Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1005: Drive test

For Nie Yun, Shura, who is afraid of others, is exactly what he is not afraid of!

As long as the Shura level of the assessment is not particularly high, it can be devoured and help him improve his strength!

Because of having this ability, he looks forward to today's assessment being more difficult and giving him a chance to step up even further.

I was well-prepared, and the two left the yard and walked towards the driving tower.

The assessment of the sluicing repairman was performed on the second floor of the driving tower, followed by the stairs to the second floor, and immediately saw that it was full of people, hundreds of people.

"The county new town branch is in charge of the assessment of the demonstrators of Jiaowuzhou. Once a decade, many people have accumulated! Looking at this year, there are at least 500 people!"

Xu Xinqian laughed.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded, unable to help but feel stunned by the scarcity of repairers.

The entire Jiaowuzhou, not to mention ordinary people, ca n’t be measured in trillions by practitioners who surpass the fairyland. So many people have only 500 practitioners in ten years, which is a small number.

However, if you think about it, it's just as if the driver must not only have special talents, but also have to combine talents. With these two standards stuck, there is really not too much to be able to cross the line.

"By the way, the driver is assessed once every ten years. When was your badge assessed?"

Sui Nieyun suddenly remembered something.

He was assessed once every ten years, and Xu Xinqian was about 20 years old. He didn't believe that when the girl was 10 years old, he had integrated four special talents.

"The county new town is assessed once every ten years, but I can do it elsewhere. I did it in the neighboring Gwangju, two years ago!"

Xu Xinqian smiled.

"Uh ... that's the case!" Nie Yun was a little awkward.

He was so clever that he fell into the mindset, yes, here is a test once every ten years, and it may not be in other places, even if it is, the start time is definitely different. After all, Xiao Xiaodao, Su Yang and others should also go elsewhere Judging.

"There are not many strong people who have been evaluated this year ..."

I concealed the embarrassment in my heart, and Nie Yuntian glanced around, shaking his head helplessly after a while.

There are more than 500 people in this assessment. Only 30 or more have a strength that exceeds Tianxianjing. Although the strength of the demonstrator is not directly proportional to the combat effectiveness, it is also related to some extent. Even Tianxian has not reached the level. not much.

The idea just came to my mind, and someone confirmed it.

"Everyone who can come to participate in the assessment of the demonstrator shows that they will be the most outstanding talents in the spiritual world in the future. Line up on the second position and so on! The county's new town drive repair tower branch can only assess five products at the highest level, please line up your own team, don't go to the wrong place! "

老 An old man came out of a room in the hall, said loudly.

I heard his order that everyone did not dare to stay, and soon lined up the team according to their respective levels.

According to the formation of the crowd, Nie Yun looked at it, and saw that there were more than 200 people who participated in the assessment of a first-grade driver and more than one hundred and two, and less than one hundred of the third ... the crowd showed a decreasing appearance.

He only had more than twenty people in the Sipin drive repair exam he participated in. Xu Xinqian's team was even fewer, plus she had only three.

"Well, I didn't expect this Liu Moyan was also ..."

I glanced at it, and Nie Yun smiled slightly.

I saw that Liu Moyan, who was mad last night, also participated in the assessment today. He was standing in front of Xu Xinqian, and when he looked over, he was full of resentment.

At this time, Liu Moyan's pig-like face has recovered last night, and the fallen teeth have grown. It should be to find someone who has the talent of a therapist to help her heal her injury.

The therapist's talents were not even ranked in the top one thousand, which is not a high talent. It is very easy to find one in a place where special talents such as drive repair towers gather.

Xu and Liu Moyan stood together with a bald young man who muttered with her from time to time. It seemed that the two should know each other and had a good relationship.

Of course, it may have been known last night, but with Liu Moyan's "talent", it is not difficult to become thoroughly familiar or even close.

I took a closer look at Nie Yun and found that the bald young man was restrained in his whole body, with every move, with great vigor, and he knew that he was a strong man who entered the fairyland of Luo.

"It seems that Xiao Xundao is worried. If these two people take the assessment with Xu Xinqian, she will definitely suffer!"

Bian Nieyun knew.

Although Xu Xinqian's fighting power is comparable to half-step Luo Wonderland, the real strength is only in the later stage of Wonderland. If you fight, I'm afraid it's not Liu Moyan's opponent, let alone this bald young man.

Xu Xinqian also saw his worries at this time, and smiled slightly.

Soon, the real assessment began.

"As for the first assessment, it is very simple to test your talents. Just send your talents and seal them up, and we will send someone to check them. If you have a few talents, you will pay a few, and if they are true, you will pass the assessment!"

