Endless Adventure

Chapter 38 - Bargain!

As my house was near the Gordeau Desert it took me little bit time to arrive at my house. I hurriedly put the corpse in the refrigerator and made sure it would not start rotting.

As I already have a corpse of a capable fighter I don't have any reason to intervene to the storyline. I made sure it followed the anime. Mafia hires ȧssassins to kill the Chrollo and other Phantom Troupe members. Phantom Troupe members fake their deaths, Kurapika meets up with his friends. He later understands the truth and Gon, Leorio, Killua(kinda) volunteer to help him kill the Spiders. Kurapika captures the Chrollo but Gon and Killua get captured as well. Both sides agree to exchange the prisoners. But before that Kurapika seals Chrollo's Nen. Hisoka gets rejected(I really feel bad for him). Pakunoda is killed by the "Judgement Chain" After she reveals Kurapika's abilities to the remaining members of the Troupe. And at sunrise, September 5th Chrollo begins traveling eastward.

Next day is when I have to make a move to complete one of my missions. September 6th is the First day of the Southernpiece Auction. That's the day when Phinks and Feitan steal a copy of Greed Island and enter the game.

Their copy of the game is my ticket to complete my mission.

Then you may ask why I didn't steal the copy of the game before Feitan and Phinks did?

If I steal that game it could have a grave consequences. Most likely if Feitan and Phinks did not get a copy of the game they would lose interest and wouldn't play the game. If they didn't start the game Shalnark would've never found out that Greed Island is a real place that exists. And most importantly it is located eastward from the Yorknew City. Then the Phantom Troupe enters the game illegally, but they're stopped by the Razor. Later When Hisoka enters the game in search of Exorcist, he would be contacted by the Troupe members, so he can negotiate with Abengane(Exorcist guy).

It's easier to just cooperate with Spiders than to Risk changing the storyline and fail my mission. I possessed the bird and flew after the car that was carrying the game. Shortly after the game was stolen and people who carried it killed. When Feitan and Phinks were leaving I landed next to them.

I raising my wings, I said, "Yo!"

They both looked at me and Phinks asked, "What are you doing in here? Do you want to die so badly?"

I made a scared expression and hurriedly answered, "Please don't I came to make a deal!"

Then I started to say, "I want to enter the game that you stole and for it I will tell you something important! I'm sure you would be happy to hear it."

Feitan with fast hand speed grabbed the bird that I possessed and said, "We are thieves and if we want something we take it, we do not bargain!"

I smiled and answered him, "You can try and kill me but beware that one of you will lose their life just after me." After saying that I looked at Feitan provocatively and said, "I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

Feitan is a conjurer and with an ability "Pain Packer" he conjures a suit of armor that will protect him from the effects of ensuing technique. One technique he has is called "Rising Sun". This techniques power depends on pain and injuries inflicted on a battle. By the looks of it it was a counteractive skill. Counteractive Nen abilities activate after the user takes damage and return it to the ȧssailant. Since the ability user strikes second, they run more risks, which increases the power of the ability. The greater the damage suffered, the stronger the ensuing counter. The most effective ways to neutralize a counteractive-type Nen user are to incapacitate them without injuring them or to kill them with one blow; however, some of them can even utilize death as an activation condition.

By telling all this to Feitan Im giving him a clue that I have a counteractive skill that is activated after my death.

Feitan clearly angry answered me, "Then we just have to torture you!"

I smiled at him and said, "You can torture me if you want but the information that I have is far more valuable than me! I don't think you would want to waste time and torture me!"

"What information?" he asked

I looked at them and said, "I can tell you that after I play the game!"

They both looked at each other and did not say anything.

With a smile I said, "In this world the only people I would not lie to is you, as I'm too from the Meteor City!"

People from the Meteor City share remarkable bonds which have been described as "thinner than water, and yet thicker than blood", to the point they are ready to lay down their own lives for their fellow denizens. This was clearly shown by the Tramp incident. About 10 years ago, a tramp without papers was arrested for murder. When the local law enforcement tried to look for information about the tramp, they found nothing. It was then that the tramp confessed that he was from Meteor City. They extracted "confession" from him and executed him. But later it was revealed that Tramp was innocent and a drug addict committed that crime.

Shortly after the information was revealed, a total of 31 people consisting of the police, judges, inspectors, witnesses, jurors and lawyers who took part in the false accusation of the tramp were ȧssassinated. In one of them, a message was found near the corpse's foot, saying: "We'll accept anything you leave here, but don't ever take anything away from us." The ȧssassins were 31 Meteor City residents that attached a bomb onto their ċhėsts, then exploded themselves with their victims, all at the exact same time, in different locations. All because one of their companions was falsely condemned, 31 people sacrificed themselves, and 31 others were killed, in the name of revenge.

I looked at Feitan and Phinks and asked, "Do we have a deal?"

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