"Perhaps, this is all I can do."

On the hospital bed, Li Qingyuan bit his lips tightly, and the bloody smell between his lips and teeth merged with the anger condensed between his eyebrows.

Beside the bed, Gao Yuan and other students all looked ugly, some kept cursing, and some had tears in their eyes.

"Liu Zong actually entered the Hundred Meridians Realm, and he used such a heavy hand. It's obvious that he wanted to seriously injure Brother Li until the day when the ranking of the Zhenwu Class was fixed."

"How cruel, it's so cruel!"

"What a pity, it's a pity that Coach Luo is leaving soon, and now there is no time to ask for justice for us."

Everyone kept talking, and they felt a sense of resentment in their hearts that was difficult to express.

Li Qingyuan smiled lightly: "Fortunately, it's almost over."

He shook his head slowly. Didn't his companions understand that the Zhenwu Class has been an extremely fierce competition from the beginning?

"It's hard for me, a child of a poor family, to make a name for myself!"

Someone whispered.

Li Qingyuan smiled and didn't refute.

But he knew in his heart that they couldn't even be called poor families.

But if he said it directly, it would be too sad.

"Li Qingyuan, you can really ask Chen Yan for help!"

Gao Yuan clenched his fists and said:

"Liu Zong hit you too hard. If it weren't for your strong physique, you would have been beaten to death.

Is there no justice in this Zhenwu class?"

Luo Pushin is gone, and Liu Zong is obviously on the side of the Chu family, and even Gong Qi is the same.

Now, this Zhenwu class, which nominally helps the rise of true geniuses, has become a plaything of the aristocratic family.

Luo Pushin is about to leave, and Gao Yuan can only think of Chen Yan in his mind.

Chen Yan, strong, very strong!

"Gao Yuan, stop it." Someone spoke with a sigh and shook his head slowly.

Why should Chen Yan come to help them?

Chen Yan came from a humble background, but he was appreciated by Luo Pushin from the beginning and was no longer in the same class as them.

"Gao Yuan, Chen Yan doesn't need to help me, he can't help me."

Li Qingyuan chuckled and said:

"Everyone has his own life, why do you force others to bear something they shouldn't bear?"

Gao Yuan was silent, but at this moment, all the students in the room looked back.

"Chen Yan..." Yu Zhiwen stared at the door in a daze.

In the interlaced light and shadow, there stood a young man with a handsome face, an inexplicable temperament between his eyebrows, and a shining brilliance.

After not seeing each other for many days, Chen Yan's appearance today has not changed, but it seems that he is no longer the existence they can see on weekdays.

Everyone's eyes flashed with surprise at first, but they couldn't help feeling humble.

Yu Zhiwen opened her red lips and slowly made way. In the memory deep in her mind, Chen Yan at Qingshan High School quietly disappeared.

"You are here, Chen Yan." Li Qingyuan forced a smile.

Chen Yan didn't come to watch him, and he thought Chen Yan wouldn't come to see him either.

The two of them didn't have much in common, and they couldn't even be called good friends.

The fact that the other party could come was beyond Li Qingyuan's expectations.

"Broken ribs?" Chen Yan's eyes were clear: "The lungs were also seriously injured."

Li Qingyuan opened his mouth, wondering how Chen Yan could tell, and nodded.

"Liu Zongxia was so heavy-handed because he didn't want Li Qingyuan to be in the top three." Gao Yuan said in a low voice:

"The top three in each county have the opportunity to enter the Tianjiao Trial in Yunmeng City. Brother Li is obviously blocking their way."

Chen Yan nodded quietly. He still knew something about Li Qingyuan.

One person united all the poor children in the town martial arts class, went to the breeding area to hunt ancient beasts together, went to the blood-sniffing room together to grab the blood energy, and taught each other martial arts.

The gentry led by the Chu family naturally hated Li Qingyuan.

This is the most intense struggle in the Zhenwu class, but Chen Yan has always stayed out of it.

