Endless Adventure

Chapter 96 - Dragon Slayer 2

Three fastest dragons arrived before my father. Two of them being green eastern dragons and one blue western dragon. All three surrounded my father and them attacked him using their claws. Their claws were as dark and night and their attack carried som much friction that air itself ignited into flames.

My father in his hybrid form used Armament Haki and powered his wings. He then spun those wings and killed attacking dragons who touched his wings. When they touched his wings they just exploded like a bomb was put inside of their bodies. After killing those three dragons he went and started slaughtering other dragons. Most of the dragons he fought knew how to use Armament Haki and from looked of it they were proficient in it. But in front of my fathers Armament it was like comparing a paper sword to the titanium alloy sword( I have no idea if there is that kind of swords but titanium alloy sounds cool!).

In just three or so minutes half of the dragons were killed and other half started to run away. When I thought it ended I heard the roar far more powerful then before. I saw a gigantic eastern dragon who's size was as big as half the island. Even when I saw the island from the sky with my father it was gigantic. Now this dragon is as big as the half of the island. Dragon opened its mouth and said in old woman's voice, "You humans have infinite greed! Your ancestors killed all of my siblings to just make some fruits of it. And even after so many failures you still want to recreate that damned fruit. We never done anything bad against you but your race took it as we were pushovers. You pushed us out of our houses into this small land. Now you come here every fifty or so years and try to kill us! What did we ever did wrong?"

My father looked at the old dragon and said, "You didn't do anything wrong you were just weak! I killed so many of your kin because they would become food for my child! You have to be proud that your power could serve him so that he can be stronger!"

Old dragon answered, "You call yourself strong? Don't make me laugh! All of your power comes from that damned fruit! You killed my kin to make it and now you say that we are weak? The only reason you can kill us because of that damned fruit!"

My father calmly said, "Yes! The fruit was made from dragons body but when I ate it, it became my power! I have full control over it and I'll show you that control!" After he said that his body started expanding and he fully became a dragon. He wasn't as gigantic as the old dragon but I could feel a scary vibe coming from him. His full dragon form was that of a brown western dragon. It looked like normal dragon on the outside. My father started to breath full of air and after few seconds he spewed out a waves of flames. He aimed it at the ocean not at the dragon. The when the fire touched ocean I could see a water vaporizing. The fire breath was super long and after it ended I could see a long and gigantic hole where all the water vaporized. That hole stretched till the horizon and it width was as big as the islands.

My father looked at old dragon and said, "I can easily kill your whole race with just my fire breath! I can destroy this whole island! You weaklings better listen to me and just become a fodder for my family!" After he said that I could see a sadness in the dragons face. It's face was full of emotions! I could see fear, hopelessness, and despair in its face. Dragon was so fearful that he couldn't even think about rebelling.

Then my father looked at me and said, "Son, one day this power would be yours!"

My father turned back into a human and started to jump/fly towards the capital. When we came back he asked me follow him to the throne room. Sitting in his throne he asked me, "What did you learn today?"

I bowed and said, "My dear father! Today I learned that this world is divided into two types of beings. The weak and strong. The strong rule over the weak and weak has no right to rebel. They can only be a fodder for the strong! I also learned that the strong should never get complacent! If they get lazy or do not try to grow they can only be weak. The dragons who once were the strongest just became complacent. They never viewed others as threats until one day the weak got stronger than them. They had so much time to get stronger when humans were weak. But they wasted all that time. They lost their reason to become stronger which made them in weaker, so weak that they're now a fodder!"

My dad looked at me and said, "And who are you? Are you the weak fodder or the strong champion?"

I looked at him and said, "I'm not only the strong but the strongest. Just like my father!"

He smiled and said, "You're a great son! After two years you will start your training. Right now you're just a year and a month old. You're too weak to train!" After he said that he teleported in front of me and picked me up. He brought me to my room and put me on my bed. He looked at me and said, "Good night my little champion!"


After few years.

There were many rumors in the capital of the Void Kingdom. Wherever you go you could hear civilians talk about the hot topics from all over the capital.

Inside one of the bars there was a talk about a prince of the kingdom. One person said, "I heard that when prince was just a year old he flung two wet nurses across his room!"

The other person said, "I heard when he was two years old he caught four fierce rabbits with his bȧrė hands!"

"Those are all old news!" One person said and with a disdainful smile he continued by saying, "I heard that few days ago when prince turned four he killed two bears bȧrė handed!"

Yes! You're reading correctly! This author is unoriginal piece of......

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