The two of them were very busy, but the two of them were very busy.

Chen Yan never expected that the passionate teacher Wang was going to take him through the back door.

Although he was grateful, he always felt a little weird.

In the end, he followed Wang Yang to the principal's office to ask for leave. Zhang Yue looked at Chen Yan with a complicated look, but didn't say anything.

When he walked out of the office, he happened to meet the dean of teaching Xia Tong. When Xia Tong saw Chen Yan, his eyes suddenly became silent, as if he had something to say, but he couldn't say it for a while.

Looking at Chen Yan's back as he left, Xia Tong sighed and shook his head.

Chen Yan was completely in his sight. Although Xia Tong felt sorry for Chen Yan's experience, he also felt it was natural.

"If he had come to me earlier, he would be stronger now. With stronger strength, no one would deprive him of his place in the Zhenwu class." Xia Tong murmured and walked into his office.

If you miss it, you miss it.

He has been a teacher for so many years and has seen many students, including some geniuses. He originally felt sorry for not discovering Chen Yan in advance.

But seeing that Chen Yan was deprived of the place in the Zhenwu class, he felt less sorry.

After a while, Chen Yan asked someone to tell Chen Yuhu that he would not go home, and then he and Wang Yang got on the bus to Luoshan County.

"Teacher Wang, thank you for helping me." In the empty bus, Chen Yan sat in the back seat and whispered to Wang Yang.

Wang Yang chuckled and shook his head slowly:

"You may want to ask me why I help you?"

Chen Yan didn't say anything, Wang Yang continued:

"There is no reason. If you have to say it, the reason will only make you feel childish. Now a junior high school student is saying all kinds of indifference, darkness of human nature, and only selfishness can live.


Wang Yang smiled:

"There are still some people who are still..."

Wang Yang stopped talking. Some of the things he said sounded childish, but he didn't think it was wrong.

You should always oppose things you don't like, and you should always do things you can do.

The bus stumbled for three hours before it arrived at the county town.

Luoshan County is obviously much more developed than Qingshan Town, but it is also simple.

There are puddles of smelly water everywhere on the slightly wide streets, and there are many shops, restaurants, and libraries formed by three- or four-story buildings on both sides of the street.

Chen Yan and Wang Yang came to the gate of a school that was much more magnificent than Qingshan High School.

Luoshan County No. 2 High School.

Wang Yang said a few words to the security guard, then took Chen Yan into the school, walked through a tree-lined avenue, and came to the office building.

"That's it, let's go."

Wang Yang took a deep breath, walked into the building, came to the door of the office on the top floor with the sign of the vice-principal's office, and knocked gently.

"Come in." A slightly old man's voice sounded.

Wang Yang walked in with Chen Yan:

"Wang Yang?" The white-haired old man sitting on the office chair saw Wang Yang frowning slightly, and then glanced at Chen Yan behind Wang Yang.

"Chen Yan, this is Zhuang Xihang from the Second High School, Principal Zhuang.

Principal Zhuang, this is Chen Yan, my student."

Wang Yang hurriedly introduced them, and Chen Yan respectfully said to the old man:

"Hello, Principal Zhuang."

Zhuang Xihang nodded, and looked at Wang Yang with a slightly cold face:

"You haven't been to the county for a long time, right?"

"Two years." Wang Yang smiled.

"What about the Zhenwu class?" Zhuang Xihang actually saw through the intention of Chen Yan and the others at a glance.

"Yes." Wang Yang smiled and put the box of fruits he had just bought from the county in his hand in a corner:

"Principal Zhuang, this student has actually received the Zhenwu bonus, that is..."

"The Chu family?" Zhuang Xihang narrowed his eyes.


"Heh." Zhuang Xihang laughed a little angrily:

"You haven't been to the county for two years, and you're here to find this matter for me?"

Chen Yan's eyes changed slightly, and it seemed that Principal Zhuang didn't want to go against the Chu family.

Wang Yang smiled faintly: "That's not what I meant. I heard that you can also guide the Zhenwu class, so I thought the teacher should add an auditor quota."

