The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

Luoshan County, Zhenwusi.

A magnificent sculpture of a man stood quietly in the square in front of the building, with a longbow in his hand pointing directly at Qingcang.

In the back office building, in an office on the top floor.

Luo Pushin, dressed in casual clothes, opened the door and walked straight in.

"Hey, why are you here, busy man?"

In front of the desk, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes sat behind the desk and looked at Luo Pushin with some surprise.

"Old Yin, have the places for the Zhenwu Class been allocated?"

Yin Yanjun, the chief of the Zhenwu Division of Luoshan County, looked at Luo Pushin speechlessly and threw the documents under his command to Luo Pushin:

"Shen Yiwei asked you to be the general instructor of the Zhenwu Class, not me. Why do you have to ask me for the quota for the Zhenwu Class?"

Luo Pushin sat casually on the sofa, lit a cigarette and smoked it slowly, looking at the documents in his hand:

"Hey, I'm here to help you suppress the Chu family, not to instruct any Zhenwu Class.

Old Shen is now fighting fiercely with Gong Hengwen in Yunmeng City. If you are here, If something happens, then Old Shen will undoubtedly lose an arm. "

Yin Yanjun nodded, but continued:

"Then why are you asking me for a place in the town martial arts class now?"

"I saw a seedling from Qingshan Town. His foundation is a little poor, but his character and brain are pretty good." Luo Puxin flicked the ash of his cigarette:

"Has the selection of the town martial arts in Qingshan Town not come out yet?"

"The three high schools in the county have been confirmed, and the twenty-three township high schools are still missing the five in Qingshan Town, but they will be confirmed in the next few days."

Yin Yanjun explained, but he didn't care about the seedlings mentioned by Luo Puxin.

He knew that Luo Puxin was born in Qingshan Town and had special feelings for Qingshan Town. It was understandable that he wanted to promote his own town.

Moreover, as the chief of the Town Martial Arts Department of Luoshan County, Yin Yanjun had seen too many seedlings over the years, no matter how strange they were.

As if noticing Yin Yanjun's gaze, Luo Pushin immediately said:

"Don't look at me like that, I can't possibly give that kid a backdoor."

"I understand." Yin Yanjun smiled.

"You understand you..." Luo Pushin pursed his lips and said:

"Let me put it this way, this kid can't get into the Zhenwu class on his own, I..."

"What do you want?" Yin Yanjun smiled maliciously.

Luo Pushin was speechless, why did Yin Yanjun insist on holding on to a sentence?

He simply spoke:

"I eat!"

"Authentic!" Yin Yanjun gave a thumbs up:

"What's your name, I'll write it down."

"Chen Yan."

As Luo Pushin said this, he looked at Yin Yanjun writing down the name in the notebook, but his heart skipped a beat.

What if Chen Yan really can't get in?

Really eat?

No way, he should be able to get in.

Luo Pushin flipped through the documents, glanced at them briefly, and suddenly stopped at a name:

"This Chu Xuansheng of the Chu family..., with such good qualifications, why doesn't he go to Yunmeng City?"

Yin Yanjun sneered:

"The Chu family has developed well in Yunmeng City. Isn't it to keep this Chu Xuansheng in the county to suppress the younger generation?"

Luo Pushin nodded, closed the document and said:

"The Chu family has been so prosperous in recent years. I think all the big and small families in Luoshan County have some relationship with them."

Yin Yanjun was stunned and said quickly:

"It's already possible , and the one from the Chu family was removed from the position of deputy chief of the county town military department some time ago.

If we target him again, the higher-ups will put pressure on him, and Shen Yiwei can't help me now. "

Luo Pushin shook his head and said:

"Not enough."

"Not enough?"

"Yes." Luo Pushin said:

"In the past few months, there have been many missing boys and girls in nearby counties, totaling more than 200 people. Luoshan County has the least, but Luoshan County has the least, but it is more problematic. I suspect someone is going to make trouble."

Luo Pushin remembered the car accident of Chen Yan's sister Chen Yu.

There is weirdness everywhere.

Yin Yanjun narrowed his eyes, and he was naturally suspicious of this:

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to clean up the Chu family, starting with the quota for the Zhenwu class this time!" Luo Pushin raised the file in his hand:

"I just took a look, and at least twenty of them did not receive the Zhenwu bonus. Most of these backdoors are related to the Chu family.

Twenty young men have been deprived of fairness. They really treat the Zhenwu Division as a decoration."

Luo Pushin smiled:

"With the Chu family around, there is no fairness in Luoshan County!"

Luo Pushin said it loudly, but Yin Yanjun sighed and rubbed his eyebrows.

There is a problem with the quota for the Zhenwu class, how could he not know?

But backdoors

All of them involve various wealthy families in Luoshan County. If you want to move, you will offend too many people.

"You have to think clearly. Behind the Chu family is Gong Hengwen." Yin Yanjun sighed.

