Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1015: Lava Fire Dragon

These two unexpected eyes were inlaid on the face without a face, and it was bitter and cold, making people feel panic from the bottom of the heart.

"What is this?"

Nie Yun did not expect that the stone statue could open his eyes and attack, and stopped in place.

The flint statue seemed to know his position, and the **** that were broken were brought close together, and they slowly struck forward.


The water in Xuantan trembled, causing countless splashes of water, and a ray of light radiated from the fingertips instantly, with a dizzying light.

"Nine-day meteor finger, this is the nine-day meteor finger!"

Xie Nieyun's mind exploded.

的 The trick that appeared in front of the stone statue was actually the nine-day meteor finger! And it was the Seven Killing Fingers that he researched!

He is just the seven killing fingers cast by the stone statue, which is more vicious and vicious, with a murderous spirit like Shura, piercing the soul, making it difficult to resist.

让 "Let me see how powerful your Seven Killers are, or my power!"

Recognizing the unique tricks exhibited by the stone statue, Nie Yun's heart emerged with a winning heart, his eyebrows raised, and the talent of the master of tentacles was running.


His fingers struck out a sharp sword that cut through the sky, and a straight stream of water was stirred at the bottom of the lake, with the momentum and coercion of the earth falling from heaven and earth, and the seven killing fingers straightly hitting the stone statue greeted him.

One is the original seven robbers, and the other is derived from the martial arts talent. Both of them carry the power of seven kills, one wave after another, and they confront each other.


The two great tricks hit his fingertips against his fingertips, and Nie Yun's whole body shook again. His fingertips were in hot pain. The stone statue moved slightly. The spooky eyes closed suddenly again, as if never opened. same.


The stone statue closed his eyes, and Nie Yun looked again, and found that there were no traces or cracks on the stone statue's head. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe where the eyes just opened.

Wu Xianli diffused to the stone statue and touched the other side gently, as if the stone statue fell into a deep sleep again, motionless.


Bian Nieyun was a little confused.

This stone statue is too weird, is it just to jump and cast a seven killing finger on oneself?

"Let's see what is painted on the scales of the Huazi God Beast!"

A flick of his wrist took out the scales that had just been stolen, and his eyes glanced up.

"Nine-day meteor finger refers to the first form, and Golden Finger refers! Good work!"

Yan Nieyun's eyes lit up.

The Seven Fingers is the second type of **** of the nine-day meteor finger. Although it is very powerful, it is very difficult to practice because there is no inheritance of the first set of fingerings in the previous. .

"Golden 焱 refers to the raw gold 焱, melts the iron, the power is infinite ..."

The scales were densely written on the scales, and Nie Yun had the experience of practicing seven fingers, and his eyes swept away, and the secrets of cultivation flowed in his heart.

"Before I practiced wrong, Jiutian Meteor means ... the person who created this trick is too powerful!"

I fully understood the Golden Fingers, and Nie Yun instantly understood that the seven fingers that had been cultivated before had gone the wrong way. Although the power was not weaker than the original, it was only suitable for this set of fingerings.

According to the introduction of the Jiuyi Tian Meteor Finger Outline, each set of fingerings can be inherited, and when the first set is displayed to the last set, the power will be superimposed and increased.

I used my own research method to make the Seven Killer Fingers not weak, but they could not be better integrated with the Golden Fingers, which would weaken the combat power a lot.

"It takes a long time for others to practice the golden fingers, temper their fingers, and use the magical power to stimulate the flames. But I am different. The talents of the master of the heavens and the talents of the fireman are blended, and the two forces can directly work this trick. ! "

He took a deep breath, and Nie Yun's talent flew around in his body, and his fingers suddenly moved forward.


Jin Zhi refers to the high temperature that burns the surrounding pool of water into bubbles, and blasts a vacuum air stream straight, making a harsh sound in the pool of water.

Hit gold 焱 means that Nie Yun didn't stop.

Understanding the complementation of the two sets of fingerings, Nie Yun's body is full of energy, and the seven fingers are bursting out. The power is improved by nearly 30%!

的 The trick that has run to the limit can suddenly improve a achievement is a magic weapon that must be won in battle, and it is suddenly increased by 30%. Even if Nie Yun's mind is calm, he can't help shaking.

"I keep this thing is useless, put it here first!"

He successfully trained his golden fingers, and Nie Yun swam to the stone statue again. As soon as the palm of his hand was sent, the scales were put into the palm of the other side.

最 The most important thing about this scale is the nine-day meteor finger. Now that it has been successfully cultivated, it is useless even if it is taken away. It is better to return it to its original place.

Put the scales back, the stone statue is still without any movement, and stays quietly at the bottom of the water, without any looks on his face.

Yan Nie Yuntian opened his eyes and swept around the other stone statues. He found that there were no extra scales. Then he shook his head and swam toward the opening on the altar.

Some experience just now, it ’s not a short time to talk about it. In fact, there are only dozens of breaths. If we pass by now, we should be able to find Xu Xinqian and others quickly, not too late.