He has far surpassed everyone.

If this person does not help others, he may go further.

Chen Yan cannot do what Li Qingyuan does, but it does not mean that Chen Yan does not recognize him.

If he is weak, he also hopes that someone can help him and help him resist the squeeze of the gentry.

"What are you going to do next?" Chen Yan asked.

"Recover from the injury, then join the military guard, and then take the college entrance examination. I will not have the chance to participate in the Tianjiao trial." Li Qingyuan smiled.

Everyone looked at Chen Yan, some still in awe, some sighed, and some were slightly disappointed.

They wanted to hear Chen Yan say something like, I will help you vent your anger.

But when I think about it, this is too naive.

Chen Yan now

, giving them a feeling of extreme distance and extreme maturity.

It was as if the struggle between them was no different from playing house in Chen Yan's eyes.

Chen Yan nodded, took off the schoolbag behind him and handed it to Gao Yuan:

"Give these fake eyes a try."

Gao Yuan was startled and opened the schoolbag. When someone next to him saw it, they were all stunned.

"This..." Gao Yuan raised his voice and looked at Chen Yan in disbelief:

"Chen Yan, so many... so many fake eyes?!"

But he saw a pile of fake eyes with numbers marked in the schoolbag.

These are the points Chen Yan earned by killing the ancient beasts in the breeding area.

"I can't use it." Chen Yan said quietly.

He really can't use it. Points can't be exchanged for money, but only for time in the blood-sniffing room and time to practice the origin monument.

After the Zhenwu class ended, the points became useless numbers.

He only exchanged points once, and then went to smell blood and go to the horizontal training room, and never used them up.

At this point, the Zhenwu class can no longer help Chen Yan.

[Break the Holy Tree (Level 4): 5/10

Strength: 97/100

Blood: 79/100

Skill: 5/100

Physical: 59/100

Formation: 89/100]

Break the Holy Tree, martial arts points, and the points of the Tianbang Boxing Tournament are what Chen Yan cares about.

The Zhenwu class can no longer keep up with Chen Yan's pace.

"Chen Yan, you have to think twice...!" Li Qingyuan said, and when he saw Chen Yan was silent, Li Qingyuan smiled bitterly and suddenly understood something.

So, has Chen Yan gone that far?

Everyone looked at the points in the schoolbag, then looked at Chen Yan, and fell into a daze.

"Thank you, Chen Yan..."

A round-faced girl suddenly burst into tears, and in her tears, there was both gratitude to Chen Yan and sadness for the passing of youth.

She could never catch up with Chen Yan again.

"Chen Yan..." Gao Yuan's body trembled, but at this moment he slowly opened his mouth:

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!..."

He kept talking, his heart was extremely complicated, he didn't know what to say, he could only keep saying thank you.

The others also expressed their gratitude to Chen Yan, they had indescribable gratitude in their hearts, but it was difficult to express.

A Zhenwu class, just a short month, made them feel like they had experienced a lifetime.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Chen Yan glanced at Li Qingyuan and turned away.

"Wait a minute!" Li Qingyuan suddenly raised his hand and looked at Chen Yan in a daze:

"Wait a minute!"

There was a trace of relief in his eyes, and a sense of relief.

Everyone left.

Chen Yan and Li Qingyuan stayed in the room.

"Chen Yan, I have a secret place to share with you, it's a little dangerous, but it can make you and me stronger!"

Li Qingyuan took a deep breath and said what was in his heart.

Chen Yan was a little surprised: "You wanted to tell me this before?"

Li Qingyuan was silent.

He wanted to tell Chen Yan about this a few days ago, because that place was a little dangerous and he needed to cooperate with someone, and the only person he thought of was Chen Yan.

But Chen Yan went to save Xu Di that day and just passed by him.

The second time, he invited Chen Yan to watch the fight between him and Liu Zong, but Chen Yan refused.

Chen Yan was right.

