Time flies, seasons flow.

Five days later.

Chen Yan did not go home on the weekend, but after a brief meeting with his sister, he continued to stay in the Zhenwu class.

The first three days.

Because of his injury, Chen Yan has been sniffing blood these days. When he returned to the training room, he spent most of his time practicing the Chaos Abyss Art and visualizing the ancient beast's true eye.

The physique of the warriors of the horizontal training is extremely strong. Chen Yan used his points to buy some external medicines and meals that only priority zone students can eat these days.

The injury has almost healed.

In the next two days, Chen Yan exchanged for [Hundred Guns Dark Thorn].

He also began to practice the horizontal training in a restorative manner.

In the past few days, a few things happened in the Zhenwu class.

The first thing is that Gong Qi will give a lecture to the top ten in the Zhenwu class tomorrow.

The horizontal and external training tricks of the ground vein level D!

Ground vein level!

This is the ground vein level.

Ordinary, high-grade, martial arts, ground vein...

The martial arts of the ground vein level are something that the county-level Zhenwu class can hardly touch.

Even the [Red Heart Fist] is only the first-grade martial arts.

According to Luo Pushin, he set a trap for Gong Qi and forced Gong Qi to use the ground vein level horizontal and external training tricks.

This matter was spread the day before yesterday, so it extended to the second matter.

The tenth Li Qingyuan in the Zhenwu class challenged the sixth Chu Bizha and won narrowly.

Originally, among the poor children, only Li Qingyuan entered the top ten, and now Chen Yan has it.

The Zhenwu class is greatly narrowing the gap between rich and poor students, and talented people will soon emerge.

The third thing is that Chu Xuansheng, the real dragon of the Chu family, failed in his challenge to the 26th place on the Yunmeng City Tianjiao List.

Although it was a failure, it was already very shocking.

After all, he was qualified to challenge and was already very strong.

[Breaking the Saint Realm: Level 4 (95/500)]

After taking a look at the data panel of the Breaking the Saint Realm, a smile appeared on Chen Yan's lips.

In the past few days, the Breaking Saint Tree has produced a lot of fruits.

Seven [Force] fruits.

Twenty-three [Blood].

Twenty-two [Skill] fruits.

Eight [Body] fruits.


Ten [Array] fruits!

The [Blood] Breaking Saint Fruit is the most, because Chen Yan spends most of his time smelling blood and practicing Qi and blood.

As for the [Skill] Breaking Saint Fruit, it contains Chen Yan's understanding of [Chaos Abyss Jue], [Hundred Guns Dark Stab], and [Extreme Refining Eight Styles].

At this moment, the dawn is approaching.

At the intersection of the mountain road in Luoshan County, Chen Yan got off a car.

"You worked too hard, Chen Yan. You exchanged for sixteen hours of visualization time for [Hundred Guns Dark Thorn]. We thought you would have to visualize for at least five days."

A military and military logistics staff member named Si Wenyi watched Chen Yan get off the car with a trace of emotion in his eyes.

Really hard.

After Chen Yan got the origin crystal of [Hundred Guns Dark Thorn], he did not rest at all and visualized for sixteen hours in one breath.

After looking at Si Wenyi, Chen Yan smiled and just waved goodbye:

"See you another day."

Si Wenyi drove away, and Chen Yan walked alone on the country road in the early morning.

After confirming that there was no one around.

Buzz buzz buzz!

A series of buzzing sounds resounded from the body, and a wisp of stinging blood appeared beside Chen Yan as he waved his hand.

Then, it quickly condensed.

Densely packed, ice crystals with a clear halo circled behind Chen Yan, and as Chen Yan moved his mind.

One by one, ice crystals burst out.

Boom boom boom!

On the ground, pits with a diameter of more than half a meter suddenly exploded.

With his Qi and blood gathered, Chen Yan swung his right hand, and another ice crystal was shot out. Under the dual push of strength and Qi and blood, this ice crystal exploded on a nearby mountain wall, and the fragments exploded instantly.

Chi Zhe was activated, and a stream of cold air invaded into the mountain wall, freezing the surroundings.

It can be used for range attacks or as a hidden weapon.

Even with the addition of strength, the power of this hidden weapon ice crystal is terrifying.

Chen Yan's eyes were bright, and at this moment he felt the charm of Qi and blood.

Chen Yan swallowed and spit out red mist, and seven force patterns, four patterns of tendons, bones and skin appeared.

The horizontal refining line now has nineteen patterns!

As for the Qi and blood, Chen Yan has been sniffing blood these days, and his heart has reached 100% of its capacity.

And the second organ, the liver, has also been opened, reaching 50% of its capacity!

Walking all the way to the First Martial Arts High School, the sun is rising.

Inside, there is a noise.

"Chen Yan."

Wu Chuqi looked at Chen Yan and greeted him:

"Chu Bizhu and Li Qingyuan are going to fight, do you want to go and watch together?"

Chen Yan frowned:

"Hasn't it been fought before?"

Wu Chuqi shook his head and said:

"I don't know why Chu Bizhu wants to fight again today."