The entrance to the cave is a diaphragm-like seal, and the defensive air is running. Nie Yun's talents are running and he enters it gently.


As soon as Xu entered the entrance, Nie Yun's eyebrows raised instantly.

The back of the diaphragm is indeed another space, but this place does not have Shura's murderous imagination as imagined, but is full of aura and warm and makes people feel very comfortable.

"Isn't it the Shura world?" Nie Yun froze.

I have had a few experiences of entering the world of Shura. I know that if it is really a place with Shura, it must be full of Shura's murderous spirit, not like it is now. The breath is fresh and warm.

"Nie Yun, here you come, look!"

Xu Xinqian and others did not go far. When Nie Yun arrived, he hurriedly pointed forward.

"Lava Fire Dragon!"

Nie Yun glanced up and frowned.

I saw a huge lava pool appearing in front of me, and the heat was tumbling, forming huge fire dragons.

火 Each of these fire dragons has hundreds of feet in length, 狰狞 terrible, rolls in the air, swept thick tails, and immediately compresses the air into air waves, emitting a fierce roar.

Lava Fire Dragon! The special life formed by the hot lava in the abundant innate aura, the combat power is comparable to the peak of Luo Wonderland!

No wonder the water above is boiling, it turns out that there is such a powerful monster underneath.

"That ... it's a fantasy feather!"

When Nie Yun was shocked by the power of the lava fire dragon, suddenly Xu Tao's face became iron blue, and he pointed to the depths of the fire dragon.

深 In the depths of the lava fire dragon, a figure was standing on the rock and fighting a fire dragon. The whole body of the man was wrapped in ice. Every move carried immense power, and the thick cold air enveloped the surrounding snow and ice world.

Created a world of ice and snow in the lava, this person's strength has exceeded that of Xiangquan

糟 "Oops, this is a breakthrough opportunity for Magic Feather! Stop it soon, once it succeeds, our doomsday is here!"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

The Ice Division and Lava are in conflict with each other and belong to a hostile relationship. Fantasy Feather uses this relationship to suppress himself, trying to break through the mid-range magpie in Luo Wonderland, and progressing to a higher level. Now his strength is so great. Once he successfully breaks through, everyone will be in no one. It is his opponent, Ren Sha Ren Ren Sha, he is not entirely up to him!

Must stop!

"Can't let him succeed!" Xu Tao and others also understood through Nie Yunyi's reminder, all of them turned slightly, and hurried to the lava fire dragon.

"Breakthrough to stop the big brother, you all stop for me!"

Before I came to Lava, a series of heavy drinking in front of me, several figures came out, blocking everyone's way.

I was exactly the four people who came to the trial with Magic Feather.

四个 These four two five-grade silver-stripe repairmen, two blood-stripes, both in strength in Luoxianjing, shot at the same time, shaking the mountains, the scorching air waves rushed towards the face, everyone could not help but choke.

"I'll stop the magic feathers, you stop them first!"

Knowing that the situation is critical, Nie Yun is far too lazy to talk nonsense, and jumps into the depths of lava.

"Want to go? Did you go? I didn't teach you the last time. Today I will let you know who can't offend. Once offended, it will pay an unforgettable price!"

A cold hum rang, and a figure fluttered over.

Xu looked up and saw that it was Xue Wu who was seen in Xu Xinqian's courtyard last time. At this moment, his face showed a ferocious meaning, and the hatred in his eyes covered the sky, and it seemed that Nie Yun was torn into powder.

"Go away!"

Xie Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. When he saw that he was blocking the road, he snorted and pushed his palm forward.

This trick did not use any martial arts, but brought his understanding of martial arts. The palm was not fast, but with an indomitable power. Xue Wu, as a strong fairyland, knew that this trick was powerful, his face changed slightly, and he was in a hurry. Withdrew, palms raised.

"Brother Bi Tao helps me!"

I yelled out a yell ~ www.readwn.com ~ The kid was so mad! "

I heard the shouting, and another Wupin bloodline drive drove over. This person is also Luo Xianjing strength, even a little stronger than Xue Wu, has reached the peak of Luo Xianjing in the early days.

When Xi Bitao appeared and cooperated with Xue Wu, he turned his finger into a sword and came straight.

Twenty-two's tricks complement each other, and their power is even better. Before they came, everyone felt that the hot air was spread, and their whole bodies could not help but tighten.

"Nie Yun, let me help you!"

滔 Xu Tao knew that the situation was critical, and he wanted to help to resist, but he was not fast enough. Before he came, he saw a flower in front of him, and then he heard a disdainful voice humming.

"Two wastes, go away!"

Huh! Huh!

After the sound of two fists smashing into the flesh, Xue Wu and Bi Tao flew out at the same time, making two sounds that fell into the lava not far away, and the room was ashes.

You don't need to look to know that you can't die anymore.


The scene in front of me made both sides stop and stunned.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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