Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 999: 9 Day Meteor Finger

After receiving the special jade card that can overdraw 10,000 pure Lingdan, Nie Yun and Xu Xinqian separated and strolled alone at the fair.

The treasures at the fair are full of sights, dense and dense, and the numbers are not clear. There are all kinds of treasures, such as medicinal materials, ores, and even weapons.

"Unfortunately ... there is no special ore that can be derived from Dantian by the unknown method!"

Nie Yun's main purpose of separating Xu and Xu Xinqian was to find the ore to make the unknown method work, but unfortunately it turned around and found nothing.

He seems that such things are rare even in the spirit world.

"These herbs, weapons, elixir ... are not weak, but they are not very effective for me!"

I turned around for a while, and Nie Yun found that although there were a lot of things here, there weren't many attractive and useful to him.

After all, he traded here, and the highest strength is the pinnacle of Heaven's Wonderland. The treasures that allow them to advance will have little effect on him now.

"Take a look, I'm all treasures here, the 10,000-year-old tortoise shell, the nucleus of the peak of the fairyland, the scales of the Huazi **** beast ... discounted, the price is shocking, you can't buy it, you can't buy it ... ... "

I walked in the middle of the crowd, and a shout sounded not far away.

不少 There are many stalls that are struggling to advertise. Basically, they are all in troubled water. I hope they can get a good price by taking some weird things.

I heard that this guy shouted so powerfully that Nie Yun glanced casually and was about to leave, and suddenly raised an eyebrow.

When he turned around here, he had already activated the God of Stealing talent. As long as there was a baby, there would be a flash of treasure light, so that he would not miss the baby. He had already looked at this booth, and who knew he wanted to leave. At that time, the eyes flashed with a sudden flash of dazzling light, more than any item in the hall.

Heng turned quickly and looked again, but found that Baoguang was hidden again and was invisible again.


With a low hum, Nie Yun couldn't help wondering.

This situation has never been encountered before.

As long as it was a treasure, God ’s stealing talent would flash. The more precious the light is, the more precious the item will be. At a glance, the treasure light will be hidden from time to time.

He raised his feet and walked to the stall where he drank. God's stealing talent kept running, but he did not find the light flashing again.


With a murmur, Nie Yun planned to leave again, and found that his eyes flashed again.

"Is that the scale of the Huazi God Beast?"

This time has been prepared, Nie Yun can see at a glance that the light is the origin of the flash, which is the so-called scale of the beast.

Hope to sell things for a good price, often will create an unusual origin for an ordinary item, this so-called Huazi God Beast scales, looks dark, old, ordinary, I do not know what animal owns, so-called The beast is just a gimmick.

However, for Nie Yun, no matter what the scales are, as long as he can let his **** steal the talent to appear the treasure, it must be unusual.

He came to the booth in two steps and swept over other things. No treasure was found. He reached out and picked up the scales, posing a casual look.

怎么 "How can this **** beast scale be sold? Make an offer!"

I asked slowly, with a ridicule, and seemed to know that this was not a precious item, so I could look at it at will.

"Little brother, you really have a vision. The scales of the Huazi **** beast are very precious. The whole spiritual world is here for nine days and ten places. It is a rare treasure, and its value is inestimable!"

The owner of the booth was a young man who talked about it. When he saw a buyer patronizing, his eyes lighted, and he immediately opened his mouth. "If it wasn't for my urgent lack of money, I would definitely use it as a treasure of the township. I wo n’t take it out, but today Take it out, and the younger brother has such a vision and is so destined to me, so I will sell it to you cheaply.

"Six Pin Pure Lingtan? One thousand?"

"You can grab it!"

"Just this shit, it gives him twenty pure spirits feel extravagant ..."

报 As soon as his price was quoted, there was a sudden uproar while watching the crowd.

Each of the six grades of pure Lingdan is expensive, and one thousand pieces can be used to buy a top-quality fairy, and a scale that I do not know where to get it. It is no wonder that everyone is despised by everyone.