Zhuang Xihang was slightly stunned and looked at Chen Yan.

"Chen Yan, please go out first. Principal Zhuang and I have something to discuss." Wang Yang blinked at Chen Yan.

"Okay." Chen Yan nodded and walked out of the office. He was a little uneasy. From the conversation between the two, he could clearly hear that Zhuang Xihang obviously had some complaints about Wang Yang.

"No matter whether Teacher Wang can help me, I will remember this favor!" Chen Yan murmured. Of course, he hoped that Teacher Wang could help him successfully.

But if he failed, it would definitely not be

Wang Yang's question.

At this moment, there was a faint conversation sounded from the office. Chen Yan was stunned. The two seemed to be arguing.

"Qianqian is about to take the college entrance examination. Why don't you go and see her? Instead, you are here for an outsider..."

"You don't want to use your connections. What are you doing now? I was almost worn out by my mouth at that time. You Wang Yang are really good!"

"I should have kicked you away at that time. Don't come to harass my daughter!"

Chen Yan stood in the corridor, his face became exciting. He could hear that Wang Yang and Zhuang Xihang were deliberately suppressing their voices.

But since Chen Yan practiced the [Chigang Body Casting Classic], his five senses have become much more sensitive, but he heard it at this moment.

It turned out to be the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law.

Chen Yan was speechless. Teacher Wang actually had this relationship.

After a while, the office door was opened, and Wang Yang waved to Chen Yan with a slightly flushed face.

Zhuang Xihang saw Chen Yan walking in and said calmly:

"Go to Room 3 on the underground first floor. There is a guy named Zhang Tie there. Go and fight him. Come back if you win."

Chen Yan was slightly happy. He just heard the conversation between the two and knew that as long as he beat this guy, he could enter the Zhenwu class.

"Chen Yan, fight well!" Wang Yang patted Chen Yan on the shoulder, and Zhuang Xihang snorted coldly.

"Okay, Teacher Wang!" Chen Yan said heavily and walked out of the office.

At the same time.

In Room 3 on the underground floor of the office building, under the light, the room was very empty. The surrounding walls were dark blue, with sculptures of people boxing carved on them. In the front stood a two-meter-high, dark and smooth stone tablet.

In the center of the room, a shirtless, sweaty, bald boy was standing in a stance, panting.

Just at this moment, a tall boy in a green T-shirt walked in. The shirtless boy immediately stood up, with envy and vigilance on his face, and said in a very defensive manner:

"Brother Wu..., you are here."

"Well, I have nothing to do, so I went back to school." The boy named Wu Chuhua smiled and said:

"I was originally planning to come to the horizontal training room to practice, and it happened that you are here, Zhang Tie, so let's fight."

The bald boy named Zhang Tie's face changed instantly. This Wu Chuhua is a martial arts madman, who wants to fight anyone he sees.

The key is that he can't beat the other party. The other party is in the top five of the school, and he was knocked down with one punch. He didn't even have a chance to resist.

"Brother Wu, I'm busy, my stomach hurts, I..." Zhang Tie said, and hurriedly ran to another door.

"Hey, don't leave, I haven't fought for the whole afternoon, Brother Tie, you are my brother, I feel uncomfortable, hey!" Wu Chuhua shouted hurriedly, but saw that Zhang Tie had already run away.

"Forget it, another one is gone." Seeing Zhang Tie leave, Wu Chuhua was full of disappointment.

Wu Chuhua stood in the classroom with his hands behind his back for a long time, looking quite lonely:

"Looking around, no one dares to fight, it's so lonely, and I can't beat those who are stronger than me, what a pity..."

He murmured, turned around and saw a young man in simple clothes, tall and handsome standing in front of the door.

Chen Yan looked at Wu Chuhua and asked:

"Hello, are you Zhang Tie?"

"Hmm?" Wu Chuhua looked at Chen Yan: "What do you want to do with Zhang Tie?"

"Principal Zhuang asked me to fight Zhang Tie."

Wu Chuhua's eyes flashed, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he waved: "Come on."

