The old man was very angry, but he was still very angry.

Xu Di was trembling all over, but his face was a little fierce.

He just looked at Liu Hua.

Even though Liu Hua had taken care of him and his sister since they were very young.

Even though Liu Hua had knelt in front of his mother with a carefully prepared rose to propose to her long time ago, and then was beaten out of the house by his mother with a broom.

But now, Xu Di really wanted to slap Liu Hua away.

Chen Yan was indeed very strong, but could he be so strong that he could still remain unscathed in the face of the assassination of a platinum-level boxer in the Tianbang Boxing Tournament?

What's more, this matter is not determined by whether a person is strong or not.

Chen Yan is Bing Yi, Bing Yi needs to join the Dark Soul team and then assassinate Chen Yan.

This matter requires two people to cooperate from the beginning.

Chen Yan does not have the ability to clone himself.

Liu Hua is saving Xu Di, but on the other hand, he is destroying Chen Yan's chance of survival.

"You... you... you really deserve to die..."

Xu Di spoke with a trembling voice, gritting his teeth.

From the beginning, this road was to exchange Xu Di's danger for Chen Yan's chance of survival.

Liu Hua was silent, just standing in front of the curtain of the tent.

The hot summer sun shone a blazing white light directly on Liu Hua's back through the gap between the two curtains.

Looking at Xu Di's fierce and trembling eyes, Liu Hua felt that the white light behind him was also particularly blazing and hot.

The tall figure that was originally majestic and almost supported the entire tent was now slightly hunched.

"I know..." Liu Hua spoke in a low voice, his face became extremely difficult and struggling:

"This is your choice."

Liu Hua roared in his heart.

I really deserve to die!

He came in front of Xu Di and looked for something in his pocket with one hand.

"You...what are you going to do!" Xu Di was shocked.

Liu Hua took out a syringe and injected the antidote in it into Xu Di's neck:

"I'm going to save Chen Yan."

He spoke in a low voice, but regret surged in his heart.

He did save Xu Di, but for the young man named Chen Yan, his behavior was too cold-blooded.

The other party was very strong and could rush to the 20th place in the Tianbang Boxing Tournament with Qi and Blood Martial Arts and achieve the name of Bingyi.

But the assassination of the person in the dark would take a person's life in an instant.

Now, Chen Yan walked out on his own, leaving himself in front of the assassin.

Liu Hua's face became ugly.

The next moment, with a bang, a red evil spirit burst out from the body, and the curtain was messed up by the impact of this wave of blood and qi.

Feeling the effect of the drug disappearing in the body, when Xu Di looked again, Liu Hua had disappeared.

Gritting his teeth, Xu Di stood up and followed him out crookedly.

Time passed slowly.

After Xu Di asked the soldiers from various routes, as well as Li Qingyuan and others.

Finally, at the moment when the drug effect completely disappeared, Liu Hua was found.

Liu Hua was stunned.

And, even though one of his hands was broken, Li Liangui still stood stunned with hundreds of stunned soldiers.

They stood in front of a cave.

The corpses of ancient beasts were flowing with warm blood, piling up everywhere.

The blood soaked into the earth, and before the earth could absorb it, more blood dripped.

Just like that, pools of blood appeared.

With a bang.

A huge corpse of an ancient beast suddenly flew out of the dark cave, and a fierce bloody smell instantly hit his nose.

Xu Di hurriedly drew out the long knife from his waist, and the next moment he saw the ancient beast as big as a mountain falling in front of Liu Hua.

It was a double-winged tiger, with a horrifying bloody hole on its abdomen, and its organs and intestines flowed out of the bloody hole. It was dead and could not be deader.

The blood was stained with dust, making Liu Hua's military uniform very dirty.

But Liu Hua was silent, staring at the dark cave with his eyes.

Until, a spotless and handsome young man who seemed to have never experienced a battle walked out of the cave.

Liu Hua's eyes shrank again, and although his face was calm, his mood was like a raging wave beating wildly.

I really deserve to die.

