The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

"In the morning, you all told me that you would sacrifice your heart for the Zhenwu prize. At noon, you were all full of ambition and wanted to compete with the gods. In the afternoon, you just lie on the ground and start playing."

"Look at Chen Yan, who has been lying in bed for a year. He works harder than any of you!"

The summer breeze was blowing, and the towering teaching building cut a shade from the molten gold sunset.

More than 50 boys and girls in summer clothes lay casually on the cement ground without sunlight and wailed.

They were sweating and drinking water crazily. Obviously, they were exhausted after running 30 laps around the playground just now.

Even though their eardrums were trembling with the harsh reprimands from their head teacher Wang Yang, the students of Class 3 of Senior 3 still stood motionless with a hard look on their faces, as if they had nails on their buttocks, and refused to leave this cold place.

Wang Yang sighed. Awakening Qi and blood requires constant attempts to break through the limits of the physical body.

But how many people really have that kind of will?

Thinking of this, Wang Yang looked at the young man on the track under the scorching sun, with his eyes softened a little.

"Chen Yan, take a rest. You have been sick for a year, and it is already amazing that you did not repeat a grade. Don't be too tired now."

After Wang Yang's voice fell, the young man on the track seemed to have not heard it at all.

Chen Yan lowered his head, and his limbs moved like a machine.

Lifting his legs, stepping on the ground, leaning forward, and lifting his legs again...

The T-shirt on his body had long faded and the trademark could not be seen, and the fabric was even worn transparent in some places.

Chen Yan had been ill for a year, and had missed a whole year of physical training. Now he had only run more than 30 kilometers, which was already at his limit.

A group of students who were still resting looked at Chen Yan and complained one after another, but they could do nothing about it.

They were not envious of him being praised by the teacher after working so hard.

Chen Yan did not hear Wang Yang's words very clearly, and reality and illusion kept overlapping in his sight.

"It's almost there."

Chen Yan wiped the sweat off his face and spoke vaguely.

In that illusory picture.

Endless void, infinite dead silence.

An orange light brushed across the endless darkness like a tassel.

In Chen Yan's mind, a small tree more than one and a half meters tall stood alone in the mist, its trunk was slender and weak, and there were only seven or eight branches scattered and spread out.

But the miracle of life is often breathtaking. On a branch, there was an orange fruit.

The fruit was round and full, with a majestic word engraved in the center.


The orange light floating in the universe flowed into the root of the small tree and was absorbed by the small tree like pure nutrients.

The fruit engraved with the word [Power] became fuller and fuller, and it was about to be fully mature.

A data panel appeared in front of the small tree.

[Breaking the Saint Realm: Level 1 (1/3)]

[Breaking the Saint Fruit:

Power: (93/100)

Blood (4/100)]

This is Chen Yan's consciousness world. When he recovered a few days ago, this thing appeared.

Rather than saying it is a system, this consciousness world actually has its own name, Breaking the Saint Realm.

This tree is the Breaking Saint Tree.

It suddenly appeared a few days ago. As long as Chen Yan exercises or trains, orange light will appear in the Breaking Saint Realm, nourishing the Breaking Saint Tree to grow the [Power] Breaking Saint Fruit.

Chen Yan had been ill for a year and was in very poor health. Now he has recovered very well because he had eaten a fruit with the word [Power] on it.

As for the fruit with the word [Blood] on it, it needs to absorb the energy of Qi and blood.

It grows very slowly. Whenever Chen Yan exercises to the limit, a few rays of red light will appear in the realm of breaking the saint, and the harvest is very small.

Keep running.

As Chen Yan's exercise becomes more and more intense, almost to the point of testing willpower, the fruit engraved with the word [Power] grows faster.

Judging from the growth rate, it will probably be fully mature today.

On the side, class teacher Wang Yang watched quietly.

Just now, it was the second time he asked Chen Yan to rest. After all, Chen Yan had just recovered from a serious illness and was weak.

But at this moment, he insisted so much that he chose to remain silent.

As for Chen Yan, he had more in mind.

The school will select the Zhenwu Award next week, which will be very beneficial.

It is naturally very far away for him.

But if a person doesn't even have a goal, then he is too pitiful.

Before the Zhenwu Prize Selection, the punching strength is evaluated. If the punching strength does not reach 160 kilograms, you are not eligible to participate.

The Zhenwu Prize has been selected.

"Damn it, keep running!"

"Chen Yan is like this, I can't lose!"

"Keep going!"

The students who were resting saw Chen Yan's efforts at the moment and their faces changed. Some boys shouted and joined in the running.

Chen Yan continued to run, but a figure came to his side.

"If hard work is useful, what's the use of money?"

A boy named Hu Yuan said:

"Chen Yan, do you know that your father owes my family one thousand?"

Chen Yan looked and saw that the boy was his cousin Hu Yuan.

"Go back and tell your father."

Chen Yan's face was slightly gloomy. It was natural to pay back debts, but it was also uncomfortable to be chased like this.

Hu Yuan was his cousin, but the relationship between the two families was difficult to maintain.

The family was too poor and others looked down on him.

Chen Yan took a deep breath. The cash reward of the Zhenwu Prize alone was 20,000. If he got it, it would greatly alleviate the situation at home.

"Did you hear that?" Hu Yuan scolded Chen Yan when he saw that he didn't reply.

Just then, someone cheered.

"Zhang Qingsi has awakened his blood and qi!"

"Wow, he's really awakened!"

"So awesome!"

Chen Yan and Hu Yuan turned their heads and saw that everyone on the playground was running behind him.