Chen Yan nodded. He didn't care about other people's affairs, but Li Qingyuan had a good relationship with him. At this moment, he just came back from outside and just blended in with the others.

Walking towards the playground, Chen Yan had already seen the students gathered in a circle and talking.

Before he got close, he saw a person in the battle circle flying out, covered in blood, with sunken facial features.

It was Chu Bizhu.

The surroundings were quiet, but Li Qingyuan's face turned red. Looking at Chu Bizhu who was still wailing, he whispered:

"You look down on us, what about you!"


"You form gangs and repeatedly target us. You think you are awesome?!"

Li Qingyuan was obviously angry.

The surroundings were quiet.

Chen Yan narrowed his eyes and saw that Chu Feiyuan, who was acting as the referee, had a very gloomy face at the moment.

In the past few days, Chu Feiyuan has been filling Chen Yan's blood-sniffing room with mixed blood energy, but he has not come to him openly.

As a new leader of poor students, Li Qingyuan actually blocked a lot of trouble for Chen Yan.

"Too cruel..."

Beside him, Wu Chuqi shook his head slowly:

"Chu Bizhuo, after all, is a member of the Chu family."

Chen Yan's eyes were gloomy.

Looking at Luo Pushin in the center of the field nodding at him, he left on his own.

After a while, Chen Yan finished his meal and went to the breeding area.


Chu's family.

"Damn beast, how dare you beat Bizhuo like this!"

"These cheap things, really deserve to die!"

In the room, Chu Bizhuo was still lying on the hospital bed, and Chu Feiyuan shouted in anger.

The faces of the other Chu family members were also extremely scary.

Just at this time, the room was quiet.

A young man wearing a white robe with dragon patterns walked into the room. The young man looked ordinary, but there was a temperament between his eyebrows that ordinary people rarely had.

"Brother Xuansheng." On the bed, Chu Bizhao saw the visitor and a trace of awe appeared in his eyes.

As for Chu Feiyuan and other elders of the Chu family, they also had smiles on their faces.

They gave Chu Xuansheng face.


Chu Xuansheng spoke indifferently and glanced at Chu Bizhao on the bed, and the latter's face turned pale.

"Xuansheng, Bizhao is your cousin." The man named Chu Cang spoke.

Chu Xuansheng said indifferently:

"Why did His Majesty Gong Qi preach to me, but I had to be preached to together with the others?"

Chu Feiyuan was stunned and quickly said:

"Originally, Gong Qi proposed to preach to the first place in the Zhenwu class, but Luo Pushin insisted that he preach to all the top ten."

Chu Xuansheng's face was calm, but his eyes were cold:

"Are they worthy?"

No one answered, and everyone knew they were not worthy.

"How can a bunch of trash, such as Chu Bizhu, be preached to with me?"

Chu Xuansheng spoke again.

Still no one answered.

Chu Xuansheng had just lost to the 26th place on the Tianjiao list a few days ago, and now he was angry, and everyone understood.

Chu Xuansheng's target was only those who were above him.

Chu Xuanxian.

Even those who were more powerful than Chu Xuanxian.

Seeing that no one answered him, Chu Xuansheng's cold eyes subsided and he looked at Chu Bizhuo on the bed:

"You have brought shame to the Chu family, and I will personally redeem it the day after tomorrow."

Everyone was stunned, and Chu Xuansheng's father Chu Cang quickly said:

"Are you targeting Li Qingyuan?"

"Li Qingyuan, who is he?" Chu Xuansheng narrowed his eyes, but smiled:

"I will trample all these rubbish under my feet."

That figure appeared in his mind.

He will never catch up.

He can't even make it into the top 20 of Yunmeng City, and he is getting further and further away from that person.

Chu Xuansheng's eyes were filled with rage.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and the head of the Chu family, who had not spoken, said:

"Among the top ten, five signed the Chu family contract, and two signed the Gong family contract.

Just don't beat them to death."


The next day.


With one punch, an ancient beast the size of a tiger flew out, its chest shattered.

Chen Yan retracted his right fist, and strange runes like flowers appeared between his fists.

Walking over alone, Chen Yan put the left eye of the ancient beast marked with fifty into the cloth bag.

"The breeding area is a bit weak."

Chen Yan murmured. After his strength increased rapidly, even beating the breeding ancient beast with fifty points felt very easy.

He took a look at the lines between his fists.

This is the protective line that Chen Yan felt from the purple crystal.

The levels of the formation are also ordinary grade, upper grade, martial grade, and earth vein level.

Now, Chen Yan's protective formation is not very powerful, it is only upper grade B.

But it has allowed Chen Yan to walk sideways in the entire breeding area.

Moreover, with the [Eight Extreme Refining Styles] that have already reached the heart level, Chen Yan can basically kill these ancient beasts with one punch.

Not to mention [Red Heart Fist].

[Red Heart Fist] is really amazing.

"Now... I am ranked in the Zhenwu class..."

Chen Yan looked at his palm and murmured.


A man's voice sounded, and Luo Pushin smiled and fell from a tree high up:

"You should have no problem beating Liu Zong, who is ranked second now."

