Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1011: select

"Assessing the Sipin driver?

"The higher the level, the more terrible Shura is, the harder it is to pass. Your Sipin driving master runs to Wupin area. If there is no purpose, who believes?"

Su Suyang's words caused a thousand layers of waves.

The third assessment of the exorcist is to test the use of fusion talents, and the confrontation with Shura. The fourth world of Shura is different from the fifth. According to normal circumstances, the fourth trainer went to the fifth world, and even Shura was murderous. Can't resist, how can it pass the assessment smoothly, and not even hurt?

Since then, Nie Yun has once again become the target of criticism.

"Who says I'm a Sipin driver? I'm a Wupin driver with silver pattern!"

Nie Yun chuckled a little, and with a little finger, the fused air in his body immediately shot out from his fingertips, forming a pattern in the air.

"Six kinds of talents merge ... It really is a five-pin driver!"

"It turned out that the strength was hidden. In fact, it was a five-pin flood repairer, but it was still a silver pattern ..."

"Xiao Xiaodao people did not expect you to hide so deeply, and such a powerful disciple ..."

Everyone is a repairman. At a glance, it is clear that Nie Yun has not lied and has reached the fifth grade.

Nie Yun escaped with the three talents and the disguise, the hidden division has a four-grade silver texture level, devoured 10% off and merged the windrunner. To be precise, it has reached the half-grade five-grade gold texture level, not a pure five-grade silver texture. Pattern.

"Haha, Su Yang, if you ca n’t afford to lose, do n’t bet on me. Since it ’s called an assessment, there must be a win and a loss. Your disciples have not been upset and failed. They fell into the world of Shura and were killed. Is that still the case? "

Xiao Xiaodao, who had never spoken, suddenly stood up and laughed loudly.

誊 "Xiao Ye, do you think that two disciples with five patterns of silver can surpass me? You think too simple, too. Well, since our test does not have to wait until the afternoon, start now!"

His face was green and white for a while, and Su Yang shook his hand and hummed.

"Start now? No hurry, my disciples have successfully passed the assessment. You have not given them their level badges, and they have not been given the authority to receive the year service!" Xiao Yi said humanely.

"Huh!" Su Yang shook his hand. Although he was unwilling, he was not willing to violate the rules of driving the tower. Finally, he took out the badge representing the status of the fifth-grade driving master, and handed in the names of Nie Yun and Xu Xinqian. past.

"From today on, you have become a five-grade exorcist of the repair tower, with bronze-level authority, and can receive bronze-level treasures, recipes, and medicinal materials at any of the repair tower branches! -—

Seeing the two holding badges in their hands, Xiao Xuandao said humanely: "Bronze is a permission requirement for driving towers, and there are many restrictions such as silver and gold on it. With this permission, you have become the most important of driving towers. The core members are now, follow me to the sixth floor and receive your annual service! "

"Yes!" The two nodded at the same time and followed behind Xiao Yuandao towards the sixth floor of the driving tower branch.

"The driving tower is the same as Zongmen, with bronze-level authority, which is equivalent to the true disciple of Zongmen. It is already free to choose some powerful exercises and martial arts practice. You can also get the annual service of the driving tower. Of course, if you If you have an urgent need, you can also apply for a puppet, and then kill Shura to accumulate the merit value, and then redeem the merit value! "

I walked on the stairs, Xu Xinqian saw that Nie Yun didn't seem to understand, and quietly explained.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded.

"However, we also have to fulfill our obligations relatively, that is to expel Shura and let humanity return to peace!" Xu Xinqian continued.

The exorcist is an aristocrat who enjoys privileges in the spirit world. While possessing privileges, he naturally has to fulfill his relative obligations.

I spoke to the sixth floor of the repair tower.

"Here is a list of all the exercises, elixir, weapons and other items here. You can only choose three after you have become a five-grade exorcist. After you have accumulated enough achievements, you can exchange them at will!"

Xiao Xiao said that the palm of his hand was a stroke, and a dense list of treasures suddenly appeared on the wall on the sixth floor.

