Endless Adventure

Chapter 61 - Do not skip this chapter!

Endeavor concentrated his flames into white hot point on his both fists and he yelled out, "Double Flashfire Fists - Jet Burn" after he yelled that out his punches send out a fiery beam towards his targets. Pitou easily evaded that attack, but Gigantomachia had no way to escape the attack and was hit by it. Gigantomachia was send back.

But it was not easy to win against Gigantomachia. There was left a big burn mark on his body but he could still fight. Again Gigantomachia grew in sizes. This made Endeavor more angry. He ignored Pitou and started to fight against Gigantomachia. Knowing it was her chance Pitou started to search for something. And after few seconds she spotted a fainted young woman that Gigantomachia abducted.

Pitou grabbed her and tried to run away but before she did so Gigantomachia arrived just behind her and send out a punch towards her. Using all her might Pitou further increased her speed and bȧrėly escaped the punch.

When Gigantomachia again tried to catch Pitou he heard someone yell out " Flashfire Fist - Hell Spider". Endeavor's fingertips emitted beams of fire which he tried to use to slice the Gigantomachia to pieces. His attack left many burn wounds but it was not enough to get rid of Gigantomachia.

But it still gave Pitou a time to escape his reaches. But before she could run away a dark fog like portal appeared out of nowhere. From that portal exited a man. His face seemed to be made entirely of scar tissues, extending from above his upper lip and covering his entire head and the back of his neck. As such, he had no visible nose, ears, hair or eyes, though the outlines of eye sockets can be seen. As a result of having no eyes, he cannot see properly. He had various tubes sticking out of his neck and jaw, presumably to help him with his breathing. There were small holes in the palms of his hands. He wore a navy blue, skull-like gas mask with angular pipes at the top, a wide collar-like life-support system around his neck with multiple other pipes connecting the front and back.

This was All for One also known as the symbol of Evil.

He send out a shockwave towards Pitou helping out, "Air Cannon". Pitou knowing that woman would be endangered she protected her with all her might. When shockwave arrived towards her she was injured but it was not such a bad injury. But the woman was in dire straits as she would almost die if she again received that attack.

When All for One tried to attack Pitou again a giant Dragon fell from the sky. It was a gigantic red western dragon. It opened its mouth and tried to swallow All for One. Later knowing he was in danger he yelled out, "Enhanced Air Cannon" and send out a shockwave that was more powerful than the last. This attack easily destroyed the dragon. But before he said anything he saw hundreds of the same dragons falling from the sky.

Not thinking of anything he covered himself in a black liquid. The same happened to the Gigantomachia who was fighting Endeavor and the woman that Pitou was carrying. The black liquid just teleported all three of them. When All for One escaped the hundreds of dragons that were falling down turned into the dust. He was visible after all the dragons disappeared. He was one of the King's three Royal Guards Pouf.

He flew towards Pitou using his wings and when he arrived there he flew away with Pitou who was terrified and guilty. All the fighters left the scene only leaving Endeavor. And at that moment someone came running towards the place. It was hero number one All Might. He came running as fast a he could, it looked like he was after someone really important. When he arrived at the scene he started to look all around to spot a particular person. Knowing no one was left he went towards Endeavor.


I was in my class listening to the news. It talked about the battle between a giant creature and a teenage girl. During their fight Endeavor appeared and saved everyone. They had no footage of the battle and the people who saw it were already dead.

At the same time I received a mental message that my Royal Guards returned. It was my last class so I packed my things up and went towards the door. At that time I heard someone call my name. It was a girl who sits next to me. If I remember it correctly her family is really close to mine and she is closest person to me who I could call a friend(This being they talk to each other few times a week).

She stuttered and said, "Me...Meru...Meruem d... do you have a f...freeee time today I would like to invite you to my house for dinner!"

I smiled and answered, "Maybe next time."

After I said that I left the school. My driver already waited for me in front of the school.

I arrived at my house and teleported myself into the underground city. There I went towards the Stain's office. When I arrived there I saw all of my Royal guards and a Pitou kneeling on the floor in front of the door waiting for me.

I looked at her and asked, "Why are you kneeling?"

She answered in a guilty tone by saying, "When I was coming back with my people as you asked, I heard a rumors about one quirk. I contacted Pouf and told him I'll be late. That quirk was wielded by Lucky Hero Destiny, who just became a hero. That quirk made a person lucky. I wanted to get that quirk for you as it was one of the quirks you specially asked to search for. I couldn't get it as someone else came and abducted her. I followed him and we fought. He was quite tough so I just couldn't kill him faster. Then hero number two arrived. Hero number two and that guy fought I tried to get the target but he came. The person you were searching for. I couldn't fight him because I needed to protect our the target. That's when Pouf appeared and helped me out. But that person just teleported himself, other guy and the target. I need punished for my incompetence!"

I thought about everything and said to her, "Don't worry that Quirk would eventually be mine. After I get rid of that rat!"

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