The next day.

Today, Chen Yan will test his fist strength. He knows that today is a great opportunity, so he came to school early.

[Break the Saint Realm: Level 1 (2/3)]

[Break the Saint Fruit:

Strength: (54/100)

Blood (9/100)]

Sitting in his seat, Chen Yan thought to himself that he had told Wang Yang about the red light he had produced yesterday.

And Wang Yang just sighed.

He knew the meaning of this sigh.

But he had the Broken Saint Tree, so he should be able to change something.

At this time.

Students walked into the classroom one after another, and the head teacher Wang Yang was already standing on the podium waiting:

"Wait until Class 1 and Class 2 finish, and our class will start testing punching strength. As long as you pass the punching strength test, you can not only participate in the subsequent Zhenwu bonus selection.

The school will also directly reward everyone with 1,500 yuan."

Wang Yang spoke, and the class instantly cheered.

"Don't be so happy so early, Class 1 has already finished the test, and there are only seven people in total." Wang Yang spoke again, and the cheers in the class quieted down.

"All tests require years of accumulation. One test can show who is lying down and who is working hard."

Wang Yang's voice was a little louder, and in the class, except for a few students, the rest of the people lowered their heads.

"Brother Hu, are you sure?"

Before Chen Yan, Hu Yuan's deskmate asked Hu Yuan.

Hu Yuan is tall and has always had good test scores.

"One hundred and sixty kilograms..., of course I can." Hu Yuan spoke with confidence. He is strong and is extremely outstanding in the class.

"Class 3 is ready to start testing punching power!"

The voice of Principal Zhang Yue came from the radio.

Wang Yang waved his hand, and the whole class left the classroom and went to the exercise room.

The exercise room was very empty. Chen Yan saw a few lines of words written on the blackboard in the front as soon as he entered.

[Punching power results]

[First place: Yu Zhiwen of Class 1, 563 kg]

[Second place: Wang Yu of Class 2, 385 kg]

[Fifth place: Zhang Qingsi of Class 3, 257 kg]


The students of Class 3 suddenly heard a burst of surprise.

"Director Xia Tong has taken Zhang Qingsi to test."

Wang Yang said:

"Zhang Qingsi has just awakened his blood and qi, and he is not used to it yet. After he adapts, his punching power will become stronger and stronger."

Chen Yan looked at the first place, and his eyes trembled.

Yu Zhiwen, with a punching power of 563 kg, far surpassed Wang Yu, the second place.

The key is that Yu Zhiwen is still a girl. Chen Yan has seen her before. She looks very gentle, but he didn't expect her strength to be so terrifying.

With such a punch, she can kill a cow.

As for the second place, Wang Yu, he has not awakened his blood and qi, and he is practicing horizontal training.

To achieve such a terrifying punching force with physical strength alone, his own physique and punching skills must be amazing.

"Class 3, let's start, in order of seats."

In the training room, a female teacher stood in front of a machine taller than her and spoke.

That is the dynamometer. When a punch is thrown, it will show the punching force.

A person has three chances.

Soon, a student walked to the dynamometer with a nervous look on his face.

"Pay attention to the force." Wang Yang said.

"Okay, teacher." The boy took a deep breath and punched out.

With a bang.

The sensor wrapped in a soft membrane at the center of the dynamometer vibrated violently.

"Wang Xueyuan, 135 kg."

The female teacher read out the results while recording them. The boy named Wang Xueyuan looked unhappy and walked away.

"There are two more times." The female teacher said.

"No more test, the gap is a bit big." Wang Xueyuan replied, lowering his head and speaking in disappointment.

"Next one." The female teacher did not comfort him.

Chen Yan's seat was not very close to the front, so he had to wait for a long time.

"Yucheng, 124 kg."

"Zhao Xi, 130 kg."

"Zhang Wei, the best result of three times was 158 kg, a little short."


It doesn't take too long to measure the punching power, and soon nearly 20 were measured.

"I told you to work hard normally, but what's the point of crying now?" The head teacher Wang Yang looked unhappy.

Some boys who were originally very confident have started to cry.

The reality is a little too far from what they imagined in their minds.

The results of Class 3 were much worse than those of Class 1 and Class 2. Of the 60 students in the class, one-third did not pass.

"Hu Yuan." The female teacher

The teacher spoke.

Hu Yuan clenched his fists when he heard his name, and a trace of nervousness appeared in his eyes, and he walked forward.

"Hu Yuan, remember to exert your strength!" Wang Yang urged. Hu Yuan was one of the students he was more optimistic about.

At the same time, the other students also began to encourage him.