It was just that Li Qingyuan suddenly felt that martial arts was lonely, so he suppressed what he said in his heart.

The third time was today.

Chen Yan, who was thought to be cold and independent, did something to share, which made Li Qingyuan change his mind again.

Martial arts may be lonely, but people are not lonely.

"It was in a cave, very deep, nearly a thousand meters, where I picked up a fruit, and after eating it..."

Li Qingyuan opened the clothes on his chest, and four extreme satin patterns appeared on it:

"I condensed four horizontal extreme satin patterns, and I met an ancient beast and then escaped."

Chen Yan's eyes narrowed.

Li Qingyuan smiled and said, "I didn't tell anyone else. If I told anyone, I wouldn't trust even Luo, the instructor, with such a treasure.

I don't have enough strength to deal with those ancient beasts."

Chen Yan was silent. Qingshan was indeed a treasure land.

Last time, he discovered the Thunder Flame Flower by breaking the Saint Realm, and Li Qingyuan discovered an incredible treasure medicine.

However, this treasure is underground, and it is difficult to find it in the Saint Realm. Li Qingyuan is lucky.

"Are those ancient beasts strong?" Chen Yan asked.

"Very strong, at least the strength of the early stage of Baimai."

Chen Yan nodded, feeling very weak.

Li Qingyuan pursed his lips. He saw Chen Yan's expression and was speechless.

"When do we leave?" Chen Yan asked.

"In two days, at least my injuries will be better, otherwise I will be a drag on you."

Li Qingyuan thought and said:

"Chen Yan, you have to be careful of the Chu family."

Chen Yan nodded.

"Although you are the first in the Zhenwu class now, the Chu family has made it clear that the top three are all Chu family members. In this way, Chu Xuansheng and the other two will enter the Tianjiao Trial together, and they will form a force with Chu Xuanxian of the Chu family.

Your existence is too conspicuous."

"They have already attacked me." Chen Yan said.

Li Qingyuan was stunned, and then smiled bitterly:

"My Li family is originally from Laoshi, and we have some assets, but we have been eroded step by step and forced into this situation step by step.

This is the sadness that belongs to us. I hate the aristocratic families and hate them for monopolizing all resources.


Li Qingyuan took a deep breath, and the resentment in his eyes was extremely strong:

"Heaven is unfair, and we have to live in such a world..."


"Is heaven unfair?"

Chen Yan murmured, and he walked slowly on the streets of Luoshan County.

Suddenly, I felt something against my heart.

In this world, not everyone has a broken holy tree.

There are many people who are as hardworking as him.

The Broken Holy Tree chose him, which was also an injustice of luck.

Chen Yan is very selfish. He doesn't want to face too much. He doesn't have the mentality of protecting the poor people in the world.

Perhaps, he is much better than others.

Isn't it?

The sun danced like a golden snake, scorching the earth unscrupulously, and the streets were steaming with misty heat waves, swaying like phantoms.

On the street, people came and went. Some people saw Chen Yan and secretly admired his extraordinary temperament.

Chen Yan glanced at everyone lightly, walked quietly, left the street, and walked into the countryside.

The dark outline of the mountains in the distance seemed a little hazy in the heat wave, like an ink painting, with shadows.

On the distant mountain peaks, a figure appeared, looking at the young man on the country road from a distance.

"Is he Chen Yan?"

A woman in red clothes and a mask spoke up. Beside her, a man was wearing a thick black cotton jacket and a monkey mask, even though it was summer.

"He looks like an ordinary young man." The monkey mask made a deep male voice.

"Ordinary?" The woman laughed:

"Not ordinary at all. Just looking at his eyebrows, I feel that there are many hidden things."

"What do you mean?" The monkey mask said in surprise.

"According to that person, Chen Yan had experienced an assassination attempt before, and he was protected by military guards.

Yesterday, Luo Pushin, who protected Chen Yan, attacked the Chu family. Logically, Chen Yan should be extremely cautious now."

