Endless Adventure

Chapter 51 - Replacement!

I went near the room that Izuku stayed and knocked on a door.

He opened the door and peeked his head, "Oh! Meruem why are you here?"

I said, "Can I come in?"

"Yes come." He answered

I entered and looked around the room. It was nicely decorated with expensive furniture. It was the same as in 5-star hotel. Alfred did his job.

I looked at Izuku and with a hesitant face said, "What would you do I if I said I could help you get a Quirk?"

He looked at me wondering and asked, "What do you mean?"

I answered him, "Yesterday I met a good person he told me that he can give Quirks to other people!"

Izuku got excited and said, "I could get a Quirk? I can get a Quirk!"

"Follow me!" I said and led him to the secret room my parents created for me. After knowing I was quite smart I asked them to create a room for my "experiments" they thought I was just doing kid stuff there and just made a small room in the outskirts of the mansion. No one except me and my guards could go there. There was an instance when maid entered it and I made sure she would be fired.

After I got those quirks I understood one thing. That if I use large amount of Stamina I could easily pass the limits of a Quirk. The Quirk that controls Earth originally could only make small holes. But in my hands I created an underground base that is surrounded by a complex maze.

Bringing Izuku was a really risky move as he may tell other people about it. But I still have to do it to complete a mission. In this world to get a Quirk person has to be in a cocoon for 12 hours. I made sure to tell everyone that we would play in this room for whole day and to never interrupt us.

I made Izuku wear a blindfold in his eyes and opened a secret passage. After ten minutes I arrived at my secret base. Using Illumination Quirk I made artificial light inside the base.

I entered a dark room specially created for Izuku and made took blindfold from Izuku's eyes.

"He is here!" I said and continued by saying, "He does not want to be seen by other people. Just close your eyes and keep your calm."

He did what I said and I used my ability. Slowly he was covered by a cocoon and process started. The first ten minutes he would be conscious and hear everything that happened in a room.

Before I brought him to the room I ordered Youpi to change his voice and help me.

Youpi in an old persons voice said, "I'll help this kid so you too have to give me what you promised!"

I said, "Yes! I would give you twenty years of my life. Just give him Quirk, he is my best friend and I would give my life even for him to be happy!"

After we left the room I looked at Youpi and said, "You did well! If you finished everything you could have some free time. Oh also call Pitou to my room."

"As you wish!" He answered

I went towards my own room in the base. It was best room here. After five minutes Pitou arrived.

I said to her, "Did you find the person that I asked you to?"

"I searched everywhere for a person named Chizome Akaguro but its really hard to find him! Please punish me for not doing my job right!" She said

"What about vigilante Stendhal?" I asked

"I found nothing!" She said and continued by asking, "Please forgive my rudeness but why would you need that person?"

"He is a person with great belief and resolve. He could be useful to us in a long run!" I answered.

After dropping out of high school, the teenage Chizome preached an ideology which he called the "Revival of Heroics" through street oratory speeches and soapbox speeches, but his words went unheard.

Over the following decade, Chizome realized that only action could create his ideal world and change Heroics for the better. Chizome researched and disciplined himself in the training of the killing arts through self-study in order to achieve his duty of "Revival of Heroics". During this decade, Chizome's parents died. It is unknown what led to their deaths but it is believed that Chizome was not involved.

Later he became a Vigilante Stendhal. And after that he became what we know as Hero Killer Stain. He started to kill the heroes who he deemed as fakes(basically everyone except for All Might). But later was beaten by Izuku, Iida and Todoroki.

Why would he be usefull to me you ask after reading this long ȧss introduction that I copied from wikipeadia?

Easy that's because I need a charismatic person like him. Right now I'm creating an army of brainwashed puppets and I need someone capable to lead them. I can't do it because I have other problems. My Royal Guards are strong and are good leaders but they're always with me.

And Stain is perfect fit for this job. Stain's ridiculous force of will has a strong impact on the psyches of others, even in during combat. He was able to paralyze several top heroes, including a seasoned veteran like Gran Torino and the No. 2 (now No. 1) Hero Endeavor, with fear despite having suffered severe injuries. He was also able to force many heroes to reconsider their actions and beliefs, even during combat. Even after his capture, footage of his speech to the heroes inspired many criminals and vigilantes into action, bolstering the ranks of the League of Villains considerably.

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