Endless Adventure


Well that was anti-climactic. I hoped to watch how Bokugou will struggle but he lost even before I came. From just a one punch most likely. Let's now just call Izuku a One Punchman

I went towards Izuku and asked, "What happened here?"

He looked at me and answered, "Kacchan just came running towards me. I felt it and send a punch towards him. Do you think he is okay?"

"Yep! He is. Just leave him to me, I'll take him to his house." I said and carried him away. I went towards the nearest park and put him on a bench.

Then i took out my phone and called Pouf. I commanded him, "Pouf take one of the shapeshifting Quirk users and make him pretend to be Bakugou for 12 hours!"

Then I opened a portal to the Underground base. Threw Bakugou in a dark room and initiated the cocoon. Izuku now has an overpowered Quirk which is also a double edged sword. This Quirk would make him a powerful hero but also could make him arrogant. The great example is Bakugou. Before he received a Quirk he was best friends with Izuku but after he got it he changed. I just down want Izuku to be an arrogant prick like Bakugou. And the best way to keep him on check is a rival.

I can't be his rival as I'm just too strong. Royal guards are strong but they have other matters to take care off. If there is no rival I'll just create him. Bakugou's Quirk is "Explosion" which allows Bakugou to excrete sweat similar to nitroglycerin from his palms and ignite it at will to create various explosions. It is quite powerful Quirk but it's nowhere close to Biokinesis. To make everything fair I will make his Quirk stronger. Also after he leaves cocoon his body would get far stronger which negate one of his weaknesses. Repeated explosions, particularly large ones, eventually result in throbbing pain to Bakugou's arms and shoulders. Additionally, creating explosions with both arms at the same time causes their overall strength to disperse between both limbs, leading to individually weaker blasts. But with the strong body this weakness would be negligible.

After I put him into cocoon. I left the room to the training hall. Underground Training Hall is the place where my army is trained. When I entered the room Youpi came running towards me. He bowed to me and awaited commands.

I looked at Youpi and asked, "Any of them ready for their first mission?"

Youpi answered, "Yes! Twenty of them are ready."

I said, "Lead those twenty people and start to exterminate criminals. If a criminal has a strong Quirk bring it here. We could make him stronger and make him our power. If you can't just kill them all."

"As you wish!" He answered and started to choose people who he would take with him.

I went back to my room and started to train. After twenty minutes I looked at my mission panel and it said that I already killed/exterminated sixteen criminals. Now I can just stay here and wait till the mission is finished. There are just so many men that want to watch the world burn. As a chivalrous hero I can't stand such a disaster. My puppets go and kill those vile creatures. For the great future of my kingdom.

After eleven hours mission panel stated I exterminates four hundred criminals. After looking at it I closed it and went towards the dark room. When I was there I could feel Bakugou will soon leave the cocoon. Pink smoke started to be released from my body. This Quirk is quite similar to "Somnambulist" Quirk of Nemura Kayama aka

R-Rated Hero: Midnight. Just like Somnambulist this Quirk allows me to put targets to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from my body. Only difference is that my Quirk works better on women and Somnambulist Quirk works best on men.

I know what you thinking after knowing I had this kind of Quirk you perverts. I don't need this Quirk to get the girl. My extremely handsome face is enough to get any girl.

I looked towards the cocoon and waited it to break. After ten minutes it started to break down and Bakugou exited it. Before he could do anything he fell down to the floor. He was asleep. I took him and brought him to his house. Grow and become a great rival to Izuku.


In a big training hall that was owned by the great Okane family the ground trembled and many explosions were occurring. Inside of a training hall two teenagers both about age of 14 were fighting. One of the teenagers was throwing out terrifying explosions towards the other teenagers. Other teenager kept evading explosions and tried to come closer to explosive guy. Not far off other teenager was looking at the fight. This teenager was a super duper handsome.

Behind the teenager stood an intimidating muscular man with a flat face and with no nose. He had rather long black hair which he wore in a messy fashion; it would drape over his face if not for his headband and mask, and small blood red eyes with tiny irises.

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