Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 987: Mysterious fairyland

Jiuyou Scepter, a symbol of the emperor of the Yuyou tribe and a treasure inherited for many years, contains the memories and bloodlines left by the ancestors of the Jiuyou tribe. If Master Nan Gongxiao is really a strong Jiuyou tribe, this baby will definitely Help a lot.

Although this scepter is only an ordinary innate spirit soldier, which is the first-level fairy, it has accumulated the mind spirit of countless Jiuyou emperors in the world, and its effect on Jiuyou is far beyond ordinary babies.

"Nangong Xiao, you first enter the Big Dipper, I'll find your master!"

I carefully considered the plan several times, and Nie Yun felt that there was no more leak, and he took Nangong Xiao into the Big Dipper, but he acted in disguise and became the latter.

Reaching the third form of camouflage talent, the Xuanxian Realm might not be able to see it, let alone half a step Xuanxian Realm.

I prepared well together, and Nie Yun flew over to the canyon, then fell to the ground, and walked forward quickly according to the direction that Nan Gongxiao said before.

The yin canyon is overwhelming, and under the background of snow and ice, the whole space looks more cold and horrible.

"I am afraid that Master Nangong Xiao is practicing a kind of cold and cold attributes!"

阴 This kind of cold is not a problem for him with the talent of beacon fire, while moving forward, speculation in his heart.

Since the Jiuyou group can become the demon emperor, the normal breath is magnificent, such as the mountains and mountains, the breath is amazing, instead of the current appearance, lack of dignity, and more than terror.

From this point alone, we can see that the exercises practiced by Master Nangong Xiao failed to fully activate the blood of Jiuyou and exert the power of blood.

Throughout the practice world, the pedigree level is severe, and the blood power is more important. Although the Jiuyou clan is not as good as the Nether Phoenix clan, it has definitely reached the third level. If the proper exercises can activate the blood, it will definitely do more with less. , Much more powerful than any cold attributes.

So based on this alone, Nie Yun concluded that the other party must not have fully activated the bloodline.

Alas, alas!

I walked for a while, and the dark clouds in the valley made up for the ghosts and crying gods, and the enchantment gathered by the dark clouds formed all kinds of monsters, and kept flying around.

"Master, disciple Nangong Xiao, please see me!"

Xie Nieyun knew that he was approaching the training location of the other party, and immediately stopped and spoke loudly.

"Xiaoer, didn't you let me come over to bother you? Why are you here?"

Then a loud voice came out, shaking in the valley, and the snow on the top of the tremor fell.

"Master, I inadvertently got a treasure conjecture that it might be helpful for you to break through, and specially brought it to Master!" Nie Yun said busyly.

"Oh? Help me? Come on!"

The monster formed by the cloud of voice separated a passage, and Nie Yun lifted his foot and walked in.

After a while, he walked into a cave, and an old man sat in the middle of it with a chilly body, with a terrifying breath.

"Sure enough, I will soon break through the mysterious wonderland. I am afraid that even if I can't break this time, I will definitely be able to advance in a few decades." I took a look at the old man and inferred in Nie Yun's heart.

He has the talent of martial arts and has a special sense of martial arts cultivation. The old man has a strong breath in front of him. Although he has not reached the realm of mystery, he is only one step closer. As long as the opportunity comes, it will certainly come to fruition, and his strength will double.

"What treasure? Take a look!"

The old man opened his mouth, his voice was harsh and unpleasant, it was sharp like a golden stone, and it pierced his soul.

"It's this!" Nie Yun took out the staff of Jiuyou with a movement in her heart.

"Huh?" Taking the scepter, the old man looked down, his face gradually dignified from the previous indifference.

"Although this is only an early fairy tale, it contains the purest blood of our Jiuyou family and the most suitable method of blood veins. Where did you ... get this thing?"

There was a strong sense of excitement in his eyes, and the old man couldn't help but cry.

"Disciple accidentally obtained ..."

Qi Nieyun lowered her head.

"Very good, with this thing, I can be promoted to Xuan Wonderland in one day, and become a master of Xuan Wonderland!" The old man nodded excitedly. "Nangong Xiao is very good, and Master will not ask you for nothing. I have a set of exercises I have developed here that should be of great help to you. Now I will teach you! "

"Thank you Master!" Nie Yun pretended to be excited, and hurriedly fell to the ground.


Seeing his attitude, the old man stretched his fingers forward and directly clicked on Nie Yun's forehead, and then a mysterious meaning rolled over into his mind.

"Ghost Magic Magic ..."

Looking at the mysterious meaning that rushed into his mind, Nie Yun suddenly understood.

No wonder this old guy is full of yin, and it turned out that he practiced the ghost magic power.

虽然 Although this set of exercises is not weak, it is a bit worse than Jiuzhuan Nirvana and it is cold and hot. It hurts and he will naturally not practice.

"Well, that should be the key, steal!"

As soon as his mind accepted the exercises from the other party, God's stealing eye talent was quietly running. He looked at the other party and looked at it, and he saw a bunch of keys.

Immediately, God's stealing talent spread along the opponent's finger. As soon as his heart moved, he took the key into Dantian.

The third form of the **** of stealing talent, God is unaware of the ghost, as long as there is contact with the body, you can steal it, even half step Xuanxian Realm can not find it.

