The weather was very quiet, but the weather was very quiet.


Compared to the noisy playground, the exercise room was incomparably quiet.

Teacher Wang Yang and other teachers looked back and forth between Xia Tong, who was already lying on the ground, and the young man standing quietly.

If the two were not dressed completely differently, they would definitely have mistaken the person.

Because no matter how you think about it, the student lying on the ground should be Chen Yan.

The inexplicable sense of shock rolled in everyone's hearts like a river wave, and the first to react was Wang Yang, the head teacher of Class 3. He first ran to Xia Tong's side and saw Xia Tong's face that was shocked to death, and then came to Chen Yan's side, opened his mouth, and spit out a word after a long time.


Wang Yang pinched Chen Yan's shoulder, and gradually a more satisfied smile appeared on his face:

"You fought very well!"

"I hope I didn't disappoint the teacher's expectations." Chen Yan laughed.

"Hahahaha..." Wang Yang smiled and laughed non-stop. When he noticed Xia Tong sitting up from the ground, his smile slowly faded.

Xia Tong just sat on the ground, his soles were still numb, and his eyes were as complicated as a flood when he looked at Chen Yan.

The power released in the punch just now shocked him.

This is no longer a power that can be obtained by hard work. The one who just punched him away was a real genius.

And I have never noticed the other party.

"Director Xia, did he pass?" Wang Yang asked.

"Passed... passed." Xia Tong lowered his head and said these words in a muffled voice.

"Okay, Chen Yan, go challenge Zhang Qingsi." Wang Yang patted Chen Yan's shoulder heavily, his eyes shining.

It seemed that he was happier than Chen Yan at this moment.

"Okay." Chen Yan walked towards the door in a horrified look, and suddenly stopped:

"Director Xia."

The young man in white turned his head, and a half of the sun was stained on his handsome cheeks. A pair of ebony eyes looked down at Xia Tong who was looking at him blankly.

"Teacher Wang said that you brought the bronze statue. May I ask..."

Chen Yan smiled, his eyes sparkling:

"Who is the bronze statue?"

Xia Tong opened his mouth wide, his eyes flickered the moment he looked into Chen Yan's eyes, and the corners of his lips began to tremble. For some reason, an indescribable sense of guilt and inferiority surged into his heart.

"That is..."

Xia Tong's voice was complicated and trembling:

"That is the bronze statue of Lu Xunyang, the chief of Qinzhou Zhenwu Division, and Lu Zun Shang."

Chen Yan nodded and asked again:

"Then Teacher Xia, do you know what movements this bronze statue makes?"

Xia Tong pursed his lips, and the scene of the young man sweating and imitating the sculpture in front of the statue that day rang in his mind.

The young man wanted to know where the bronze statue came from.

"This punching move is one of the external training moves of the most famous horizontal martial arts of Zhenwu Division, the Eight Extreme Training Moves. I don't know the details. Only by joining Zhenwu Division and being selected can you get the teaching of the Eight Extreme Training Moves."

Chen Yan nodded, smiled and said, "Thank you."

Then, he walked out of the training room, leaving a group of quiet teachers.

"Eight Extreme Training Moves, External Training Moves..."

Chen Yan walked on the grass, muttering these words.

No wonder I benefited so much from imitating this action. It turned out that the punching action was not ordinary.

At this moment, the playground was still in a commotion.

Gao Yuan, who had just defeated Wang Yu, had already stood where Wang Yu was. Facing the amazement of everyone, he kept smiling and touching his head.

As for Wang Yu from Class 2, he sat dejectedly on the lawn. He was originally the center of attention, but now no student comforted him. They were all discussing Gao Yuan.

"Too amazing, it's different after awakening the blood and qi."

"Wang Yu didn't awaken the blood and qi after all. Gao Yuan was not very good on weekdays, but after awakening the blood and qi, he was far better than Wang Yu."

"So, if you don't have the awakened blood and qi, you can't beat the awakened blood and qi..."