Luo Pushin looked at Chen Yan, wanting to see some other expressions on Chen Yan's face.

"Where is Chu Xuansheng?" Chen Yan frowned. He couldn't beat Chu Xuansheng?

Luo Pushin was speechless.

Are you not satisfied with this?



Can he beat him?

Luo Pushin suddenly froze. Can Chen Yan beat Chu Xuansheng now?

He didn't know.

He can't beat him.

He can't beat him.

Chen Yan only has nineteen lines, but he has memorized the [Eight Extreme Refining Styles], and the [Red Heart Fist] is even more wonderful. He also has the protective formation of the ancient beast.

Damn it!

I can't beat him!

Absolutely can't beat him!

But he is still cultivating blood and qi...

Should I ask Chen Yan about the progress of [Chaos Abyss Art]?

Luo Pushin thought to himself.

Forget it, I won't ask.

Damn it!

He still has fist power.

Damn it!

"The day after tomorrow, Gong Qi will talk about the earth vein-level horizontal refining trick. Don't think it's only Ding level, it's already very generous, seize the opportunity."

Luo Pushin smiled.

"Okay." Chen Yan nodded.

Luo Pushin threw the lunch box in his hand to Chen Yan and left.

He really didn't want to ask Chen Yan about the progress of cultivation.

These days, when he called Shen Yiwei, the other party always said just two words.

Damn it.

Luo Pushin himself did not expect that he accidentally found a true genius.

If he grasps this opportunity well, Chen Yan may be able to enter the top three of the Yunmeng City Prodigy List.

After a while, he can really fight Chu Xuan Sheng.

After a simple meal, Chen Yan continued to move in the breeding area.

Fighting is the best way to improve strength.

Continue to go deeper, and the front is a place he has never been to.

Chen Yan walked for a long time, and there was no ancient beast.

In the broken saint realm, a black light suddenly appeared.

The surging black light!

The black light representing elemental energy!

Chen Yan's eyes narrowed and continued to move forward.

"Hey, there will be no ancient beasts after this."

A man's voice sounded, and Lu Chong walked towards Chen Yan, and he squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Yan.

In the past few days, the essence of the origin monument of [Extreme Refining Eight Styles] has decreased, and his cultivation is very poor.

"Chen Yan, discuss something." Lu Chong said.

"You asked me not to practice the Eight Extreme Refining Styles?" Chen Yan frowned:

"This is not my problem. The Origin Monument needs others to cast the Origin. I absorbed it, and it is what I deserve.

You should not blame me."

Lv Chong's face was gloomy, and he said:

"I know it is not your problem, but there are very few strong people in the whole Yunmeng City who can cast the Eight Extreme Refining Styles Origin Monument.

Even if there are, they will not come to our county's Zhenwu class!"

Chen Yan left:

"What does that have to do with me?"

Lv Chong was anxious:

"I have thirty-three lines, and my family has bought a lot of resources for me. I plan to merge fifty lines into one.

I plan to rush into the top three by the end of the Zhenwu class. You continue to go to the horizontal refining room. I can't enter the top three!"

Chen Yan frowned and left directly.

Lu Chong was anxious:

"Chen Yan, you are still far away and can't enter the top three, but I can. If I enter the top three, I will have the hope to participate in the Yunmeng Tianjiao Trial."

Chen Yan stopped:

"You want to enter the top three, don't I want to enter the top three?"

Lu Chong was stunned. Can Chen Yan enter the top three?

Chen Yan is now the eighth in the Zhenwu class. His foundation is very poor, but he works hard. Can he enter?

But what does this have to do with him?

Now Chen Yan is indeed blocking his way.

Chen Yan continues to go to the horizontal refining room. Even if the origin monument does not give Chen Yan an epiphany, it will give Chen Yan more origin essence.

If this goes on, his way will be cut off.

Seeing that Lv Chong was silent, Chen Yan smiled and said, "Come and fight me."

Lv Chong was stunned and narrowed his eyes:

"Fight with you?"

"Yes." Chen Yan smiled gently:

"I want to live in the priority area."

"Don't be clever!" Lv Chong said in a low voice:

"While I am about to enter the Eight Extreme Refining Styles, you want to break my Dao Heart?"

Lv Chong sneered, he was about to enter the [Eight Extreme Refining Styles].

Chen Yan may have entered the Dao Heart after being enlightened.

Chen Yan can't beat him, but using the entry-level [Eight Extreme Refining Styles] will definitely destroy his Dao Heart.

Completely finished.

Chen Yan smiled even more:

"I didn't know you were about to enter the Dao Heart."

"Nonsense, the whole Zhenwu

Everyone knows about it, you tell me, you don't know?" Lu Chong said in a low voice.

"Then you tell me the time, I will fight you." Chen Yan said with a warm smile.

Lu Chong was stunned, Chen Yan was so confident?

I have many more lines than him, after mastering the [Eight Extreme Refining Styles], how can Chen Yan fight me?

Isn't this courting death?

"The day after tomorrow, no, the day after tomorrow!" Lu Chong sneered.

Chen Yan smiled, Lu Chong's sneer was restrained, and for some reason, his back felt cold.

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