"Huh? What's that? Xuan Wonderland's demon core? This is a good thing. Even if I can't break Xuan Wonderland in my hands, it can definitely increase the strength by several levels!"

Suddenly, Baoguang flashed in his eyes, and Nie Yun saw a treasure in the other's body generous and bright.

Puppet is a demon nucleus in a mysterious fairyland, with abundant energy and a powerful spiritual wave.

It seems that the old man got it for his own breakthrough and paid a huge price. Once he found the breakthrough opportunity, he directly took it out and provided the energy to take the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

The demon core, a special energy crystal formed in the demon's body, which contains the cultivation of the demon's whole body, is extraordinary.

Nie Yun used this thing to upgrade his strength before when he was in the Qihai continent. The energy of the demon core of the Xuanxian Realm demon is extremely huge, far exceeding all elixir.

Although this can not make people realize the realm and quickly advance, but the abundant and pure energy fluctuations, once let him take it, it will directly impact the middle, late and even peak of Tianxianjing!


I knew that the other person's finger was the best time to point to his forehead. Immediately, he didn't dare to hesitate. When the spirit moved, he stole the demon core, flickered it, and threw it into the Big Dipper.

妖 This demon core has a special soul induction. It can also be found in the other party in Dantian. It is suppressed by the array method in the star palace. Not to mention half-step Xuanxian, even the real Xuanxian cannot be found.


刚 As soon as he stole the key and the demon core, the other party stopped indoctrination and put his fingers back

"This set of ghost magic skills can be transformed into a fairy to transform the ghost to attack people. It is extremely powerful and infinitely powerful! As long as the cultivation is successful, leapfrog battles are not a problem!"

Master Tao Nangong Xiao nodded.

"Thank you Master for cultivating!" Nie Yun quickly pretended to be happy.

"Well, this is the evil spirit that cultivates the magical powers of ghosts and ghosts. I reserved three of them that year, and now all of them are for you, and they can have a great effect on your cultivation!"

The old man turned his wrist and took out three jade gourds and handed them over.

"Thank you Master!" Nie Yun sighed again, took the gourd at will, and put it in Dantian, and then stood up. "The disciples will not disturb Master, I will leave first!"

"Well, you go back first, I will continue to give you benefits after I have reached the increase of mysterious status!"

The old man nodded, took Jiuyou's scepter in his palm, and waved at will.

"The child is leaving!" Nie Yun benefited, and did not dare to stay, then stepped back immediately.

He Jiuyou's scepter had no effect on him, and it was a waste to keep it. With a useless scepter, he stole the key and a mysterious fairyland demon core, and it definitely made a big deal.

I stepped back a few steps, Nie Yun didn't dare to stop, and walked directly out of the canyon. He walked not far, and suddenly heard an impetuous shout, and the howling pierced the clouds.

"Nangong Xiao, stop me!"

When I heard this voice, Nie Yun knew that the stealing of the Xuanxian Demon Core must have been discovered. Her pupils shrank, and she dared not stay. The wings of the Phoenix flickered. The talents of the Windward Division cooperated and flew forward.


As soon as Xun left the spot, a cold and cold force suddenly appeared, converging into a huge palm in the air, and the smashed rocks splashed, shaking the mountain.

"Little bunny, dare to steal my stuff and give me my life!"

Wu Xuanxian's demon core is the most important thing that the other party can rely on to break through. Now it is stolen and almost exploded with anger. With a whistling sound, people have been out of the valley and the speed is fast.

"Deserves to be a strong player in the Jiuyou clan, with fast speed and strong strength ..."

Seeing the speed of the figure, Nie Yun's pupils shrank and accelerated.

Although the master of Nangong Xiao did not fully use the blood of the Jiuyou tribe, after all, the blood was strong, and the power that burst out suddenly far exceeded the half-step Xuanxian Realm, which was almost the same as the ordinary Xuanxian Realm.


For half a valley, it was torn down by the violent force, and the violent force was tornado-like, sprinting to Nie Yun.

"This is your evil spirit, you leave it to me, try it for yourself!"

Seeing that the attack of the other party is powerful and unmatched ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is difficult to dodge. Nie Yun was not panic and suddenly screamed. The wings of the Phoenix stabbed in the air, his wrists shook, and a gourd rushed towards the old man suddenly, suddenly Explode.


The gourd exploded, and the valley was instantly shrouded by a thick cold air, the wind was roaring, and there were ghosts and mists everywhere, making people indistinguishable from southeast and northwest.

The evil spirit that the old man gave him just now is suddenly released, and I did not expect such a powerful effect.

"Damn, you're looking for death!"

The old man did not expect Nie Yun to be so decisive, he threw the gourd directly, yelling loudly, his mouth suddenly opened, and he swallowed the cloudy sky into his stomach in one breath.

These evil spirits were collected by him, and naturally there is a method of refining.

"Huh? What about people?"

I swallowed up the fog, looked up and looked for the "Nangong Xiao" in the air, but found that there were white clouds in the air, and there were still half figures.

The other party has successfully escaped!

PS: Back home, now on the train, take a day's train to Xi'an, and then take an overnight to go home. . . Hey there are no children's shoes in Xi'an. .




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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