The moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

The chill in Chen Yan's heart became stronger and stronger.

Compared with Chu Feiyuan's overt suppression.

This invisible blockade.

More deadly, more terrifying, and more sinister.

Chen Yan looked at the sky.

Could it be destiny that he and Chen Min of the Chen family in Laoshi were both limit-breaking awakeners, and there must be a fight.

The Tianjiao trials in various cities in Qinzhou were all opened at the same time.

For this trial, Laoshi even prepared a Bingbi that was about to turn into a dragon for Chen Min.

At that time, it would be the time for Chen Min's hundred meridians to be awakened.

It was the most critical moment for these limit-breaking awakeners to fight for the throne.

The Chen family of Laoshi also didn't know that the side branch they had been blocking was now one of the few people who threatened the geniuses in their family the most.

Chen Yu said quietly, and everything was in line with Chen Yan's idea.

To them, Laochen was a behemoth.

But the huge Chen family of Laoshi was also a bug in front of the Chen family of the Five Clans.

To the Chen family of the Five Clans, all the side branches of the Chen family were bugs, and he was too lazy to pay attention to them, but sometimes he would pick a few strong bugs to cultivate.

This is a cultivation game.

The Chen family of Laoshi can do anything to become stronger, but you can't destroy the order of the game itself.

"So, the person who secretly blocked my brother and sister is just a dog of the Chen family in Laoshi."

Chen Yan said:

"It's just that this dog messed up this time. Not only did he fail to successfully block my brother and sister, but his identity was also exposed."

Chen Yu nodded:

"Exposure of identity is the most fatal thing for the Chen family in Laoshi.

Once this matter is heard by the five clans of the Chen family, the Chen family in Laoshi will become the one who disrupts the order.

So the Chen family in Laoshi will definitely not hand him over to Deputy Director Shen."

Chen Yan raised his chin slightly.

Then, Chen Yan looked at his sister.

A snap.

A slap came down gently.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier."

Chen Yu was about to cry and touched her head:

"I wanted my brother to practice peacefully and I wanted to attract the attention of the people in the dark. Who knew..."

Chen Yu muttered, who knew that my brother would rise so dazzlingly.

Chen Yan rubbed Chen Yu's head and messed up her hair.

"Ah!" Chen Yu screamed.

Chen Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly stopped laughing:

"You joined the Gong family, do you know where the person in the dark is?"

"Brother, you..." Chen Yu was surprised.

She had already told Chen Yan the whole story.

Now she thought that it was enough for her brother to know, and there was no need to pay attention to the person in the dark.

But even though she thought so, Chen Yu still didn't disobey her brother's words. With a wave of her hand, golden light flowed out and drew a map.

"I have secretly looked for him, so I know."

Chen Yu drew a map and finally clicked a dot on the image of a room:

"It's right here."

Chen Yan nodded and stood up:

"Okay, you should quit the Gong family."

Chen Yu was stunned and shook her head quickly. The Gong family was targeting her brother.

"Quit!" Chen Yan said seriously.

"Brother, I still have to participate in the Tianjiao Trial..." Chen Yu lowered her head.

In the Tianjiao Trial, there might be another kind of competition.

She was not worried that her brother was fake.

The elder brother naturally wanted his own safety, and she also wanted to keep him safe.

Besides, the teacher also let her enter the Tianjiao Trial.

Chen Yan was silent, with a complex feeling intertwined in his heart, which was hard to describe.

"Xiao Yu, you still underestimate your brother." Chen Yan said and turned away.

Tomorrow, he and Shen Yiwei will go to the Gong family to negotiate.

Chen Yu lowered her head and stood up, following closely.

Chen Yan stopped several times, and Chen Yu stopped, and only followed quietly when she saw Chen Yan continue to walk.

"What's going on?"

In the courtyard, Chen Yuhu, who was sitting in the yard smoking, was surprised to see the brother and sister come back like this.


Chen Yan entered the room silently.

"Xiao Yu, did you make your brother angry?" Chen Yuhu looked at his daughter, but saw Chen Yu just shook her head and entered the room without saying a word.

In the room, a trace of confusion appeared in Chen Yan's eyes.

Did he discipline his sister too harshly?

My sister is also a genius.

But the growth of a genius is always accompanied by various dangers.

Is my sister's master good or bad?

What has the other party seen through me now?


The matter of Qi and blood was not exposed, and he still had a backup plan.

Knock knock knock.

The door was knocked.

Chen Yuhu's voice came from outside.

"What are you doing in the room in the hot summer? Dad cut some watermelon and bought a few bottles of beer. Let's go out and chat."

Chen Yan walked out of the room and was pulled into the yard by Chen Yuhu.

A basin of cut watermelon was displayed in the basin, plump and juicy.

Chen Yu glanced at Chen Yan, then pouted and said nothing.

Chen Yan sat down, and a piece of watermelon was carefully handed to him by Chen Yu.

Chen Yan took the watermelon and was about to bite it.

A whine.

