The enemy was in a panic, and the enemy was in a panic.

In the deep mountains.

Boom boom boom!

The bullets and fire were densely packed into a net, and the machine guns and shells were spitting out like fire dragons.

The forest was broken apart.

Ancient beasts with strange shapes shuttled through the forest, jumping up and down. Some were annihilated by the gunfire, while others could pass through the gaps in the gunfire and rush into the soldiers who were firing.

"Damn it, who killed it!"

Old Ji, holding a machine gun, roared, and the muzzle was still aimed at the depths of the dense forest, but he noticed from the corner of his eye that a lizard-like ancient beast was rushing towards him.

Old Ji's eyes were sharp, and the machine gun in his hand was instantly aimed at the lizard ancient beast.

Boom boom boom!

A series of bullets were fired, but they could not stop the lizard's trajectory.

"Fuck, someone come!!!"

Old Ji roared.


A figure suddenly rushed over and hit the body of the ancient beast, and the huge lizard ancient beast was instantly knocked away.

Then, a roar sounded.

The huge lizard's body was instantly split in half.

Old Ji looked at it with lingering fear, but saw a young man walking out of the huge lizard's body, the other party was bathed in blood and the breath was excited.

"New Dragon Guard Genius!" Old Ji exclaimed in astonishment.

The next moment, two more figures rushed over.

Lu Linqian and Zhan Hun.

The woman named Lu Linqian looked at Old Ji:

"Leave this to us, you go over there."

"Okay!" Old Ji nodded quickly.

Lu Linqian and Zhan Hun came to the side of Li Qingyuan, who was covered in blood.

"Not bad, Li Qingyuan, you are so brave on the battlefield for the first time." Zhan Hun praised.

"Compared with Chen Yan, you are far behind."

Li Qingyuan shook his head.

"Keep working hard, you may not be worse than Chen Yan in the future." Zhan Hun encouraged.

Li Qingyuan shook his head and was about to speak.

"Be careful, there are a large number of ancient beasts ahead!"

Behind him, Lao Ji, who was about to evacuate, suddenly shouted. Lao Ji and a group of soldiers immediately picked up their machine guns and fired.


A piercing bird cry rang out.

Zhan Hun, Li Qingyuan and the other two looked over quickly.

But they saw more than a dozen giant flaming birds as big as a two-story building flying overhead.

A blazing feeling came, and these dozen birds were all ablaze with flames, and the flames were burning, just like a blazing flame.

The power was overwhelming.

"Get ready, it's a third-level Fire Rain Bird!" Zhan Hun growled, his eyes showing a solemn look, and he looked at Li Qingyuan:

"You retreat, this is not a battle you can participate in!"

Li Qingyuan nodded quickly.

Just at this moment.

Boom! ! ! !

A long series of roars resounded from behind the crowd.

Zhan Hun's eyes narrowed, and he looked quickly, only to see a shadow suddenly coming from the sky behind him.

Like a fighter plane flying over, waves of air with sharp angles rose up.

In an instant, the figure hit a Fire Rain Bird in the front.


Waves of fire burst out from the top of the Fire Rain Bird, and blood splashed out like sparks.

The man blew off the Fire Rain Bird's head with a punch, and his whole body was burning with flames, but waves of golden air burst out from his body, expelling the flames.

Then, the man stepped on the falling Fire Rain Bird, stretched out his body like a long bow, and slammed into another Fire Rain Bird.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion sounded like a collision of hills.

Under the exaggerated gaze of Li Qingyuan and others, the bodies of the Fire Rain Birds that were still burning fell one by one.

"Who is this? This is too fierce!"

Zhan Hun spoke, and only the golden gas flowing all over the figure could be seen, and the face could not be seen clearly.

Until the end, the last Fire Rain Bird screamed and fell to the ground.

The golden body fell to the ground.

Chen Yan spewed out golden mist, looked at his hands and body, as if wrapped in a layer of golden clothes.

His heart beat violently, like an indefatigable generator.

The blood flow rate and muscles in his body may have exploded to the peak.

This is [Sky Survey]!

Running [Sky Survey] all the time, Chen Yan can feel a strong airflow in his body circulating in all directions.

Constantly stimulating the vitality and strength of the flesh and blood in the body.

Just the entry-level [Sky Survey] can make Chen Yan burst out with a combat power that is 1.5 times higher than before.

In the broken saint realm, golden light surges!

[Break the Saint Tree (Level 4): 9/10

Strength: 29/100

Blood: 19/100

Skill: 75


Body: 15/100

Array: 70/100]


Chen Yan originally thought that the first fruit that would be produced after breaking the Saint Realm would be the [Array] Saint Fruit.

But at the moment when he comprehended [Sky Survey] and successfully entered the door.

The progress of the [Skill] Saint Fruit was surpassed.

Moreover, when Chen Yan continued to use [Sky Survey] and fight, the [Skill] Saint Fruit grew very fast!

Sure enough, fighting is the best way to become stronger.

The only drawback.

It's... a little tiring.

The golden wind dissipated, and Chen Yan exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

"Chen Yan?" A surprised voice sounded behind him.

Chen Yan looked back and saw Li Qingyuan, Zhan Hun and Lu Linqian looking at him in surprise.

As for the old Ji and other soldiers behind the three of them, they were all a little stunned at this moment.

Old Ji was even more stunned. Wasn't this the newcomer who came with them that morning and joined the New Dragon Guard?