"In the punching test, Zhang Qingsi was not as good as Wang Yu, but I heard that on Friday, Wang Yu was no match for Zhang Qingsi."

Everyone kept commenting, their eyes full of envy and awe.

Gao Yuan concealed the fact that he had awakened his blood and qi. Even without Xia Tong's private training, he could still defeat Wang Yu today with his own blood and qi.

Today, Gao Yuan has completely become famous in Qingshan High School.

Even Zhang Qingsi and Yu Zhiwen looked at Gao Yuan with eyes that

There was a hint of recognition in them.

The awakening of Qi and blood made them geniuses of the same level at this moment.

Just at this moment, the arrival of a figure in white did not attract much attention.

The principal was still talking to the man in sunglasses standing in the center of the podium with a smile, and gradually found Chen Yan, and said in surprise:

"Chen Yan, you also passed the test."

The whole school was quiet, and noticed Chen Yan at this moment.


Chen Yan nodded.

On the side, Zhang Qingsi frowned and looked at Chen Yan with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The eyes of all the students in the school temporarily moved away from Gao Yuan, who was full of spring, and stayed on Chen Yan.

In Class 3 of Senior 3, Hu Yuan looked at the figure in white, and a hint of malice appeared in his eyes, but beyond this malice, there was a hint of vigilance and complexity.

He suddenly thought in his heart that if there was no Zhang Qingsi, Chen Yan would be the best student in Class 3 of Senior 3.

Now he has passed the test of Teacher Xia Tong and surpassed himself in all aspects.

It is a very happy thing that such a person is his relative, but step by step, their Hu family and Chen family are getting further and further away.

Until the day before yesterday, his father Hu Zeyuan was fined 500 by Zhenwu, and the relationship between the two families completely deteriorated.

While feeling angry, it is inevitable that there is a trace of gain and loss. Hu Yuan smiled at the person next to him:

"Hmph, he will be knocked away by Brother Zhang with one punch."

A burst of laughter rang out in Class 3.

The long-known Wang Yu was defeated by Gao Yuan, which has proved with reality that those who awaken the blood and qi are much stronger than ordinary people.

Unless Chen Yan also awakens the blood and qi, he is definitely not Zhang Qingsi's opponent.

But in the front, Chen Yan and Zhang Qingsi have already stood on the opposite side.

"Chen Yan, do what you can." Principal Zhang Yue said:

"Zhang Qingsi, you too."

Chen Yan nodded, but Zhang Qingsi on the opposite side smiled faintly.

What the hell is going on?

If you have to do it within your capabilities to beat Chen Yan, then what about awakening your own blood and qi?

"Zhang Qingsi, do it within your capabilities!"

A loud shout came from the other side of the playground. All the students in the school looked over suddenly. It was Xia Tong who was walking towards this side with an anxious face, limping as he walked.

In an instant, Zhang Qingsi was stunned. Gao Yuan and Yu Zhiwen, who were standing quietly on the side, also frowned. Everyone looked at the young man in the white T-shirt.

The other party stood quietly, very calmly, as if the challenger was not him, but Zhang Qingsi.

Suddenly, it seemed as if thunder exploded in the minds of all the people in the school.

Why was Xia Tong limping?

The other party was the test teacher, and Chen Yan was the last student to pass the test.

When everyone thought of this key point, an idea in their minds made them feel terrified, and they stared at Chen Yan.

On the podium, Principal Zhang Yue and the middle-aged man wearing sunglasses standing in the middle were looking at Chen Yan.

"Begin!" Principal Zhang Yue's voice sounded.

Zhang Qingsi, who was originally careless, now looked at Xia Tong and Chen Yan, and his eyes suddenly became serious.

His body suddenly moved forward, with a trace of red light between his limbs, but he no longer underestimated him.

A punch!

A punch hit Chen Yan's face.

Zhang Qingsi's eyes widened. He didn't know why Xia Tong was so nervous, and he didn't know why Chen Yan in front of him was so natural.

He was the best student who awakened his blood and qi, and he was already a high-ranking warrior.

It was impossible for him to be defeated by others.