The woman took a deep breath:

"We have been monitoring him for several days. This is the first time he has walked out of the town martial arts class so swaggeringly."

Monkey Mask's body stiffened:

"You said, he was fishing?"


The woman whispered: "Too direct, even taking us for fools."

Monkey Mask pondered for a long time: "But it's 40 million, and Luo Pushin is indeed not in Luoshan County today. Who knows what strong man will come to protect him in the future.

If we don't take action, we will have no chance."

"If you want to take action, you take action. I need to save my life."

The woman in red snorted coldly and turned away.


Monkey Mask gritted his teeth, he squatted down and hid among the grass and trees, waiting for Chen Yan to pass by.

This is 40 million!

He didn't even care about Shen Yiwei's warning. He wanted to hide?

He would leave Yunmeng City after dealing with Chen Yan. He could continue to grow stronger with 40 million.

Time was quiet, and the young man in short sleeves walked quietly among the vast fields.

Until he came to the hill where the monkey mask was.

The monkey mask's breath was choked, and a ray of light appeared on one hand.

But then.


A roar suddenly erupted from under the hill, and the young man in short sleeves suddenly turned into a white light and rushed directly to the monkey mask.


The monkey mask trembled suddenly, what speed is this! ! !

He was about to stand up, but he saw that the stream of light suddenly turned in front of him and rushed to the right.

"Ah!... You!"

A woman's voice rang out, and the red-clothed woman who had been hiding and planned to wait in the wings suddenly jumped out from under the fluffy tree canopy.

Without bothering to ask Chen Yan how he found her, she whipped out her slender thigh towards Chen Yan's neck.

At the same time, Chen Yan stepped on the tree trunk with one foot, and spun his body, and also hit the woman's thigh with a knee.


The two collided in an instant, and a gust of wind was fiercely chopped off by the woman's thigh, smashing the tree and causing the surrounding land to roll with dust.

"You!" The woman's eyes suddenly became fierce. She was a 72-line horizontal martial artist, but at the moment of collision with Chen Yan's whip kick, she felt a huge force rushing into her body, and it was difficult for her to attack for a while.

At the moment her body flew backwards, the woman's other leg was wrapped around Chen Yan's waist, and a punch

It hit Chen Yan in the face.

Chen Yan raised his right leg, and his toes blew up like a gust of wind, and the next moment it hit the back of the woman's head.


Fist intention burst out!


Before the woman's fist hit Chen Yan in the face, a stream of blood spurted out of her mouth, and her whole body turned over Chen Yan's head and flew out.

Chen Yan's eyes condensed, and he turned around in an instant and grabbed with one hand again.

"Get out of here!!!" The red-clothed woman was agile, adjusted her body in mid-air, and punched Chen Yan.

In an instant, a shock rolled out from her fist, and in Chen Yan's sight, it seemed that countless fists hit his hand in an instant.

The severe pain spread from the arm bones, and Chen Yan's body couldn't stop shaking, and his flesh and blood were unstable.

Fist intention!!!

"Vibrating fist, you are Gong Xinling!"

In the distance, the monkey mask shouted, thinking whether to attack or not.


A slender jade hand suddenly slapped his shoulder, and a heroic woman in military uniform appeared beside him.

"Shen Youning!!!" The monkey mask screamed fiercely, but suddenly felt a huge force rolling in his body.

Immediately, the ground under his feet exploded, and the whole person was pressed into the ground like a nail, with only a head exposed above the ground.

"Misunderstanding, all misunderstanding!"

The man shouted, and was extremely frightened at this moment.


A knife light suddenly came, piercing straight from the man's shoulder, and blood splashed.

"Misunderstanding!" Xu Di appeared, stepped on the handle of the knife, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The man roared in pain.


Xu Di used one foot to push, and a quarter of the blade was inserted into the man's shoulder.

"If you scream again, your heart will collapse." Xu Di said indifferently, and the man opened his mouth and breathed hard.

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