When did the newcomers become so terrifying?

Chen Yan smiled and greeted Li Qingyuan. His eyes looked up into the sky, where a tall figure was walking on the wind.

Shen Youning.

"Chen Yan, let's go." Shen Youning said.

"Okay." Chen Yan nodded, then looked at Li Qingyuan:

"I'll go first."

"Yeah... yeah." Li Qingyuan nodded blankly.

Chen Yan was about to leave, but saw that the originally sluggish Old Ji hurriedly said:

"Go to the direction of fifteen o'clock, fifteen kilometers, there is a shortage of reinforcements!"

Chen Yan glanced at Old Ji.

The latter's body froze instantly, and then he actually saluted Chen Yan.

The battlefield is so simple. Old Ji can mock Xu Di, but he dare not do anything to Shen Youning.

Now that Chen Yan has shown a strong fighting power, he will naturally admire him even more.

The next moment.

Chen Yan's figure disappeared.

Behind, Zhan Hun and Lu Qingqian looked at each other.

"Brother Zhan Hun, you said I can surpass Chen Yan, I don't believe it at all."

Li Qingyuan said with admiration:

"Chen Yan is too strong."

Zhan Hun was stunned and nodded.

But there were waves in his heart.

Is this Chen Yan's true strength?

Lu Linqian looked at the direction where Shen Youning left and muttered:

"Didn't Shen Youning always act alone?"


"You can fly in the Horizontal Refining Unity Realm and the Qi and Blood Golden Body Realm, but the stability of the flying state depends on the individual."

Shen Youning fell from a high altitude and rushed into the mountains and forests with Chen Yan.

Chen Yan observed the airflow flowing around the other party from time to time, and was surprised.

Shen Youning was obviously in the Unity Realm.

The other party was no slower than him in killing the third-level ancient beasts.

Very strong!

"Have the ancient beasts here always been in such a riot?" Chen Yan asked.

He did not expect that there would be so many ancient beasts on the edge of Yunmeng City.

"No, if it had always been like this, our military guards would have been killed long ago." Shen Youning jumped on one leg and was on a branch a hundred meters away.

He was in a relatively static state with Chen Yan.

"It's because of the ancient beasts. Every time the ancient beasts riot, it is most likely because of the appearance of the ancient beasts." Shen Youning said:

"So this time, the ancient beast riot is very likely to appear in the ancient beast."

Chen Yan's eyes condensed slightly.

Indeed, the last ancient beast riot he encountered was because of the influence of the blue-eyed ancient beast.

"How did the ancient beast appear?"

Chen Yan was curious. There is an absolute distinction between ancient beasts and ancient beasts.

More powerful, more malicious, and even the same IQ as humans.

"The ancient beast is the product of the ancient god's malicious selection, and it is not considered selection..." Shen Youning pondered for a while and said: "The ancient god is the god of a continent, but this god has malicious intentions in his heart, so the ancient god needs to constantly eliminate his malicious intentions. But malicious intentions will not disappear for no reason. If they condense somewhere, they will crystallize. Once a creature takes this malicious crystal, he is very likely to become an ancient beast." Chen Yan was silent. If so, the ancient god cannot actually be called a god. It is an unknown and powerful existence that exists at the same time as humans. But think about it from another perspective. Humans are born to worship powerful beings and regard them as gods. Perhaps, in the eyes of the ancient god, He does not care whether he is a god of humans. Just like humans do not care about being regarded as gods by a group of ants. Chen Yan's face was calm, but his eyes swept to a distance. On the trunk of the ancient tree, a fly was lying quietly. But everything the fly sees is transmitted to a very far distance.


"No one answered Bingyi's call."

On the car, the dark soul wearing a ghost mask frowned and said.

"Why do we need Bingyi? He is indeed powerful, but it is obviously not possible to kill Chen Yan."

A cold voice rang out.

In the back seat of the car, a woman in white clothes and a snake mask sat upright, looking through the mask at the player placed in the front of the car.

Chen Yan's figure swept across the screen.

"This Chen Yan may have merged." The woman shouted coldly:

"Not to mention Bingyi, even I don't think he can be taken down."

The dark soul was silent, and he was also shocked in his heart.

Today he was still muttering, how dare Chen Yan come out to perform the mission.

Unexpectedly, he just discovered that Chen Yan might have the strength of the unity realm.

Or a horizontal martial artist.

Thick skin and flesh, not easy to kill.

This Chen Yan is very confident!

He originally wanted Bingyi to take action, at least to test the waters, but now it seems that Bingyi may not be able to deal with Chen Yan.

After all, Bingyi practices gun skills. Once Bingyi can't deal with Chen Yan, it will be difficult.

And the one behind him is Zhui Ming, who is at the 12th platinum level in the Tianbang boxing competition.

His assassination ability is definitely better than Bingyi.

The most important thing is that Anhun doesn't really believe in Bingyi.

"You have to pay more, Anhun."

In the back seat, Zhui Ming said lightly.

"Add, our sponsor is willing to spend money." Anhun laughed lightly.

"That's good." Zhui Ming said lightly, and then appeared outside the car.

"Be careful!" Anhun said.

"Haha." Zhui Ming smiled lightly:

"My principle of assassination is to be careful and careful. I only shoot once. If I miss, I will run away."

ps: There is still one chapter, a little late.

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