But he saw that the most central part had been bitten off by Chen Yu in a lightning speed.

"You are so old, and you still snatch your brother's watermelon. Isn't there more?" Chen Yuhu laughed and scolded.

Chen Yu chewed the watermelon with a smile in her eyes.

The corner of Chen Yan's mouth also showed a smile.

Chen Yu was relieved this time and handed over another piece of watermelon.

Chen Yan took it and ate the watermelon quietly.


"I have grown up after all."

In the room, Chen Yan murmured.

He shook his head.

My little sister is doing this for her own good.

Having a powerful teacher, safety...

Chen Yan couldn't trust the woman all at once.

Chen Yu was only fifteen years old, and there was a huge difference in cognition between her and him.

But so far, everything is going well.

Chen Yan's eyes were low.

Tomorrow, he would go to the Gong family to negotiate with Shen Yiwei.

The man in the dark found the protection of the Gong family and waited for the strong man of the Chen family in Laoshi to arrive.

Everything would pass as if nothing had happened.

[Sacred Tree (Level 5): 2/50

Strength: 1/100

Blood: 24/100

Skill: 97/100

Physical: 93/100

Array: 1/100

Yuan: 0/100]

A day has passed.

I didn't practice for most of the day, and the growth of the Sacred Tree was stagnant for half a day.

Observing the Sacred Tree, which is now growing like a pillar supporting the sky, a smile appeared on Chen Yan's lips.

Both the Sacred Fruits of [Skill] and [Physical] are on the verge of maturity.

The Sacred Fruits of [Physical] mature very quickly because Chen Yan keeps practicing [Sky Survey].

As for the Sacred Fruits of [Skill], it matures very quickly because Chen Yan has been practicing [Sky Survey].

As for [Skill], it matures because Chen Yan has entered the Dao and realized his own unique horizontal and external training skills.


Shatter all illusions and malice.

With one punch, the air is compressed, and combined with the fist intention, a powerful energy can be burst out in an instant.

It is said to be a unique skill of horizontal training and external training.

Chen Yan would rather call it the true meaning method.

Because [Breaking the Void] is a unique skill triggered by the fist intention.

If you want to determine the grade...

It should be Qingqiong grade C.

However, unlike ordinary martial arts, [Breaking the Void] is a unique skill developed by Chen Yan alone.

So, at the beginning.

Chen Yan's mastery of [Breaking the Void] is 100%.

That is to say, it is subtle.

With Chen Yan's continuous research and development, [Breaking the Void] will only become more powerful and the grade will continue to improve.

Now it seems that [Breaking the Void] is Chen Yan's strongest move.

Because Chen Yan's physical strength has already surpassed the unity realm.

For a half-step fourth-level ancient beast, [Breaking the Void] is an instant kill.

There are also extreme satin patterns.

Chen Yan's eyes flashed, and patterns appeared all over his body.

Thirty-six force patterns, thirty-three bone patterns, thirty-one skin patterns, and thirty-three tendon patterns.

One hundred and thirty-three!

The force pattern even made Chen Yan reach the limit of his realm at a certain moment.

Is the limit of his realm thirty-six?

Chen Yan's eyes flickered.

When his strength of muscles, bones and skin exceeded eighteen, he also felt the limit of his realm.

The question is, is this the limit of Chen Yan?

Chen Yan's eyes condensed, and a gleam of light emerged.

Close your eyes and start meditating.

Meditation on the skills and techniques of [Breaking the Void].

Now the [Skill] word breaking the holy fruit has reached 97%, which is the fruit closest to maturity.



The next day, afternoon.

Military guard.

Chen Yan stood in front of Shen Yiwei.

"Chen Yan, come with me to negotiate today, you don't need to be nervous."

Shen Yiwei spoke and looked at Chen Yan.

"Yeah." Chen Yan nodded, and a cold light flashed in his narrowed eyes.

It was originally a matter between him and the person in the dark.

The Gong family had to intervene, did they think Chen Yan could be bullied?

Last night, Chen Yan practiced all night.

He had already reached 97% of the [Skill] character to break the Saint Fruit, but overnight, it only increased a little.

Such efficiency.

It has nothing to do with Chen Yan's qualifications.

It's about his state of mind.

"You should know something."

Shen Yiwei looked at Chen Yan and felt that Chen Yan's current state was obviously a little wrong.

Chen Yan was silent, and spoke after a while:

"Can I kill someone?"

Chen Yan's voice was low.

Only when he said this did he feel an indescribable sense of joy in his heart.

Shen Yiwei was stunned, and this time he looked at Chen Yan for a long time.



Shen Yiwei laughed out loud, tears appeared in the corners of his eyes, and he looked up at the sky.

"I didn't expect it."

Shen Yiwei shook his head slowly, as if he had met Chen Yan for the first time:

"My decisiveness is not as good as that of a 17-year-old young man."

His voice became lower and lower, and then he looked at Chen Yan:



A gust of wind enveloped Chen Yan and Shen Yiwei, and the two of them flew straight into the sky.

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