Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 996: Xue Wu

"It's okay to help, but my strength is down, I'm afraid I don't have this ability!"

I changed to other people's beauty nephrite, looking forward, perhaps with a look of expectation, maybe already agreed. Nie Yun is different, with a firm mind like iron, and must carefully consider the pros and cons to agree.

After all, if the opponent's power is too strong and offends for no reason, there must be a lot of trouble in the future.

Xu Xinqian is also a clever person. When he looks at it, he understands it, and his face is full of smiles. “If you participate in this contest, as long as you can get the highest honor, the reward is very generous, especially the first place. Let me tell you the truth, it is more generous than in previous years. It ’s [Little Sanctuary] practiced for three days, plus a [half-step Luoxiandan], and a top-grade fairyware! "

Speaking of this, Xu Xinqian showed excitement in her eyes, and her light flickered. It seemed that three things had great attraction to her.

I heard three things she said, and Nie Yun was thinking.

He does n’t need to sacrifice high-grade fairy wares. After conquering the Nangong Xiao, his “Chaos Real Dragon Sword”, whose peak of high-grade goods is about to reach the highest level, has fallen into his hands, and the general high-grade fairy wares are really inconspicuous.

As for the half-step Luoxian Dan, it is a good thing. If it can be obtained, let his cultivation be promoted again, although it cannot reach the horrible point of half-step Luoxian, reaching the middle and even the late days of the fairy, it is possible.

"What is a small sanctuary? What are the benefits of three days of practice?"

Xie Nieyun asked the doubts in his heart.

"You don't even know the small sanctuary ..." Xu Xinqian seemed a little speechless, shook her head helplessly: "The small sanctuary is the space at the top of the repair tower. If you have never entered it, you can definitely make it for the first time. The successful integration of human talents is the supreme cultivation sacred place the drivers want to go to! "

"It's here? Only three days ... Maybe it's too little!" Nie Yun continued.

"Three days have already been a lot. Fusion talents pay attention to the flash of light. Cultivation here will definitely make your flashes flash in three days. After this time, the effect is not great!" Xu Xinqian explained patiently.

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded, finally exulting.

If this place can really blend people's talents, it will help him a lot.

Now is a Sipin Silverprint Exorcist. As long as he can combine a talent casually, he can reach the fifth level, and this level of extortionist can be considered as a high-level in the whole spiritual world.

怎么 样 "How about, do you want to think about it?"

Seeing his heartbeat, Xu Xinqian smiled.

"Okay, if you don't think I'm clumsy, you can participate!" Nie Yun nodded.

"This is all right, if you are clumsy, I'm afraid there aren't many people who are not stupid ..." Xu Xinqian said that she suddenly realized that she had a mouth lip, and her face was red. "There are still some stupid ..."

I explained a sentence, and found that the more I explained, the more uncomfortable I had to stop, a little awkward

"Ha ha!" Nie Yun smiled and shook her head when she saw that such a clever girl would make such low-level mistakes.

"Wait here for a while and don't leave, I'll change my clothes and take you to see Master!"

While the two of them were talking, Xu Xinqian glanced from side to side with a beautiful red courtyard, and hurriedly went deep into the courtyard.

Seeing her hurry to leave, Nie Yun did not chase after him, but looked up.

小 This small courtyard has a quiet environment, not far away is a small artificial lake, lotus flowers are blooming, and the fragrance is fragrant.

"Master Xue Wu, this is the small courtyard where the lady lives. Never let anyone in. Please stay away!"

I was watching the environment in the courtyard, and suddenly Nie Yun heard the sound of footsteps and shoving behind him.

"Hum, I haven't been allowed to come in several times. I have to go in today. Xinqian has been my friend from childhood to childhood. Since childhood, I have never believed that she would be kicked out because she entered her yard!"

Immediately, a violent drink sounded.

"Master Xue Wu, I'm telling the truth, the lady's yard has never been entered by a stranger, please be considerate of the little ..."

"Be considerate of you, let it go!"

The irritable voice sounded again, and the footsteps were getting closer.

"No stranger has ever entered, who is he, do you think I am blind, or do you think I am bullied?"

The stomping stopped shortly afterwards, followed by a sound of bitter anger.

Xie Nieyun turned his head and saw a young man standing not far away, with dark eyebrows, his pupils indifferent, staring coldly at himself, wondering what to do.

It seems that “He” he just said refers to himself.


I was talking about a maid, sixteen or seventeen years old, eyes blinking, one braid on each side, separating the black hair from each other, smart and pleasant.

At this time, the maid stood in front of the young man, and looked at Nie Yun who didn't know where to come from. It seemed strange, and there was a sense of confusion in his eyes.

Nie Yun and Xu Xinqian walked all the way just now, but did not meet them. They should go another way.

"Boy, who are you, this is a small courtyard of sweet love, she doesn't like men running in, and she doesn't get out of me right away!"