Seeing that Chen Yan didn't move, Wu Chuhua rolled up his sleeves and said:

"What are you doing, didn't Lao Zhuang ask you to fight with me?"

Chen Yan understood, it turned out that this person was Zhang Tie.

Walking into the classroom, Chen Yan took a deep breath and looked at the person in front of him vigilantly. Whether he could enter the Zhenwu class depended on this battle.

His eyes swept across the entire classroom. The warrior boxing picture carved on the wall had a magnificent golden light flowing through the Saint Realm.

These sculptures were portrayed in great detail, some were focused, some were determined, and some were brave.

Skill energy!

A lot of skill energy!

Chen Yan's heart was pounding, and he just looked around the walls, and his eyes became greedy unconsciously.

The degree of golden light he obtained by perceiving the origin crystal and the sculptures here was not much less.

What exactly are these? Is it the horizontal refining external refining method?

Such precious things were presented in the classroom, and Zhang Tie in front of him could look at it as long as he wanted. Is this the level of the county high school?

Soon, Chen Yan's eyes were fixed on the wordless stone tablet standing at the front of the classroom, and his eyes suddenly shrank.

The stone tablet clearly had no pictures on it, but when he looked at it, the golden light in the Saint-Breaking Realm was unprecedentedly abundant!

[Saint-Breaking Realm: Level 2 (11/15)]

[Saint-Breaking Fruit:

Strength: (3/100)

Blood (97/10


Skill: (83/100)]

The progress of the [Skill] character breaking holy fruit, which was about to mature, immediately increased from eighty-three to eighty-four.

Chen Yan struggled to move his eyes and looked at Wu Chuhua, and he couldn't help but feel the desire to fight.

"Fight here?"

"Fight here, even if you are a third-level warrior, you can't break the sculptures and stone tablets here." Wu Chuhua said quietly.


A stream of hot air came out of his mouth, and Chen Yan lowered his body. At this time, he had already opened the [Chigang Body Forging Classic].

[Chigang Body Forging Classic] is just a breathing method, not an external training combat method, but Chen Yan found that once he used the breathing method, his muscles and internal organs would be in an extremely gushing state, and the power he exerted would be greater.

"You... haven't fought much?" Wu Chuhua looked at Chen Yan at this moment with some disappointment. Fighting with the breathing method does increase the activity of the muscles, bones and skin.

But it's tiring.

The more you fight, the more tired you will be. What should you do next?

"We haven't fought much." Chen Yan said quietly, his eyes became extremely serious.

"Then..." Wu Chuhua sighed lightly, his muscles suddenly expanded, and he punched Chen Yan:

"One punch to finish!"


A low impact sounded, as if two tons of iron blocks collided with each other.

Wu Chuhua's fierce punch was caught in Chen Yan's hand.

Wu Chuhua's face changed instantly. He had condensed a force pattern. Even if he didn't use his full strength, ordinary students would have been knocked away by his punch.

Being able to catch his punch means that the other party:

"You are also a horizontal cultivator, you also have a force pattern!" Wu Chuhua's eyes flickered, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Yan's face did not change, and the rolling strength flowed in his waist and arms. He grabbed Wu Chuhua's right fist and swung it up. Wu Chuhua flew up, but his eyes were full of intoxication.


Chen Yan fell down hard, and Wu Chuhua's body hit the ground hard.


Another hard hit.


Chen Yan raised his head again, exhaled a mouthful of white mist, and hit again, but this time Wu Chuhua stepped on the ground with both feet, and a crazy smile appeared on his face:

"Interesting, interesting, hahaha!!!"

He straightened his body, parallel to the ground, and looked at Chen Yan from bottom to top:

"What's your name!"

"Chen Yan." Chen Yan's expression condensed, and he kicked out with his right foot. He didn't hold back any more strength because the opponent's body was so strong.


A kick from bottom to top hit Wu Chuhua's back, and Wu Chuhua was kicked away by Chen Yan and hit the corner of the wall hard, but he saw that the opponent's arms and legs were supported in the corner of the wall, clinging to the wall like a spider, with veins popping out on his neck, and the whole person grinned:

"Chen Yan, you must beat me well!"

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