Endless Adventure

Chapter 32 - Migration!

I started to read the stone books. They were just history books of the people who lived here. It told about how they arrived to the Known World from the Dark Continent.

The Dark Continent is a place that stretches beyond the Known World which is nested inside the gigantic Lake Mobius (located at the center of the Dark Continent). The ancestors of the human race apparently migrated from there to the Known World, as the deciphering of myths and the study of ancient ruins seem to testify.

The giant Chimera Ant Queen came from there while it is speculated that the Magical Beasts also originated from the Dark Continent as well. You could already guess how dangerous the Dark Continent by just looking at the Chimera Ants. Any Chimera Any soldier could easily kill and experienced fighter. Squadron Leaders have great talent in Nen and could easily learn it with little bit exposure. Royal Guards could use Nen from birth and after learning to control it they are stronger than many Nen masters. They only lose to those super powerful Nen masters such as Netero, Zeno Zolydck, Ging Freecss and ȧduŀt Gon Freecss. The newborn King could beat Isaac Netero( old age) who was considered the strongest Nen user of his generation(in his prime) using only his physical body without enhancing it.

It is written on ancient artifacts that disasters occurred every time humanity excursed to the Dark Continent. Therefore a protocol was established by the V5(V6 after Kakin Empire joined)200 years ago, also known as the Inviolability Treaty, that prohibited said action. But, over the past few years, there have been recorded 149 attempts of voyages to the Dark Continent. Of these only five were successful and had survivors, in the aggregate they were 28, which possessed immense physical prowess and prodigious luck—one amongst them being Beyond. The mere survival rate of 0.04% is indicative of the Dark Continent's hostility toward outsiders. At the end of each one of the V5 expeditions there were brought back one of the Five Threats: the botanical weapon Brion, the gaseous life-form Ai, the twin snake Hellbell, the human feeding beast Pap, and the immortality disease Zobae. It is also implied that Nanika(Alluka Zolycks other personality) is an gaseous life-form Ai. Nanika's victims are either squashed or wrung to death if her requests are refused; some of the ascertained victims of the Five Threats were killed exactly that way. It makes sense because she was stated she came from Dark Continent and was brought here by Zigg Zolydck who traveled to Dark Continent with Netero.

Books stated that people who built and lived in this temple escaped from the Dark Continent. In there they were slaves of certain race. That race was a humanoid creatures with super long limbs and were covered with fur. By their description I understood that they were most likely creatures that looked like Yeti. Those Yeti creatures were super Intelligent and talented. Even newborn babies could use Nen and already knew all the advanced and basic Nen techniques, and developed their own Hatsu. They were super powerful race that could live up to thousands of years. They had only 2 weaknesses which were their low fertility rate and their long lifespans. They had a really low fertility rate. Their long lifespans were their weaknesses because for few reasons. One being their intelligence is related to their age. Even thought they had super intelligence those who were <400 years had same intelligence as normal babies. Only those who lived more than 500 years could be named as genius level intelligence. That's why even though newborn babies already could use advanced and basic Nen techniques and had developed a Hatsu Ability. They were still weak.Other reason is that their evolution stagnated meaning they could not evolve further. This race also had one ability and that is to control magical beasts that are weaker than them.

Yeti race had low population number and to solve those problems they enslaved many humans as humans had high fertility, and were weak. Humans became great slave material.

People who built this Temple somehow escaped those Yeti creatures and arrived at the Known World. But before they escaped they kidnapped a newborn Yeti child. It was to see if they could make him their ally and could train him. If they were successful they also hoped to see if humans could reproduce with Yeti race, creating a race that had prowess of the Yeti race and fertility of the humans.

Kidnapping Yeti race child was their mistake. As after 600 years that child grew up and became an unstoppable monster. That Yeti child killed all the people in the Temple. But they also weren't pushovers they trapped the Yeti child in deep deep underground so he can never escape.

After reading those books I had clear idea about this Temple and its habitants. This also explained why many magical beasts came here. Most likely that child called them here and gave them order to release him.

I took a deep breath and again started to read thru the ancient books to see if there was a clue to where they trapped that Yeti creature. I reread them and still couldn't find any clue.

That underground trap has to be somewhere in the Temple. After that I started to look around the library. To see if there were any secret passages. Sadly I found nothing like that.

Then I conjured the "Stalker Ghost" to see if it could find anything.

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