I looked at the person who kicked the guy and as expected it was him.

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