"Uh ... you don't know the goods, don't make trouble here, delaying my business!" The youth flushed, hurriedly waved to everyone, looked up to Nie Yun, "brother, you are the person who knows the goods. , Our prices can still be negotiated! "

"100 Siping Pure Lingdan!" Nie Yun was too lazy to make nonsense and directly offered the price.

"100 pieces? Or four products? Little brother, your price is too low!"

"150 pieces, no more!" Nie Yun quoted the price again, picked up the scales, looked at it for a while, and suddenly realized what, then said: "This scale should have a set, this is just one, if you can Give me all of this set, and I can give you 1,000 Liupin Pure Lingdan! "

"1000 pieces ..." The young man pursed his lips and seemed very moved.

He quoted all over the sky, the purpose is to let the other party pay the money on the spot, how could he never expect the other party to agree to come down.

However, the excitement in the eyes was replaced by bitterness. "This thing is plain, I picked it up in one place, and I got one in total. As for whether there is a set, I don't know!"

"Pick it up?" Nie Yun frowned, and then said, "Then where you will pick up the scales, draw a map for me. I will not only give you 150 Sipin pure spirits, but I will also give you a Zhongpin fairy. As a price! "

好 "OK, the deal!"

I heard not only that I had money to take it, but I also got a Chinese fairyware. The young man was afraid of Nie Yun's remorse, and he nodded and agreed, took out a jade card, drew his finger on it for a while, and passed it to Nie Yun.

嗯 "Hmm? This ... familiar terrain ..."

I took the Yupai spirit and swept through them. Nie Yun immediately found where the place above was seen.

He hasn't been in the spirit world for a long time. It takes less than two months to reach the spirit world. The places to go are Jiuyang Mountain and Aowu Mountain. The location of the map is definitely not there.

为何 Why is there a sense of familiarity?

"It was the [stone monument] that Qiu Lin got!"

Suddenly, Ning Yun thought of a sudden movement in his mind.

At the beginning of the battle in Jiuyang City, 和 fought with the head of the auction house of Di Yang, and he obtained three treasures from him, the first of which was this stele map.

There are many runes on the stone stele map, which look to the map. At that time, because I didn't know where it was in the spirit world, I just threw it into Nantan Dantian and ignored it. At this time, I saw a similar figure and immediately recognized it.

"Where is this place you drew?"

I wanted to understand what it was, but Nie Yun's face did not show it, but asked casually.

"It's Hongyan Mountain outside the county new town! You can see when you arrive ... you just said a Chinese-style fairy ware, everyone can testify to me, don't give it after reading it!"

The young man explained casually, for fear of Nie Yun's refusal, he looked vigilant.

"Of course not! Here!"

Looking at his expression, Nie Yun chuckled a little, then took out 150 Sipin Pure Lingdan, and handed over a middle-class fairy.

In his spare time ~ www.readwn.com ~ also refined a lot of pure elixir. 150 pieces are just a small number for him. As for the middle-class fairy wares, he sacked elders and disciples in Yunyuzong and searched. With more than a dozen handles on the body, it is not a good thing.

"Thank you!" The young man took the things, quickly put them into Dantian, and then took the opportunity to publicize "Everyone sees, everything here is definitely a treasure, this little brother is a man who knows goods ..."

家伙 This guy is indeed a genius for selling things. Nie Yun bought something, but made him a trading center in a flash. Many people bought it in a state of trying.

"This scale should be portrayed with a set of martial arts ... Unfortunately, the scales are incomplete and cannot be cultivated!"

Seeing that this guy was so strange, Nie Yun was not staying, thinking while walking.

He took the scales in his hand, and he knew what it was. He actually hidden a very powerful set of martial arts. It was because of this that the bright light, incompleteness, and light appeared.

"If you can develop a martial art that is definitely not weak, it should not be weaker than the Seven Star Sword ..."

I thought to myself, Nie Yun's eyes fell on a secret rune on the scales.

五个 The five characters above are flying dragon and phoenix ...

Nine days meteor finger!




(To be continued. This article is provided by @ 太 假. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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