The two of them were in a state of panic.

"Not good!"

Outside the cave, in the void.

Chi Lao's face changed instantly. With the thick mountain between them, he naturally couldn't see what Chen Yan looked like at the moment.

But he could simulate the battle between Chen Yan and the ancient beast in his mind through the perception of gas and malice.

At this moment, Chi Lao obviously realized that Chen Yan was being interfered with by malice, and was on the verge of life and death.

"What's wrong!" Xu Di growled in Chi Lao's hand.

Chi Lao ignored Xu Di, and reached down with one hand, and a sharp cone of energy emitting white light appeared.

Across the mountain, he aimed at the humanoid ancient beast.

Just the next moment, Chi Lao's eyelids twitched wildly.

"Not bad!"

Xu Di was stunned and asked:

"Who is not bad?"

"You are not bad." Chi Lao narrowed his eyes:

"You Chen Yan, not bad!"

Xu Di pursed his lips, but Chi Lao began to sense the flow of Chen Yan's breath more seriously, with a strong appreciation in his eyes.

Just now, Chen Yan must have been affected by malicious intent.

The influence was very serious, more serious than before.

But Chi Lao did not expect that Chen Yan's self-awareness would be so strong.

The consciousness was still struggling in fantasy.

Chen Yan's body had already taken a defensive posture and dodged the attack.

The body has no consciousness.

But the body has reactions and experience.

A person who draws the sword 3,000 times a day, suddenly someone comes to kill him, his brain has not reacted yet, but the sword in his hand has already slashed out.

This is the reaction of the body.

To achieve this requirement, you need to concentrate to the extreme when swinging the sword on weekdays.

Only when you are focused and practice something to the extreme, will your body generate the necessary experience. That is to say. Chi Lao took a breath of cold air. Chen Yan was very serious every time he faced his battle. Chi Lao thought that Chen Yan was too arrogant to fight against the half-step fourth-level ancient beast alone. But now it seems that this is not the case! Chen Yan seemed arrogant to fight against the half-step fourth-level ancient beast, but in fact he was extremely vigilant! Physical diligence is diligence. Thought diligence is even more diligence! "Shen Yiwei, you picked up a big bargain." Chi Lao sighed, and the next moment he was speechless: "Did you appear when I said this?" But a drop of water appeared in the void. The water drop reflected the moonlight, and Shen Yiwei's figure emerged. The next moment, Shen Yiwei appeared beside Chi Lao. "Old Shen, save me!"

Xu Di was so moved that he almost cried. Seeing Shen Yiwei at this moment was like seeing a lifesaver.

Shen Yiwei nodded:

"Chi Lao, let him go."

Chi Lao glanced at Xu Di and was speechless:

"Am I that scary?"

Xu Di was silent, and the next moment he was thrown out by Chi Lao, and slowly landed on an ancient tree.

Chi Lao glanced at Shen Yiwei: "Leave Chen Yan to me."

Shen Yiwei frowned slightly, and then said: "You can let Chen Yan choose for himself."

Chi Lao raised his eyebrows slightly, and Shen Yiwei agreed quite happily.

But when Shen Yiwei looked at the cave, there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Chen Yan must have misunderstood the meaning of the task he gave him.

Shen Yiwei meant to ask Chen Yan to bear the malice of the ancient beast first, so as not to let too much malice spread and affect the outside world.

Whether this ancient beast is promoted to the fourth level or not, Shen Yiwei will solve it personally when he comes.

But I didn't expect that Chen Yan was now fighting the ancient beast by himself.

For such a genius, where he wanted to go should be decided by himself.

Chi Lao was extremely surprised.

Shen Yiwei's attitude made him a little unsure.

"Are you sure?" Chi Lao asked.

Shen Yiwei looked calm, and just when he was about to nod, he said in the next moment:

"I'm not sure."

"Then you say..." Chi Lao cursed, but soon his eyes trembled.

A wave of air swept out from the deepest part of the cave. Although it was plain, the rolling force contained in the air was strong and terrifying.

In the stone cave, two figures collided with each other at a high speed, and the shock caused made the valley "boom".

Indifferent, malicious.

Fiery, powerful!

Boom boom boom!

The rolling golden wind seemed to burst out from every pore of Chen Yan's body.

Chen Yan looked like he was wearing a dazzling golden armor.

The golden armor was like water, fire, and wind.



A low hissing sounded.

Every time the humanoid ancient beast touched Chen Yan's body, large chunks of white debris would be strangled.

The golden wind that originally needed Chen Yan's punch to explode was now always floating on the surface of Chen Yan's body.

This was exactly what shocked Shen Yi.

Chen Yan clenched his fists, and his physical strength exploded to the climax under the stimulation of [Sky Survey].

With his fists clenched, the golden light shot out from the center of his fists, extremely dazzling.

"Enter the spirit!"

"Red Heart Fist!"

Chen Yan's calm voice sounded, and his figure soared freely, almost like flying.

A punch fell, and thunder sounded from the ground!

Gah! ! !

The extremely sharp hissing sound could not stop the fierceness of Chen Yan's punch.