The responsible old man continued.

The assessment started at a high level, and Xu Xinqian and others passed first.

Xie Nieyun knew the rules, and took the four talents of heaven, earth, water, and concealment and took out a seal, and handed it in. It was confirmed in less than a minute, and he passed smoothly.

The second test of fusion talent is also very simple. When you hand in the good fusion of the talents, the other party will use Shura to kill the gas. The more the fusion, the stronger the fight against Shura, the more easily Nie Yun passed the assessment.

For these two things, Nie Yun knows that the other party will definitely not be embarrassed. Besides, even if it is difficult, he has so many talents and successfully integrates.

"Now the final assessment is the same. As long as you use your talents successfully, you will become true demonstrators, defending the spirit world, Guangzong Yaozu!"

The old man in charge of the assessment stepped out again, pointing forward, "The assessment of the use of talent is very simple. There are five teleportation arrays in this room, which represent five different regions, from one to five, representing five-quality assessment. You evaluate one product. Just enter the No. 1 teleportation array, and the second product will enter the No. 2 teleportation array ... As long as you can stay in the corresponding area for an hour, it will pass! Of course, if you die in it, the repair tower will not be responsible! "

"Excuse me, is this area number 5 the more dangerous it is?" One of the appraisers asked.

"Yes, these five areas were created by the powerful tower repairers. Each area has a corresponding level of Shura. The higher the number, the higher the level of Shura. If you want to find a way To survive in order to pass the test! "

The old man said blankly.

"Survival of a world full of Shura?"

"Sura kills one by one, and spends an hour in it. Without enough courage and mentality, he will undoubtedly die!"

"It's so easy to be a true driver. It's impossible to get honor without paying ..."

The words of the old man stopped in their ears. Some people were surprised, some rejoiced, and some were worried.

In short, no matter where there is no pie in the sky, becoming a repairman enjoys superior treatment, but also bears more dangers than ordinary people.

"Stay there for an hour, can you not kill Shura?" Someone asked again.

"Yes, if you have the talent of the Hidden Master, you can hide it from Shura, and you can escape for an hour, but in the world of Shura, if you do n’t kill, people will kill you, and you must prevent your companions After all, there are no rules to talk about, you can survive, no matter what method you use, dead is dead! "

The old man continued.

"Okay!" Many people were pleased to hear that Shura was not required to be killed.

The exorcist is very important for each family. Each of these people has a lot of treasures. It may not be possible to kill Shura, but there are many people who are very confident when they hide it for an hour.

"Heng, idiot! The exorcist is extremely delicious for Shura. In the world of Shura, if you don't kill Shura, even if you hide it well, you will be found out and killed alive ..."

Seeing the expressions of these people, an old man who repaired the tower hummed, and there was a disdain in his eyes, and he didn't care about the lives of these people.

I want to be a true exorcist. First of all, I must be wise and courageous. I am afraid to shrink back before I go in. Such people will be killed by Shura sooner or later. It is not worthy of sympathy.

"Well, let's choose the teleportation team to go in!"

With the whistling of the old man, everyone who came to take part in the assessment walked towards the teleportation array.

Xie Nieyun followed the crowd and walked over, and soon came to the room full of teleportation arrays.

There are really five teleportation arrays in the hall, each marked with a number.

He was planning to walk towards the No. 4 teleportation array, and suddenly he was sandwiched by two people left and right.

"Your name is Nie Yun, you have the ability to come to the 5th teleportation team ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you do not come, your little girlfriend Xu Xinqian, I am afraid that I may not be able to live a long time ..."

I was talking about the bald head I saw before.

怎么 "Why not dare? Wasn't you quite arrogant yesterday? If you really dare not even ..."

On the other side is Liu Moyan, black eyes are full of hatred toward Nie Yun.

怎么 "Why, do you want to suffer?"

I glanced at Liu Moyan, Nie Yun hummed.


When I heard what he said, Liu Moyan was frightened and took two steps back, his face was ugly.

If someone threatens her in this way, she will only treat it as a joke, and this guy in front of her is really hitting her, and still hitting it as she is ... People like Liu Moyan are afraid

"Ha ha!"

When she saw her backing, Nie Yun laughed slightly, turned her head to look at Xu Xinqian who had just come, and gently pulled "Let's go!"

After speaking, the two quickly walked to the fifth teleportation array and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Seeing that Nie Yun really entered the No. 5 teleportation array, Liu Moyan's eyes brightened, and he turned around and ordered a bald head, and got in first.




(To be continued. This article is provided by @ 太 假. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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