There was also an uproar in the teaching building. Students of all grades ran out of their classes and leaned on the railings to look down.

Not far from him, a boy in school uniform was sitting on the ground, surrounded by people. White mist was constantly coming out of his body, and the faint red light was burning like a flame.

"Close your eyes, take a deep breath, don't be anxious, and feel your body carefully!"

The head teacher Wang Yang said nervously, and soon the principal Zhang Yue and the dean of teaching Xia Tong also rushed over. A group of students surrounded the playground, and everyone looked at Zhang Qingsi with envy.

Hu Yuan didn't care about Chen Yan at this moment, and hurried to Zhang Qingsi's side.

After a while, Zhang Qingsi was taken away by the principal.

Soon, there was no one on the playground, and Chen Yan continued to run.

Others awakened their qi and blood, which had nothing to do with him.

But there was only one quota for each class for the Zhenwu bonus, and if he wanted it, he had to defeat Zhang Qingsi.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Yan ran a few more laps.

The school gate opened, and several tricycles came in. A school teacher led several students to meet them.

Soon, a group of people took down the brass metal skin from the tricycle, and soon a welder took a welding machine and roughly spot welded the metal skin together.

It was a human-shaped bronze statue about two meters high, with its body bent down and making a punching motion.

Chen Yan glanced at it briefly, and when he was about to run, his body froze in place.

In the world of consciousness, a ray of light golden light brushed through the endless darkness and flowed towards the Broken Holy Tree. It was always three feet away from the Broken Holy Tree and was blocked by an invisible barrier.

On the prompt panel, a line of text suddenly appeared.

[Tip: Absorption skill energy is detected, the Broken Saint Tree cannot absorb it, and the Broken Saint Tree needs to be upgraded to level 2. ]

Chen Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. He just glanced at the sculpture, which caused the Broken Saint realm to be strange.

When he came to the sculpture, Chen Yan saw the dean of teaching Xia Tong still instructing the sculpture welding, and asked:

"Hello, teacher, may I ask whose sculpture this is?"

Xia Tong glanced at Chen Yan and scolded:

"Stay away, don't you see that construction is underway here?"

Chen Yan frowned slightly, but did not continue to ask, and went for a run.

He knew that he could get benefits by watching this statue, but he could not get these benefits now.

"Congratulations to Zhang Qingsi of Class 3, Senior 3, for awakening his blood and qi. Zhang Qingsi usually..."

The excited voice of the principal sounded in the radio.

The sunset was drunk between heaven and earth, and night was approaching.

The students of Qingshan High School left school one after another.

On the balcony of the office building, the head teacher Wang Yang and the principal Zhang Yue were standing on the balcony smoking.

"Qi and blood awakening, you have to go to the county town martial arts department to register tomorrow."

"Yes." Wang Yang nodded, and glanced at the figure running hard on the playground. He was stunned at first, and then a look of relief appeared in his eyes.

"This kid is hardworking enough. I know about him. You have to tell him not to work too hard after recovering." Zhang Yue also noticed Chen Yan and said with a smile.

"I said, it's useless." Wang Yang smiled helplessly, but the appreciation in his eyes became more intense.

"Hey..." Zhang Yue shook his head:

"Sometimes, many people's extra efforts are due to the problems of the previous generation. I appreciate hard-working students, but I often feel sad for them."

Zhang Yue's eyes sank, and he thought of something, and suddenly said:

"The town martial arts bonus for your class will be decided for Zhang Qingsi."

Wang Yang was stunned, and then said:

"The bonus for Zhenwu is relatively large, let's wait and see next Monday."

Zhang Yue said indifferently:

"It's up to you, but only Zhang Qingsi in your class has awakened his blood and qi."

Zhang Yue left, leaving Wang Yang alone to refill another cigarette.

One, and another.

He looked at Chen Yan who was still running, with a complicated look in his eyes.

He had known for a long time that Zhang Qingsi would be the first student in the class to awaken his blood and qi, after all, Zhang Qingsi's father had three restaurants and a martial arts school in the town.

Various resources were constantly stacked, and he was even extravagant enough to use blood and qi potions to help Zhang Qingsi break through the blood and qi barrier.

How hard do you have to work to fill the gap between the two generations?

Zhenwu bonus...

Zhenwu Division only looks at strength, and a good family means good strength.

The sun sets and it gets dark, but Wang Yang is still looking at the playground.

The two of them were like a silent confrontation, and Wang Yang wanted to see how far Chen Yan would last.

"Not bad, like me!"

When the moon appeared, Wang Yang knew he had lost, but the smile on his lips became more and more intense.

On the playground, Chen Yan suddenly stopped and sat on the track, panting.

In the distant teaching building, Wang Yang smiled and returned to the office.

He didn't know that Chen Yan was full of excitement at this moment.

The broken holy fruit had fully matured, and in the consciousness world, a Chen Yan who was exactly the same as the outside world appeared.

Carefully picking the broken holy fruit, Chen Yan swallowed it in one gulp.

The next moment, he felt that the rolling hot current rushed into his limbs like crazy, and all the fatigue on his body disappeared.

After exiting the consciousness world, Chen Yan in the real world also felt the same feeling.

A gentle and huge force melted in his body.

On Chen Yan's arm, the blood vessels bulged for a moment, and then slowly fell down.

He sat on the ground for a long time.

All the fatigue and muscle soreness in his body disappeared after taking this broken holy fruit.

Slowly accepting everything he had now, a sense of joy emerged in his heart.

The sudden increase in strength made Chen Yan need to adapt to his body, and he clenched his fists.

"Can I beat Zhang Qingsi who has awakened his blood and qi now?"

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