The sun is shining, and the sky is full of sunshine.

In the summer, there are basically few people doing farm work in the countryside at noon.

Most people don't come out until the afternoon.

The setting sun is like a red flame, wantonly pouring the last heat on the countryside.

Under the old tree at the entrance of the village, several shirtless men are playing chess in the sunset.

"Have you heard that Chen Yan from the old Chen family graduated first in the Zhenwu class."

"You just know it, I heard that Chen Yan can be ranked in the top 20 even if he goes to Yunmeng City!"

"Top 20, you are exaggerating."

"Not exaggerating, not exaggerating at all, if you don't believe it, go to Qingshan High School and ask."


Several people kept talking.

Chen Yan.

This name is well-known in Qingshan Town during this period.

When one person succeeds, the whole family will benefit.

Wang Yang, who had helped Chen Yan before, also had a constant stream of visitors.

Even the principal of the county high school came several times, wanting Wang Yang to teach at the county high school.

The old men playing chess sighed, and from time to time someone would look to the east.

Over there, there was a very simple farmyard, which was Chen Yan's home.

It looked simple, but in the eyes of the villagers, the farmyard with locust trees planted in front of the door was taller than the most luxurious house in the village.

The Chen family has a dragon.

I'm afraid that soon, Chen Yan's family will have to move away completely.

Just at this time.

A tricycle carrying sand and gravel was passing in front of the few people.

The driver was a shirtless man with dark skin.

In the car, there was a strong young man who lowered his head and sat in the sand pile in the car.

The few people who were chatting stopped talking instantly.

Hu Zeyuan and his son Hu Yuan.

After Chen Yan's family rose up, Hu Zeyuan was the one who was ridiculed the most in the village.

You don't try to win over such a relative, but you still target him because of a thousand yuan.

A thousand yuan is actually just that for Hu Zeyuan's family, but they are worried that Chen Yan's family can't pay it back.

Ruined the originally good relationship between relatives like this.

"Short-sighted, that's the kind of person."

Seeing Hu Zeyuan driving away, a mahjong player laughed.

"Who are you calling short-sighted!"

A low shout sounded, and Hu Yuan, who was originally sitting against the car frame, suddenly growled at the man.

"Hey, rude!" The man was not a soft persimmon, and at this moment he rolled up his sleeves and sneered.


Hu Zeyuan, who was driving, hummed, not giving Hu Yuan a chance to get angry, and drove the tricycle far away.

Hu Yuan was full of anger, and was breathing heavily at this moment.

Hu Zeyuan, who had been driving, hummed:

"A bunch of fence-sitters, why do you care about them?"

Hu Yuan was silent, just humming and not speaking.

"If you want to be useful, take these people's words as your motivation for success!"

Hu Zeyuan said:

"He Chen Yan can do it, but you can't?"

Hu Yuan didn't say anything. Hu Zeyuan always told him these words during this period.

He was very moved at first, but later he found a book under Hu Zeyuan's pillow.

What Hu Zeyuan said was all from that book.

"Dad, I feel like I can't awaken." Hu Yuan said in a deep voice:

"Teacher Xia Tong clearly said that I have no hope and asked me to practice horizontal training."

Hu Zeyuan looked frustrated, and horizontal training was even more difficult.

He trained himself every day, working himself to death, but he hadn't seen a single line of wrinkles.

After a long time, he became disappointed and didn't want to continue practicing.

"Son, fight for your reputation!"

Hu Zeyuan hummed:

"Chen Yan has been treated favorably by so many people after practicing horizontal training. Don't you envy him?

As long as you can practice horizontal training, Chen Yan will have it, and you will have it too!"

Hu Yuan's eyes flashed, and his heart, which had been throbbing, suddenly became anxious at this moment.

Thinking of Chen Yan's current glory, a trace of throbbing appeared in his heart.

He clenched his fists.

"Dad, I know!"

Hu Zeyuan nodded with satisfaction.

The father and son went home in the sunset.

Time passed slowly.

As time passed slowly.

Suddenly, a low and loud roar resounded from the sky.

In the entire Qingshan Town, every household walked out.

Hu Zeyuan parked the tricycle on the side of the road and looked up.

He saw a flying warship in the vast sky, breaking through the clouds like a flying dragon.

The huge warship, about the size of a ten-story building, suddenly stopped in the sky above Qingshan Town.

The ship shone with a cold light.

Exclamations rang out.

Hu Yuan opened his mouth wide. He had only heard of this kind of thing from others.

Now that he saw it for the first time, the shock in his heart was indescribable.

But why did it suddenly appear in Qingshan Town?

Figures rushed over quickly.

The leader was the new director of the Qingshan Town Military Institute, who saluted respectfully under the warship.


A buzzing sound came from the warship, and the mechanical hatch opened.

A woman in black clothes, with short hair and exquisite looks walked out slowly.

The woman stepped on the void with her feet, and her bright eyes swept over everyone.

Everyone lowered their heads quickly, not daring to look.