Yesterday, Zhang Qingsi was supposed to treat everyone to a barbecue, but Hu Yuan paid the bill himself, and later treated everyone to drinks, which made Hu Yuan's reputation increase rapidly.

"I'm sure I can do it!" Hu Yuan said in a low voice, and came to the dynamometer. His nervousness dissipated and he regained his confidence.

His father asked him to please Zhang Qingsi, but who doesn't want to rely on himself?

With a bang.

As the sensor vibrated violently, a string of numbers appeared on the display of the dynamometer.

"One hundred and fifty-seven kilograms, almost."

The female teacher spoke.

Hu Yuan's face paused slightly, and he quickly said:

"Teacher, the second time."


Hu Yuan took a deep breath and exerted his strength again.

With a bang.

"Teacher, I..."

"The third time, get ready."


Hu Yuan returned to the classroom with an extremely ugly face. Some classmates beside him looked at each other with complicated expressions.

While they were doing comforting gestures, they could not help but show a hint of ridicule in their eyes.

One hundred and fifty-nine kilograms, this is Hu Yuan's best result.

He only missed the test by one kilogram.

If he missed a little more, Hu Yuan would not be so upset, but fifteen thousand just flew in front of him.

Hu Yuan sat on the ground dejectedly, and Wang Yang's sigh and the voice of the female teacher sounded in his ears.

"Chen Yan."

"Okay." The voice he hated sounded, and Hu Yuan wanted to witness the other party being eliminated with his own eyes, but when he thought of himself, he was too lazy to even raise his head.

Tears could not help but appear in his eyes.

"Hu Yuan, it's just a little bit, why not play again..."

Hu Yuan was stunned and fell into hesitation when his classmates' suggestions sounded in his ears. .

But when he thought that he almost passed, Hu Yuan still looked at Wang Yang with hope:

"Teacher Wang, I want to hit it again..."

With a bang.

The sound of the fist hitting the dynamometer sounded.

In an instant, the whole class three cheered.

"Chen Yan, 167 kilograms."

All the thoughts in Hu Yuan's brain stopped, and he looked forward dully.

"Chen Yan, do you want to test it a second time?" The female teacher asked with a smile, with doubt in her eyes.

Obviously, the way of exerting force is not good, but he passed the test with one punch.

That means that this student has great strength.

"No need."

Chen Yan smiled:

"Just pass the test."

"Chen Yan, not bad!"

The head teacher Wang Yang didn't expect Chen Yan to pass. After all, Chen Yan had a year of blank period, and his body function must have declined after a year of illness.

Wang Yang raised his thumb and patted Chen Yan on the shoulder:

"Go to the next classroom to receive the reward, and then you can move freely."

Wang Yang looked at Hu Yuan, who had naturally heard what Hu Yuan said just now:

"No, Hu Yuan, three times is the school rule."

"Ah?" Hu Yuan opened his mouth wide, but he saw Chen Yan walking past him from the corner of his eye, and his face suddenly became even uglier.

In the next classroom, Principal Zhang Yue was sitting upright, and he naturally heard the noise from the exercise room just now.

"Chen Yan, Class 3, 1,500 reward, the college entrance examination is just a few months away, work hard!"

Zhang Yue looked at Chen Yan with a smile, he also knew Chen Yan's situation, and was very surprised by Chen Yan's performance at the moment.

Thinking of something, Zhang Yue continued:

"I wanted to tell you yesterday, Chen Yan, you punched out a red glow yesterday, which is a symbol of awakening."

Chen Yan calmed down, and Zhang Yue continued:

"I think it should be a failure, but it shows that you have worked hard enough, but your aptitude is not good enough.

You have a good physique, I think you will be much better if you go to the horizontal training."

Chen Yan took the red envelope, his face changed slightly, he knew why Wang Yang sighed.

But he didn't want to give up.

He has broken the holy realm, he thinks there is still a chance.

Zhang Yue looked at Chen Yan, he was an experienced person, naturally knew that Chen Yan was unwilling.

But is it useful to be unwilling?

It's better to change the track earlier and get results in another track earlier.

But he won't say much, this matter still needs Chen Yan to understand it himself.


After getting the bonus, Chen Yan went home directly.

The fried noodle shop at home is not far from the school, and a noise can be heard.

"Why do you have to pay back others and pay me back slowly?"

"Do you think I, Hu Zeyuan, am easy to bully? Don't tell me about relatives. My sister is dead."

"You don't dare to go to Qingshan Neiwei. The stores are almost gone. How will you make money in the future?"

"No future, ugh!"