"This..." Liu Hua said.

"I looked at the military achievement card, and it seems that the military achievement points are not fully recorded."

Chen Yan spoke, but his eyes only glanced at Liu Hua, the main commander, and fell on Li Liangui, who was opening his mouth.

This is not the fault of the military achievement

Card, the general first-level ancient beast exploded into blood in an instant under Chen Yan's bombardment.

The martial arts card didn't have time to sense it.

The stronger the strength, the more likely Chen Yan found that the martial arts card was prone to problems.

This shouldn't be his problem.


Li Liangui glanced at Liu Hua beside him, and then hurriedly said to Chen Yan:

"Martial arts points are used to record merits when there are not many merits. When you are strong, you can apply to have a martial arts array disk imprinted in your body.

The specifications of the martial arts array disk are many times better than the martial arts card!"

As Li Liangui said this, Liu Hua beside him said:

"My people will make a comprehensive statistics of the number of your kills, don't worry about this."

Liu Hua's voice was low, but the intermittent breathing still showed his complicated mood that was difficult to express.

Chen Yan nodded:

"I'm going to rest."

He was indeed tired, [Sky Survey] was indeed useful.

But after opening [Sky Survey], the feeling of extreme fatigue will be constantly fed back to the user.

Compared to the Qingqiong-level A-class horizontal refining breathing method, Chen Yan's body is too weak.

However, after a whole killing, Chen Yan's strength has skyrocketed.

The strength of the tendons, bones and skin has grown one pattern each.

One hundred and three extreme satin patterns!

Although the strength of the tendons, bones and skin has only increased by one, this is just the harvest in a battle!

In the past, I am afraid that Chen Yan would need to accumulate various resources to achieve it.

Resources are not easy to find.

Moreover, the strength accumulated by resources still requires long-term fighting to adapt.

It is different to practice it yourself using the horizontal refining breathing method.

Natural, harmonious!

[Sacred Tree (Level 4): 9/10

Strength: 30/100

Health: 20/100

Skill: 80/100

Physical: 19/100

Array: 70/100]

This is the current data of the Sacred Tree.

As Chen Yan continued to fight, he used [Sky Survey].

The Sacred Fruit with the [Skill] character was almost ripe now.

It would take another similar battle to condense successfully.

Chen Yan walked past Liu Hua leisurely, intending to find a secluded place to rest.

Just now he found the monitor disguised as a fly.

The Dark Soul should be coming.

He was going to start fishing.

"Where are you going?"

Liu Hua hurriedly spoke, but he saw that Chen Yan ignored him.

Liu Hua became nervous.

What he did this morning really made the young man feel resentful towards him.

He stretched out his hand, but watched Chen Yan leave without saying a word.

Is the other party really not afraid of death?

If he really died, Shen Yiwei would probably break his legs.

Just looking at the young man's back, Liu Hua had a lot of words in his heart that he wanted to say, but now it was difficult to say them.

Liu Hua was relieved when he saw Chen Yan jump on the trunk of an ancient tree not far away.

At least the other party did not go far.

Xu Di was anxious, but at this moment, he chose to remain silent like Liu Hua.

The sound of the ancient beast stopped, and Li Liangui's men began to carry the corpse of the ancient beast. Li Liangui broke his hand and went to the back.

Liu Hua began to direct the work.

The ancient beasts here were cleared by Chen Yan alone, and the work of clearing the ancient beasts in other places was much easier.

Going further north, that is the territory that the Yixian City Military Guard is dealing with.

That's where Shen Youning went.

The work was much easier all of a sudden.

Liu Hua glanced at the figure still sitting cross-legged in the deep forest, and his heart was extremely complicated.

At the same time.

A cold female voice sounded.

"Hasn't this been dealt with? Why do we need the Yixian City Military Guard to help?"

Liu Hua and others looked over and saw that a woman in black had appeared on a protruding rock above the cave.

She was very beautiful, and her black clothes were like ink-stained silk.