"Yu Xijian, the pinnacle of top-grade Chinese products, possesses the property of cutting souls, supporting swordsmanship [Western Soul Sword], left by the strong in the Demon Race ..."

"Sanpin Fairyland Dan can help Tianxianjing Powerhouses to advance to Luoxianjing. After taking it, there is a beautiful river and mountains in front of them, and the power distribution in the body is as magnificent as the rivers and mountains, forming a cycle ..."

"Soul-raising banner, a special demon-type weapon that gently shakes can attack the soul and make people fall into hallucinations and cannot extricate themselves ..."

"Yanhua is a smashing force, a burst of martial arts that can cause people's power to multiply in an instant, but this trick has a great load on the body, just like a flash of light ..."

Bian Nieyun swept away on the wall, all of which were eye-catching babies, and they were taken outside just like that, I am afraid they are not low prices.

I have such treasures to choose from, and I have to say that the privileges of the exorcist are terrible.

"Yu Xijian, Sanpin Fairview Dan, Zhaoshouqi, Yihua Yangyang ... These are all useless to me, see if there is something more suitable!"

Nian Yun's eyes did not stop, Nie Yun continued to look down.

The weapons are the chaotic true dragon sword obtained by the Beidou Sword and the Nangong Xiao. The top-level weapons at Zhongpin are also a waste to him. It is useless. As for the medicine of the level of Sanpin Jinxiu Dan, it is useful for ordinary Tianxian and has nothing to do with him. effect.

Now he has accumulated too much. If he wants to advance, he must take the elixir that is useful to Luo Xianqiang. Ordinary elixir is just a waste.

The remaining soul-raising flags, 昙花 一 阳 劲, and other things are not as good as the immortal sound, the deceitful teacher, the vigorous teacher talent, it is useless to ask.

I continued to look down, the more helpless I looked.

权限 Bronze-level authority is very high for others. All the treasures can be dazzling, but for Nie Yun, the level is still too low. These things are not enough for him.

When he was watching, Xu Xinqian had already selected three, one of which was the Sanpin Fairview Dan that he had seen before.

"It seems that Brother Nie Yun is not satisfied with what is here!"

Seeing that he was slow to make a choice, Xiao Yi laughed.

When he was outside, he said that Nie Yun was his apprentice. In fact, he knew that the boy in front of him was only temporarily invited to help.

I am so young and so powerful and talented. If you say that he has no background, Xiao Taoists do n’t believe it.

So when no one is there, he still treats him well.

"Not dissatisfied, senior Xiao ,, are there some strange ores that cannot be refined?"

Nie Yun laughed and asked casually.

Since these treasures do not make him tempted, if you can find them, are there any treasures that can make the unknown method work.

"Unrefinable ore? There are some, but these things are rare, but they have no practical use. You want this, it is too bad!"

Xiao Xiaodao Taoist for a while.

"Nothing, can you show me that I am refining a baby that just happens to be missing something weird. If it can be found, it will be more valuable to me than anything here!"

Nie Yundao.

"Well, Kuang Shi is here, I can take you over to see if it's right for you!"

After Xiao Xiao said, people went forward.

Behind them, turning a wall, the two came to a room, looked up, and it was really full of all kinds of ore, these things seemed to be used defective products ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ seems to be useless, throw it here as waste.

"It really is ... it's a bit small!"

I walked around the room, and Nie Yun's eyes fell on a palm-sized ore.

矿石 This ore contains the atmosphere that allows the unknown method to work, although it is very weak and does nothing to him, it is better than nothing.

"What is this ore? Does Senior Xiao know where to find it?"

He took the ore in his hands, and Nie Yun asked in confusion.

"These ore were obtained by accident. After being forged, it has been beyond recognition, and I don't know what it is called!" Xiao Yi Tao apologized.

"Well, I want this ore! 冇"

Bian Nieyun put the stone into the storage dantian, looked around again, and found only one, then shook his head.

"As long as this piece of ore ... you can choose any two ... but you don't seem to be interested in looking at you, yes, as a repairman, you should know the power of special talents, and you can choose two special talents. "

Xiao Xiaodao thought for a moment, suddenly said.




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