That was a warrior who could stand horizontally in the sky.

Hu Yuan, who was as young as a child, trembled all over and dared not breathe.

"Qingshan Town, is Ding Jian from the Zhenwu Office here?"

The woman said softly.


The new director of the Zhenwu Office, Ding Jian, bowed quickly. He was surprised at the moment. Why did such a strong man look for him?

But the woman continued to speak:

"Qingshan Town's Tianjiao Chen Yan swept away the ancient beast cholera and boosted the morale of the army.

Xia Zhangguo said that he came out of the mud with unlimited ambitions, was not arrogant and unremitting, and was a genius like a dragon!"

The woman's voice was clear, but it was spread out in a secret way.

Suddenly, she raised her hand, and a badge with a blue star appeared in her hand, slowly floated out, and fell into everyone's sight.

A series of brilliant lights shot out from the white flames in the medal, which was extremely dazzling.

The woman continued to speak:

"You can be granted a seventh-level general star!

Hereby, spread it to the neighbors, and hope that the talented people of the same generation will take it as an example."

As her voice fell, the badge slowly floated in front of Ding Jian.

The new director was trembling all over at this moment, and the corners of his mouth were about to raise wild laughter, but he quickly held it back.

He had heard of Chen Yan's name, and he also knew that the other party was a genius.

If it weren't for Chen Yan, he wouldn't have the opportunity to be arranged by Shen Yiwei to be the director here.

He had wanted to meet Chen Yan for a long time, but he didn't have the chance.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yan didn't see him, and Chen Yan's honor came.

Looking at the medal floating in front of him, Ding Jian took a deep breath.

The seventh-level star medal is a seventh-level military rank.

This is higher than his official position.

At this moment, he hurriedly took off his clothes, wrapped the medal with the Zhenwu Division's uniform, and saluted:

"Ding Jian, I must hand the medal to Chen Yan in person!"

In the sky, the woman nodded gently.

Why not give the medal to Chen Yan in person?

What if Chen Yan doesn't show off?

This star title is an absolute honor, and it also has the function of inspiring local youth.

So according to the regulations of Daxia.

Each medal is issued directly to the local Zhenwu Office or Zhenwu Division of the genius.

The woman glanced at the dilapidated Qingshan Town, her eyes dim, and murmured:

"Sure enough, she was born in a humble family, but she did not lose her ambition and rose to the top.

No wonder Shen Yiwei values ​​her so much."

Then, the woman stepped into the warship, and the warship left soon.

The woman's arrival was a dream.

It was a dream for everyone present.

This dilapidated village, this exquisite flying warship, this powerful air-stepping warrior, this group of unknown farmers.

The two seem to exist in two different worlds.

The arrival of the woman today gave everyone a strong sense of tearing.

Xia Zhangguo!

Is that the Lord of Daxia?

People in remote villages don't even know who Xia Zhangguo is.

But who in this world dares to be called the head of the country?

It is such an existence that personally sent people to Qingshan Town.

Tell them that Chen Yan from Qingshan Town is a man who has unlimited ambitions even though he emerged from the muddy waters. He is not arrogant and is a genius like a dragon!

This is a shock that they will never have in their lives.


Suddenly, there was a crazy howling sound, and everyone looked over.

The person who was howling loudly was none other than Zhang Yue, the principal of Qingshan High School.

At this moment, she was like a shrew who had lost everything and gained everything in an instant, sitting on the ground wiping her tears.

It is hard to imagine how excited Zhang Yue was at this moment.

Not far away, a middle-aged man named Wang Yang was also staring at the sky blankly, with two lines of tears flowing down uncontrollably.

He stretched out his hand and looked at his five fingers.

These were the fingers that his students had saved.

He did not expect this to happen.

The weed that he had picked up that day, which was about to fall, had actually grown so strong.

"No problem!"

Wang Yang said in a low voice, very seriously:

"Chen Yan is the most determined person I have ever met in my life, he deserves such achievements!"

Wang Yang said so, his face flushed


Wang Yang looked around, his sight went from the shocked faces to the livid Hu Zeyuan and the dazed Hu Yuan, and Xia Tong, who clenched his hands and could not hide his regret.

His students would not only have such achievements, Chen Yan would stand higher.

He was serious.

He did not accept that Chen Yan could not stand higher!

Chen Yan, that's how it should be!

"The real master is here, everyone make way!"

Someone spoke up and pulled the stunned Chen Yuhu to the front of the crowd.

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples with complex and envy, and quickly made way.

Hu Zeyuan's lips moved, he wanted to say something, but the moment he saw Chen Yuhu coming, an indescribable horror broke out from the bottom of his heart.

That was the panic that would break out instantly when the lower-ranked saw the high-ranking person, dare not speak, dare not look up, and can only stay away.

Hu Zeyuan pulled his stunned son aside.

I heard Chen Yuhu's excited voice.

Suddenly, it seemed as if I had fallen into a dream, unable to extricate myself.

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