When the punch sank deeply into the body of the ancient humanoid beast, golden light burst out like a blazing fire.

Gusts of wind swept into the body of the ancient beast, crushing it and killing it!

Countless pieces of white flesh flew out and hit the rock wall, shattering countless gravel and dust!

Until the ancient humanoid beast composed of countless white hands was completely turned into powder and scattered.

Wrapped in the golden wind, Chen Yan exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

[Red Heart Fist], into the spirit.

Enter the door, into the heart, into the wonderful, into the subtle, into the spirit.

When a warrior studies a martial art to the subtle, it means that he has mastered it thoroughly.

As for the spirit, that is to surpass perfection and bring a martial art to a level beyond its original level.

Therefore, the spirit-level [Red Heart Fist] was born.

No longer bursting out with a punch, but when Chen Yan fights, every part of his body is bursting out.

Dense as clouds, violent as thunder dragon.

If the humanoid ancient beast wants to kill Chen Yan, it needs to first break the golden energy on Chen Yan's body.

Just like, it needs to be hit by [Red Heart Fist] first!

The birth of the god-level [Red Heart Fist] is not only due to Chen Yan's battle comprehension.

It is also due to the [Skill]-breaking Holy Fruit he took before.

The [Skill]-breaking Holy Fruit contains not only the skill energy of [Sky Survey].

It is also about [Red Heart Fist].

The battle pushed Chen Yan's understanding of [Red Heart Fist] to the highest peak.

Chen Yan's body shook and he sat down slowly.

Feeling extremely tired!

In this battle, Chen Yan's physical and mental limits can be said to have reached the peak.

Compared with the external bombardment of Chen Yan by the humanoid ancient beast.

The internal whipping of [Sky Survey] is extremely terrifying.

[Sacred Tree Breaker (Level 5): 1/50

Strength: 57/100

Blood: 23/100

Skill: 23/100

Physical: 65/100

Array: 1/100

Yuan: 0/100]

In one battle, the [Strength] sacred fruit increased by more than 20 points.

The [Skill] sacred fruit increased by 20 points.

The [Physical] sacred fruit increased by more than 40 points.

Just looking at the increase, we can know how difficult this battle was for Chen Yan.

Let's look at the extreme satin pattern.

28 strength patterns, 28 bone patterns, 29 skin patterns, and 28 tendon patterns.

113 patterns!

A full 10 patterns have grown!

[Sky Survey] is a terrifying exercise for the human body.

When it is used, it is like a 100,000-volt current is constantly stimulating your body.

It damages the body and then repairs it.

Lu Xunyang is really perverted.

The thought of wanting to be one flashed through Chen Yan's mind.

Chen Yan shook his head and looked at the corpses soaked in the blood pools everywhere:

"It can be regarded as... revenge for you."

He didn't want to say this, after all, it was hypocritical.

If a living person stood in front of him, Chen Yan would probably say nothing.

But these people are already dead.

Saying a few words is okay.

When they came to Qingshan, they might have been drinking beer and eating barbecue the day before.

But when they came up, they had already thought that they would die.

When death really came, they could only accept it.

Chen Yan shook his head and looked forward. The humanoid ancient beast was dead.

But the malice was still there.

It was the crystallization of malice.

The giant eyeball that grew the humanoid ancient beast was like a water belt with millions of fine holes, lying on the ground.

But the evil intention of the ancient god inside it did not diminish at all.

The battle was over, and Chen Yan just needed to leave now.

As he rested, the power in Chen Yan's body began to recover.

Soon, Chen Yan stood up.

He looked at the limp giant eye. The eye of the ancient beast with ancient meaning was probably inside the giant eye.

But Chen

But Chen Yan had no intention to look for it at this moment.

Because the malicious crystal that made the ancient beast evolve might also be inside it.

This is what Chen Yan fears the most.

As for the eyes of the ancient beast, it is better to give them to the military guards and see how to divide them for Chen Yan.


Chen Yan turned around.

But at the moment of turning around.

A young man hummed.

"Chen Yan, save me..."


At the same time.

"Deputy Director Shen!"

"Hello, Minister!"

"Old Shen, you are finally here!"

Shen Yiwei appeared in front of the cave and said to Liu Hua:

"The ancient beast is dead, and the rest of the ancient beasts probably won't insist on charging anymore. You lead your brothers to do a good job of checking."

Liu Hua nodded heavily, waved his hand, and left with his staff.

On the side, Lu Xiliang, the director of the Zhenwu Division of Yixian City, saw Shen Yiwei coming and said nothing.

Seeing Shen Yiwei walk into the cave, the Yixian City military guards beside Lu Xiliang looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Go and assist Liu Hua." Lu Xiliang said in a muffled voice.


The others dispersed.

Lu Xiliang followed Shen Yiwei into the cave.

"You have a good son." Shen Yiwei suddenly paused and said:

"Don't waste your son's talent."

Lu Xiliang nodded dully, but he was full of emotion in his heart.

After many years, Shen Yiwei was willing to speak to him because of his son.


He really has a good son.

He felt extremely proud when he thought that his son could kill a half-step fourth-level ancient beast with a group of geniuses.

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