Endless Adventure

Chapter 58 - Fighting All Might.

There was a silence for few minutes. And finally All Might said something, "You can heal me?"

I answered by saying, "Yes! It's quite easy for me." I could understand what he was feeling. After the fight with All for One he was injured. Now he has a scar that covers most of the left side of his ċhėst. This injury made him use his powers only for 3 hours. And being a hero number one for only three hours is quite hard. When he uses all his powers he would have no other choice than to look how people could die all because his incompetence. And now he has a chance to heal his injury which haunted him for years. Anyone could be dumbfounded after hearing that.

I asked, "Answer faster I don't have all day."

He stutteringly said, "Ye...Yes! Heal me!"

After I heard that I summoned "Doctor Blythe". If someone is not dead I could heal him perfectly with this ability. After seeing something come out of my tail he made a distance between us.

"Don't worry. This ability has no offensive power. Come towards me I can't move when summoning Doctor Blythe." I said which was a total bs. After I upgraded "Doctor Blythe" with Sacrifice. I got rid of it's many weaknesses. Only weakness that was left is that I have to summon it using my tail. Meaning when I use it in battle I couldn't use my tail.

All Might came closer to me and I started the healing procedure. It took only 30 minutes to fully heal him. Small scar was left after the procedure and that's all. Except for that scar he looked completely new.

After I healed him I said, "Take a rest for 10 minutes. After that we will fight. You have no option to reject it."

I made a distance between us and meditated before the battle to prepare myself. If I use all my power I could beat him. But that would be unwise. First of all I have many quirk and if I reveal it, he can mistake me for All for One or his successor. Even if he is weaker he has a strong will. It was clearly demonstrated in his battle against All for One. One of All For One's primary strategies in their fight was to wear down All Might psychologically, such as taunting All Might by mentioning the latter's former mentor and predecessor, Nana Shimura, as well as revealing that Tomura Shigaraki is her grandson. The first taunt enraged All Might, while Tomura's kinship to Nana made him despair greatly. However, in spite of the guerrilla warfare employed by All For One, All might remembered Nana's teachings on heroism, and re-established his will, enabling the weakened hero to muster up some of his remaining power in order to continue fighting. Worn out of his muscle form and faced with certain defeat at the hands of a virtually unscathed All For One, All Might was still able to channel what was left of One For All to defeat All For One in a single strike.

Even a cornered rabbit will fight with teeth and claws. As such it is unwise to use many quirks.

Ten minutes ended quickly and I summoned my tail again. Pointing my tail towards him I said, "You can attack first."

He raised his hands in a cross position and ran up towards me yelling, "Carolina Smash". I couldn't even say anything. Why would you announce what attack you'll perform. Using my tail I blocked it.

When he performed downwards cross chop I waited till he finished his attack. My tail was injured but ignoring it I made my tail longer and tried to trap him inside my tail like a snake.

I got this quirk seven years ago. This was a basic quirk that could make my limbs longer. I kept it because it was quite useful as it could make my tail as long as I want and use it as a whip.

All Might kicked the floor to propel himself upwards and escape my tail. I couldn't let him go so I made my tail follow him and try to at least trap his legs. When my tail almost trapped his legs he kicked my tail and further propelled himself.

He landed quite the distance away from me. I slammed my tail towards him. He dodged it. When my tail landed on a concrete floor it made a long print full of cracks.

Best strategy to take advantage of my weakness is to come closer to me as fast as possible and send a punch towards my unguarded body. As my tail is quite long right now it would be harder to make it protect me. It would take some time to bring it back to guard me.

I kept making my tail longer. So long that it would create a weakness. I kept slamming my tail trying to hit All Might. When my tail was quite long using his incredible speed he ran up to me. When he was near me I transformed my legs to chimera ant legs which were hidden because of my shoes and jeans. I kicked the ground and dodged his punch. When he tried to again punch me my tail already arrived after his back. Using all of my tails's power I tried to pierce back of his neck with my stinger.

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