The hilt of the long sword she carried behind her was inlaid with several pieces of green jade.

Liu Hua's eyes flickered slightly.

Song Yinchen, the fifth genius in Yixian City, has the strength of the middle stage of the Golden Body Realm of Qi and Blood Martial Arts.

I heard that he has long been valued by the Xia royal family, and he may go directly to the highest institution in Lao City after the college entrance examination.

There are many ancient beasts on this side of the cave, and Liu Hua also clearly explained the situation here to Yixian City.

The Yixian City Military Guard dared to send only Song Yinchen to come, which also shows their affirmation of the other party's strength.

"We have finished dealing with this." Liu Hua said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Song Yinchen frowned slightly:

"It made me come here and wasted a lot of time."

There was dissatisfaction in her voice.

Timing is the most important thing on the battlefield

It is an important matter.

Liu Hua's expression was slightly condensed, and a soldier who was still dealing with the corpse of the ancient beast beside him said dissatisfiedly:

"We have asked you for support a long time ago, but you came too late!"

Song Yinchen's face became worse, but the soldier continued to speak:

"If Chen Yan hadn't come, we would have become corpses long ago, and now you blame us first."

The soldier straightened his chest and looked at Song Yinchen.


So what?

I almost died just now, do you know?

Song Yinchen was silent for a moment, glanced at the pile of ancient beast corpses on the ground that was as big as a hill, and reacted at this moment.

Following the awe and gratitude of the soldiers, Song Yinchen's sight passed through the layers of blinding leaves and saw the young man sitting on the tree trunk to rest.

Very young.

Listening to these people's discussions, the ancient beast in the cave was actually handled by the young man alone.

After taking a look at the corpse of the third-level peak double-winged tiger, Song Yinchen's eyes showed a trace of surprise:

"Are you a new genius?"

Liu Hua did not reply, but asked:

"How is your side?"

"Now it is clear that the ancient beast is on our side, probably at the third-level peak." Song Yinchen said:

"Although Lu Mingxuan is here, this level of ancient beast can emit strong malice, and ordinary soldiers can't get close at all.

So we are short of people, short of people with strong will."

Liu Hua was slightly surprised.

Lu Mingxuan, the third genius of Yixian City, is also the first in the military guards.

Although he is on the surface, he is also very powerful.

His realm is only the middle stage of the unity realm, but his own sword intent is already the third level, and it is said that he can cut off the half-step origin.

His strength is probably about the same as the current number one in Yunmeng City.

Song Yinchen said, and looked at the resting young man again:

"If he has a good will, come with me."

Liu Hua shook his head. He had made a mistake before, and now he couldn't make it again.

Chen Yan's assassination would come at an unknown time.

It was impossible to get into danger now.

Song Yinchen frowned:

"Don't dare?"

Liu Hua didn't speak, but Song Yinchen said again:

"Then you come with me."

Liu Hua shook his head again:

"I am the commander, how can I leave with you?"

Song Yinchen fell silent, she looked at Liu Hua intently, and then locked her eyes on Chen Yan again.

The handsome young man who closed his eyes to rest, however, did not move.

Song Yinchen knew that geniuses like them had extremely sharp perceptions.

Now he was clearly looking at the other party.

But the man didn't even have the courage to look at him.

Song Yinchen felt a chill in his heart.

The peak level 3 ancient beast is very powerful, and the malice it explodes will indeed make those with unstable minds fall instantly.

But how can you become stronger if you don't face it?

The figure of the young man named Lu Mingxuan appeared in her mind.

Didn't Lu Mingxuan, who has unique talent, kill his way out with one sword after another?

Hiding here to kill ancient beasts will never make you stronger.

No matter how strong you are, if you don't have the courage to challenge the malice of the world, you can only deceive yourself in a remote corner.

A real strong man, like Lu Mingxuan.

Only when you face the endless malice of the ancient beast will you show the most supreme will!

It's a bit of a waste of time.

Song Yinchen didn't speak,

because there was no need to speak.

Immediately, the figure flashed and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

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