Endless Adventure

Chapter 99 - Unnamed

After Training with my arc-human form I encountered one more problem with this race. And that is that I have a weak learning capabilities. When I was training in Geppo it took me more than 10 months to fully master it. It was extremely slow for a person who is a higher life form like me. After researching it a bit I learned that I had a strong learning capabilities strong for a child at least.

Arc-human is a higher life form of human race meaning that I have advantages of the human race and also disadvantages of it. I have a high intellect for a three year old. But I'm still a three year old in this world. A human babies are extremely weak because of the lack of danger for them. In my old world for the first two months of life, babies can't lift their heads without help. They usually roll over for the first time at about 4 months, and sit up at around 6 months. The humans in this world are far stronger and more adaptive but they're still a dominant force in this world. Making the next generation lazier and giving them the same weaknesses.

After learning more about my race I came up with a hypothesis of why my learning capabilities are so weak. They're weak because I am just a three year kid. Even thought I'm arc-human I still have weaknesses of humans which is I'm weak when young.

Of course I have evidence to support my claim. Few days ago during the night I tried using "ULTIMATE" to age myself into a teenager. "Biokinesis" was one of the quirks fused to make "ULTIMATE" so it was easy to age myself. What happened was truly terrifying. When I turned myself into a teenager I felt enormous power. Even thought I never trained other Rokushiki techniques I felt like I could easily use them. When I tried using those techniques I accidentally destroyed my room.

I hurriedly de-aged myself before anyone came. The first person to come was Krista. Just few seconds later my father too appeared with other guards following him. I made up some nonsense about some bomb being placed in my room and it exploding destroying my room.

All of that led to this moment where Krista is leaving for a mission. He was instructed by my father to investigate the person who placed "bomb" in my room. And I was given a new teacher. My new teacher was a person wearing a black robe with black mask that covered his mouth. He had a long dark and messy hair. I couldn't see his mouth but his eyes and cheeks were covered with scars. His hands were too covered with scars. He was one of the strongest people in the Kingdom Rocks D. Field. I knew almost nothing about Rocks family too. In the series just one person was mentioned to be part of it(Rocks D. Xebec) and the only known thing about that person was that he was strong.

When Rocks D. Field came near me I could feel an ominous aura coming from him. He came near me and kneeled. With his hoarse voice he said, "Your humble servant greets his highness the prince!"

I looked at Krista to ask him about my new teacher. When I looked towards the place he stood I was welcomed by the absence of the person I needed. I looked at Field and said, "Will you be teaching me from now on?"

He raised his face and said, "Yes, your highness! You will have the same schedule as before to make it more easy to adapt to the new teacher. Today's lesson ended and I will start to teach you tomorrow. But today I want to see your progress and I will humbly ask you to spar with me."

I nodded at him and made a distance between us. I took out my sword and was ready to fight. Before we started however I heard Field saying, "I request your highness to not use your sword so that I wouldn't kill you accidentally!"

The Soru allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. To use it I have to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. When I did so in my room because of my monstrous leg strength I destroyed my room when I kicked using my legs ten times. Even after returning myself into three year old body I still had the experience of using it. From that experience in just few days I now could easily use soru. I did not master the technique but I am more proficient than normal person who trained in Soru for many years.

After I teleported in front of Rocks D. Field I attacked him using my elbow. After mastering Geppo I made a new technique using it. The new technique I developed was using Geppo with any body part of my body. I could use Geppo using my hands and my elbow. I used Geppo on my elbow to propel myself a back a little then I used Soru to teleport at to the back of Field and I attacked him with a surprise attack.

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