Seeing that the maid couldn't answer, Master Xue Wu thought that Nie Yun, like him, was a disciple who sneaked into the courtyard, his face gloomy, and he sulked.

Seeing that this guy was so crazy, he was let out without asking anything. Nie Yun had a bit of unhappiness in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously and turned around.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me?"

This Master Xue Wu thought that he was a domineering roar, and the other party would be frightened to recede directly. I did not expect people to ignore it at all. The thick disdain in his eyes was like seeing a barking dog, angry The blood rushed to the skin instantly.

"Little girl, you have such a quiet environment, how can there be wild animals running wildly?"

Ignoring each other's words, Nie Yun suddenly looked at the maid and asked with a smile.

He possesses the talent of Xianyin, and in addition to comprehending the spontaneous atmosphere of Taoism's leisurely journey, when he heard this, the maid couldn't help turning his face red. "How can there be animals ..."

He only said four words, and immediately realized that he scolded Master Xue Wu again, "poop!" He laughed.

Hearing the girl's laughter and Master Nie Yun's words, Master Xue Wu's face turned dark.

I squeezed my fist and made a "creak! Creak!" Sound. The black gas rolled all over the body, and it seemed to have accumulated body strength, which would erupt at any time!

"Peak in Wonderland? Not bad!"

Seeing the rising atmosphere of the other party, Nie Yun figured out his cultivation, the peak of heaven fairyland.

The peak of Xiantian Wonderland is a talent decision for others. He can slap dead goods in his eyes and don't care.

"Xue Wu, this is my place. What are you doing?"

The violent black gas had not yet come and erupted, and suddenly a sound of clear drinking rang, and then Xu Xinqian came out.

At this time, Xu Xinqian was wearing a long purple dress, and her clothes fluttered on the other side of the artificial lake, corresponding to the water surface, exposing her perfect Na Na's figure, indescribably beautiful.

Nie Yun used to think that this girl wasn't beautiful, but she didn't expect her to be dressed up, but she was not inferior to Tielan and Luo Qingcheng.

Of course, no matter how beautiful Nie Yun is, he won't take a closer look.

He has too many things on his body, and will not cause other troubles because of his beauty.


Seeing the young man just glanced at him, he returned to peace from his amazing state, his eyes looked as if there were no waves, and Xu Xinqian's eyes showed strange colors.

I honestly started from Jiuyang City, she was curious about the boy in front of her.

She is still a little confident about her appearance, identity, and status. As long as she has seen her man, none of them has not spoken actively and sought attention, but the guy in front of her has always looked like this, without any desire, as if He is a pink skull.

If it wasn't for knowing that he was not a disciple of a Buddhist monk, I really thought that this guy had cultivated the Dharma and would disdain women.

"Xinqian are you ..."

Master Xue Wu was awake from the sound of drinking, and saw Xu Xinqian's appearance than Huajiao. His obscenity was revealed in his eyes, and the dark air that he radiated was put away, his face was smiling.

"Sorry, I'm embarrassing you in my place!"

Ignoring Xue Wu's courteous remarks, Xu Xinqian came over and laughed softly, apologizing to Nie Yun.

"Xu Xinqian, what do you mean?"

Seeing that the girl ignored him, she apologized to Nie Yun, and Master Xue Wu's face was gloomy again.

As long as you are not stupid, you can see that this is obviously shameless.

"It's not interesting, I have a small place here, and I can't tolerate Master Xue Wu, please come back!" Xu Xinqian hummed expressionlessly.

"Shameless, Xu Xinqian, that's what you said! I hope you don't ask me!"

Master Xue Wu didn't expect the other person to tear his face like this, and twitched the corners of his mouth, never to hide.

"Please leave my yard!"

Xu Xinqian sank.

"Since you don't know well, this year I will make you regret what happened today!"

Master Xue Wu drank coldly, and when UU read a book www.uukanshu.com turned away and walked out, it disappeared in the sight of everyone soon.

"I'm sorry ..." Seeing him leave, Xu Xinqian rubbed her eyebrows, seemingly confused about his threat.

"What's wrong? This person's status is very high?" Nie Yun asked strangely when she looked at her.

"This Master Xue Wu is the son of the new town owner of this county. He has a high status. Needless to say, the key is ..." Xu Xinqian paused and said, "He, like me, is also a five-grade driver!"

"Five Pins Driving Master?"

Nie Yun for a while.

"Yeah, he is going to participate in the competition this time too. He originally wanted to join my master. Now it seems that it is not easy ..."

Xu Xinqian said.

"Mingren don't talk secretly, he wants to join your teacher's side, I'm afraid you have to pay any price!" Nie Yun shook his hand, his face sinking suddenly.

No wonder Xu Xinqian directly led herself to the small courtyard where men were not allowed to enter, and she was very good towards herself all the way. She also invited to participate in the competition. I am afraid that because the other party asked too much, she could n’t afford it or was unwilling to pay. The thought of using him as a shield.

I was used, even if the other person was a beauty, Nie Yun could not help feeling unhappy.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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