Endless Adventure

Chapter 22 - Hunter License.

Two days later I was still walking around the maze. Here I found many different types of poisonous animals. One such animal was a brownish green scorpion. It had a strong poison so strong that he could easily kill a porcupine who by itself was immune to many kinds of poisons. I possessed that scorpion and he had strongest talent of all the animals I possessed so far.

After possessing and stealing many life energies of the poisonous animals. I developed a weak poison immunity. After obtaining it I could eat the plants and fruits from here. Plants and fruits had weakest poison in this maze. The real problem here is the animals that live here. Generation from generations those animals passed their poison in their genes. Making it more and more powerful.

Few days passed and I was before the entrance to the final stage.

Would you ask how I'm sure the finals would be held here?

Simple it's because I already traveled all around the island. After exploring it few times I know everything about this island. The only place I wasn't is the central part of the island.

Also this place had a giant gates made from steel. And it was located on a an island where everything was green. From the animals to the numerous plants. It was obvious that this was a checkpoint.

I pushed open the gates and there were many people there. Most of them were men in black with dark sunglasses. There was also an old man who wore mans kimono and a weird green bean like creature who wore a suit.

Isaac Netero looked at me and said, "So there is the first finalist come and sit here and let's wait for other people."

I looked at him and answered, "No one will come and I'm the only one who passed Fourth stage."

Netero stroking his beard looked at me and said, "Then we have a serious problem. How could we have finals with only one participant."

I answered him calmly, "You could just make me Hunter as there is no more competitors."

Netero said, "Then how could I know you are ready to be a hunter?"

Without saying anything I released my Ren as it showed my raw power and is the easiest way to measure persons power.

I also looked at him and holding my sword I said, "We could also have a little spar so you could know if I'm ready?"

Netero looked interested but before he could say anything Beans his ȧssistant replied, "Sorry but the Chairman has an important meeting after few hours and going there already takes that much. So he has no time. Right?" He said looking at Netero. Netero tensed up and replies, "Yes!"

Netero after feeling my Ren said, "You are really ready to be a Hunter."

After few minutes Hunter License was handed to me. A Hunter license looks similar to a credit card, but slightly thicker and with an inbuilt computer chip. The front shows the licensee's Hunter rank, while the back has a magnetic strip with a unique serial number that identifies each individual to their license. The card's magnetic strip also allows it to be swiped through machines to verify its authenticity and to access special services.

Upon passing the Hunter Exam, candidates will receive a standard Hunter License. However, Hunters can be awarded with stars and entitled to different licenses issued by the Hunter Association for significant contributions to society.

1 Star (Single-Star Hunter) - Given to Hunters who have produced remarkable achievements in a particular field.

2 Stars (Double-Star Hunter) - Given to Hunters who fulfill the first 5 articles of the Hunter Bylaws, who hold an official position and who have mentored at least one junior student who has received one star.

3 Stars (Triple-Star Hunter) - Given to Hunters who fulfill the first 6 articles of the Hunter Bylaws and who have produced remarkable achievements in multiple fields. This is the rarest and most difficult rank to obtain, and it is considered a great honor. Of the hundreds of Hunters in the Hunter Association, the number of Triple-Star Hunters is only about 10.

After receiving it I was said to go to auditorium like place where they talked all about Hunter rules and benefits received by the Hunters. As I already knew most of it, introduction was useless for me but I had to keep listening to it.

After the introduction someone led me to the ship that's gonna take me away. I hope to sometime return to this island.

On a ship first thing I did was to see if animals from the Tephis island had the same training speed. I called out for Hooded Pitohui and the scorpion to come. Then I checked their training speed. It was slow but not as slow as the other birds and animals I controlled before coming to Tephis island. After seeing their speed I came up with 2 hypothesis. First one is Training Nen in boats and ships is harder than on land. The other is because we left the poisonous Tephis island they lost their advantage but because we were still close their training speed was not as slow as the other animals.

After three days boat docked in a city and dumped me there. They didn't even give me money for transportation.

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