That was Hu Zeyuan's voice. Chen Yan saw some passers-by on the roadside stopping to watch the excitement. In the clothing store next door, the proprietress was looking at him strangely.

Then, his uncle Hu Zeyuan walked out of the store with a cold face.

Chen Yan's face turned cold. Didn't he just ask for the payment yesterday?

Seeing Chen Yan, Hu Zeyuan was stunned. Without asking, he just snorted and left.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Chen Yan walked into the store and saw Chen Yuhu sitting in his seat in a slightly decadent manner.

"Huh?" Chen Yuhu was stunned. When he saw Chen Yan coming back, the decadence on his face disappeared instantly. He asked strangely:

"Why did you come back so early today?"

"Dad, how much foreign debt do we still owe?" Chen Yan asked directly without answering.

Chen Yuhu's face changed slightly, and he waved his hand and said:

"Don't worry about the child, there is no way I can make you worry about anything."

With a snap, Chen Yuhu saw a red envelope appear in Chen Yan's hand. Just as he was about to ask, he saw Chen Yan take out a few hundred yuan from the red envelope.

"Where did you get so much money?"

Chen Yuhu was surprised and said.

"I passed the punching test, and the school rewarded me with fifteen hundred yuan." Chen Yan counted the money, stuffed the remaining five hundred into the red envelope and handed it to Chen Yuhu:

"We owe them one thousand yuan, right?" Chen Yan asked.

"This..." Chen Yuhu was speechless, but still nodded.

"Do you have an IOU?"


Chen Yan stuffed one thousand yuan into his pocket and ran away, leaving Chen Yuhu standing alone in the store.

Looking at the red envelope in his hand, Chen Yuhu tightly grasped it and slowly sat down.


He laughed.

"Hahaha." Chen Yuhu's face was full of complex emotions and laughter.

"My son is really promising."


Chen Yan ran out and saw Hu Zeyuan who was about to go in at the door of the barbecue restaurant.

"Same old?" The owner of the barbecue restaurant laughed. Hu Zeyuan was about to answer when he saw Chen Yan running in hurriedly and looked at Chen Yan sideways.

"I'll pay back the money." Chen Yan ran to Hu Zeyuan and took out the 1,000 yuan in his pocket.

"Pay back the money?" Hu Zeyuan frowned, then smiled:

"I said your family still has money."

Chen Yan said quietly:


Hu Zeyuan was stunned, then said coldly:

"Why are you talking to me?"

"Then I won't pay it back." Chen Yan turned his head and ignored Hu Zeyuan at all.

"Wait!" Chen Yuhu shouted in a low voice, squinting at Chen Yan, and then took out a note from his pocket.

Chen Yan looked at the handwriting on it. Hu Zeyuan carried it with him because he wanted his father to pay it back today.

Chen Yan took back the IOU and handed the thousand yuan in his hand to Hu Zeyuan, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Hu Zeyuan said coldly:

"What if there is a fake?"

He touched the mark on the money with one hand, very carefully.

Chen Yan did not stop and left directly.

"You must testify, if there is a fake, we will see it together!" Hu Zeyuan said to the owner of the barbecue restaurant next to him.

"Okay, we are all relatives." The owner of the restaurant couldn't stand it anymore and persuaded.

"I tell you, relatives should be on guard." Hu Zeyuan said while checking, until he was sure that there was no fake money, he put it in his pocket angrily:

"Add a roasted pork leg today."

As he was talking, Hu Zeyuan saw his son walking dejectedly by the roadside.

"Ahem!" Hu Zeyuan coughed dryly, but found that his son didn't notice him. He ran over and grabbed Hu Yuan's arm and said:

"Why did you come back so early this morning?"

Just after he finished speaking, he saw Hu Yuan looking at him with a sad face:

"Dad, I failed the punching test."

Hu Zeyuan was stunned, and slapped Hu Yuan on the forehead:

"How could you fail? I feed you meat every day, and you didn't pass?"

"Dad..., only two people in our class passed." Hu Yuan's eyes showed fear, and he defended himself.

"Only two people." Hu Zeyuan's expression eased a little:

"Which two?"

"Zhang Qingsi." Hu Yuan said two words.

"Yeah." Hu Zeyuan's expression was no longer ugly. Zhang Qingsi had awakened his blood and qi, so he would definitely pass.

"Who else?"

But Hu Yuan beside him hesitated to speak, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.


Hu Zeyuan slapped Hu Yuan on the forehead and looked at his son fiercely.

Hu Yuan's eyes were filled with fear, and he could hardly speak two words.

"Chen Yan."

Hu Zeyuan nodded.


He stopped and stood there in a daze.

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