Chen Yan, he didn't even have the chance to enter his sight!


This punch was like hitting a thick wall, and he could no longer press down. Chen Yan grabbed Zhang Qingsi's fist with one hand, and his arm was slightly bent and straightened again.

"Is this the power after awakening the blood and qi?"

Chen Yan murmured, as if he didn't see the shock in Zhang Qingsi's eyes, and commented:

"It is indeed very strong."

In the last punching test, Zhang Qingsi was nearly 100 kilograms more than Chen Yan. Now it seems that Zhang Qingsi has improved again.

And it is very big.


As his clothes fluttered, Chen Yan pulled hard with one hand, and Zhang Qingsi's body could not stop being pulled towards Chen Yan.

"You!" Zhang Qingsi's expression suddenly panicked. Under the huge power gap, his left fist whipped towards Chen Yan.

Chen Yan's hand that grabbed Zhang Qingsi's fist pushed hard, and his body slightly pressed, punching Zhang Qingsi.

Bang bang!

The two punched each other in the chest, and Chen Yan's body retreated several steps.

On the other hand, Zhang Qingsi flew backwards.

After rubbing on the lawn for a long time, the ground soil was flying, and Zhang Qingsi's body fell far away.

"Chen Yan!"

Zhang Qingsi spat out a mouthful of saliva containing dirt, and his expression suddenly became fierce after a brief sluggish look.

Just as he was about to sit up, he saw a figure swooping down from the air like a vulture.

It really swooped down.

With the help of powerful force, Chen Yan's figure was agile, and in a moment he suddenly rose up and drew a white lightning arc in the air.


Zhang Qingsi screamed loudly, and the anger on his face disappeared instantly, turning pale, as if he had felt the pain after Chen Yan kicked him in the face, and dodged to the side desperately.


As if thunder had suddenly appeared, Chen Yan kicked at the place where Zhang Qingsi's head was originally, and the lawn suddenly sank, and the unparalleled force smashed a circle of dirt and splashed.

Zhang Qingsi, who was standing aside, saw this scene and his face turned pale with fear. His eyes rolled and he looked at Chen Yan with fear in his eyes.

If he hadn't dodged, would this kick be...

How did he practice?

He clearly didn't awaken his blood and qi?

He is so powerful, why did he remain unknown all the time, but now he almost killed him?

How did he train himself to be so strong and resolute?

"Isn't it just a Zhenwu bonus!?" He shouted, but at this moment he didn't have the courage to look at Chen Yan, and shouted anxiously and angrily:

"I... admit defeat!"

The whole audience fell silent.

On the side, the smile on Gao Yuan's face, which was originally smiling foolishly, gradually disappeared, turned into calmness, and turned into staring.

Yu Zhiwen, standing with her hands behind her back, frowned and looked at the young man in white. She opened her red lips slightly, but couldn't say a word.

In the third class, Hu Yuan stood on the lawn in a daze, his mouth gradually opened, as if an egg could be stuffed in.

After Zhang Qingsi said those four words, Xia Tong was even more dazed, perhaps because his feet were still sore, his body was shaking, and his face was full of bitterness and complexity.

Behind him, Wang Yang, the head teacher of Class 3, opened his mouth. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes were full of smiles.

After the whole playground fell into a terrible silence, a wave of cheers suddenly broke out.

On the podium, the middle-aged man with sunglasses had a calm face. His eyes locked on Chen Yan through the sunglasses and said word by word:

"Born with supernatural power, a genius?"

The bright sunlight passed through the layers of clouds, pouring mottled, and the breeze blew, and the leaves swayed.

Chen Yan retracted his right leg that was about to kick out, and felt the wind passing through his chest at this moment, which was very refreshing.

Looking around at the people who were either shocked, cheering, or stunned, Chen Yan glimpsed Zhang Qingsi's embarrassed profile from the corner of his eye, and the other party fell under his long shadow.

Chen Yan's eyes were calm.

Isn't it just a Zhenwu bonus?

This is clearly a milestone on his road to rise.

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