"Behind me is the entire Zhenwu Division and the entire Qinzhou. What am I afraid of?" Luo Pushin smoked a cigarette and showed a big white tooth:

"If it doesn't work, I'll let Lao Shen arrange for me to run."


Qingshan High School.

Principal's Office.

Chen Yan, Yu Zhiwen and Gao Yuan, three students, stood in front of the desk. On the sofa near the door, sat the middle-aged man who came from the county and wore sunglasses.

"First of all, the Zhenwu bonus includes a cash reward of 20,000 yuan."

Zhang Yue handed the three red envelopes on the table to Chen Yan and the other two.

Touching the thick red envelope in his hand, although Chen Yan's face did not change, his heart was full of joy.

"In addition to the cash reward, there are four external rewards for the Zhenwu bonus. You can only choose one of these four rewards."

Chen Yan listened carefully, and Yu Zhiwen and Gao Yuan beside him also had a smile on their faces.

"First, the primary Qi and blood potion is worth 60,000.

Second, the primary weapon is worth 50,000. You can choose the weapon style on your own, but the material used must not exceed 15 kilograms.

Third, the primary horizontal martial arts breathing method is taught for 12 hours. This is worth 70,000, but please note that there is only breathing method teaching, no external training.

The fourth one is what most people will choose, worth 70,000, and the primary Qi and blood method is taught for 12 hours."

Chen Yan stood quietly and began to choose in his mind.

The first thing to exclude is weapons.

I don't know how to use weapons at all, so using weapons will be a hindrance.

As for Qi and blood potions and Qi and blood methods, I am awakened by breaking the limit, and the limitations are too great.

"You should think carefully. This is the price inside the Zhenwu Division. In fact, both the Qi and Blood Technique and the Horizontal Breathing Technique require high-level warriors to cultivate the Origin Crystal, and the price is far higher than the price quoted by Principal Zhang."

A slightly lazy voice sounded, and the man in sunglasses sitting on the sofa said lightly.

The principal had introduced the other party to Chen Yan and others before, the second-level martial arts master of the Luoshan County Zhenwu Division, Chu Feiyuan.

The second-level martial arts master is clearly added to the grade, which means that this person has at least the strength of a Qi and Blood warrior above the Five Internal Organs Realm.

"I want the basic Qi and Blood Technique." On the side, Yu Zhiwen spoke first with a hint of excitement.

"I also want the Qi and Blood Technique." Gao Yuan touched the back of his head and smiled foolishly.

Principal Zhang Yue nodded. Most students would choose the Qi and Blood Technique. This is the most normal thing.

"I want the basic horizontal breathing method." Chen Yan smiled.

"Horizontal Refining Breathing Method?" Principal Zhang Yue nodded. It seemed that Chen Yan had taken his words to heart and had given up on the Qi and Blood Path:

"If you practice the Horizontal Refining Breathing Method, you must find a corresponding external training method later to bring out the greatest advantage of the Horizontal Refining Martial Arts."

At this moment, Chu Feiyuan, Yu Zhiwen, and Gao Yuan looked at Chen Yan, somewhat surprised by Chen Yan's choice.

Horizontal Refining is very hard, much harder than the Qi and Blood Path.

However, Chen Yan defeated Zhang Qingsi with his own skills and strength, and everyone could understand it.

I felt that I had no talent in the Qi and Blood Path, so I devoted myself to the Horizontal Refining.

"Yeah." Chen Yan nodded.

"Okay." Zhang Yue smiled. There was nothing wrong with Chen Yan taking the Horizontal Refining Path. It was tiring, but it was better to have a direction to be tired than nothing.

"In that case, it's decided."

Chu Feiyuan, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and said:

Chu Feiyuan took out a metal box the size of a baseball from a suitcase next to the sofa, looked at Chen Yan and said:

"Chen Yan, you are the origin crystal of [Chigang Body Casting Classic]."

Chu Feiyuan took out another slightly smaller metal box, which was the origin crystal of the Qi and Blood Exercises, and smiled at Chen Yan and the other two:

"I'll give you three days. You can study at any time during these three days, but there are only twelve hours in total. You can choose when to start."

Chen Yan looked at the two metal boxes in Chu Feiyuan's hand, his eyes lit up, and said:

"I want to start now."

Chen Yan spoke.

"I want to start now too." Gao Yuan smiled innocently.

"I'll start tomorrow." Yu Zhiwen spoke calmly.


Chu Feiyuan smiled lightly and looked at Zhang Yue.

"I'll arrange it." Zhang Yue smiled.


In an empty classroom on the top floor of the teaching building, Chen Yan walked in. Zhang Yue put the metal box in Chen Yan's hand and said:

"When I go out, I will start counting. After you get the Origin Crystal, feel it carefully. If you can't absorb it for a while, give up and come back tomorrow." Zhang Yue closed all the curtains of the classroom.

After that, he turned on the light and said.


"Absorb it well." Zhang Yue patted Chen Yan on the shoulder and said:

"Your class teacher Wang Yang is very optimistic about you. I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it."

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