Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1019: Cooperation

Hidden in the mound, Phantom took the shot!

He never dreamed that Hidden was discovered so well by Nie Yun, he had to resist the anger and shot unexpectedly.

At this sneak attack, the sword was as misty and erratic as it was erratic, making it elusive, and like a cloud of nine days, there was no reason for it, and it suddenly came out. Even though the town Suhuruo was extremely powerful, he still felt a cold sweat on his back.


With a violent noise, Zhenxiu Shura's hands were like scissors, crossed out, blocking the attack on the other side.

"Can't resist, the flames burn!"

Seeing the two fighting, Nie Yun suddenly made a loud voice, the fairy was loud and the sound was moving, and at the same time, both hands grabbed the former magma land, and the two lava fire dragons were caught under the control of the flame of fire. Come over, and rush to Zhenxiu Shulu immediately after the sword feather of the fantasy feather.

"Just because you two want to hurt me? Dreaming!"

Zhenxiu Shulu didn't expect Nie Yun to cooperate so well. Xianyin talent combined with Lava Fire Dragon perfectly matched the sneak attack of Phantom Feather. Two major attacks were not allowed. Even if he could avoid one, the other could not escape. His eyes were red and his body was murderous. Turbulent, without fear.

Dwarf Xuanxiu Shura was forced into this by two juniors who were not even Xuanxian, making him feel shameless and angry.

"Dream, do you know immediately if you dream, thunderbolt!"

Nie Yun chuckled, God's stealing talents were running, his hands were empty, and a fist-sized thunderbolt flew straight towards the town Suxiu Luo.

Zizi Zizi!

When the thunderbolt and Zhenxiu Shulu touched, a current suddenly rushed, and Zhenxiu Shulu froze.

Even if the thunderbolt of Jinxian Realm suddenly encounters the thunderbolt, it will not be able to withstand the violent currents in it. The town of Shurao is no more than Xuanxian, and the spirit of blinking of energy appears briefly.


At this moment, the magic feather's sword thorn stabbed the opponent's palm, and the special power containing the spirit of the five-pin gold pattern expulsion repairer immediately melted his palm.

The assassination of the magic feather and the timing of Nie Yun's grasp actually hurt Shura of Xuanxian Realm!

"Ah ... you all died for me!"

With a scream of screaming, Shuxiu Zhen's hair exploded, and the whole person was going crazy. The whole body was lasing, like the God of War, surging force, and the sea of ​​blood flooded the entire space.

Although the injury just now was not great, for his proud Shura, it was absolutely intolerable and shameless!


A white air-like sprint rushed forward, and the space was overwhelmed with a "squeak!" Sound, which seemed to collapse at any time, and the burning force burst into the colorful lights, rendering the town of Shura Shura as heaven. Flying deities.


Seeing this kind of scene, Nie Yun knew that this guy was really angry. He and he still carried a cat-and-mouse game psychology, but now they are completely angry. Thor, once hit, even if not dead, it is almost the same!

Immediately do not want to turn around and run away.

I dare not have any reservations this time, and even the lightning bolt talents have been brought into play, turning into a lightning bolt, flying straight into the distance, the thunder sound roars, and the earthquake trembles.

His speed is fast. Some people are faster than him. As soon as he flew more than ten miles, a figure came at a faster speed. Turning his head, Nie Yun couldn't help but hold back.

It's Magic Feather!

At this time, the eyes of the fantasy feather were closed tightly, and the corners of his mouth kept overflowing with blood. Obviously, he did not fly over by himself, but was drawn out by himself!

Turning around and looking at Nie Yun, he understood.

As soon as he saw the danger, he turned and fled. Although Fei Yu had a lot of talents, his speed was far less than that. He was hit by the raging town Susukura. Just once, it became like this. He did n’t die directly, it ’s a blessing. Big fate.

"come on!"

Seeing that he was injured like this, Nie Yun's eyes lit up, and his big hand grabbed the volley.

The magic feather has the talents of Ruijin Division, Wonderland Division, and Frost Division, which must be obtained, and he should not be allowed to die here.

"Do you want to robbery while it's on fire? Well, although I was seriously injured, it's not so easy for you to kill me!"

The palm of his hand had not yet come to him. Suffering from severe injuries, Huanyu suddenly opened her eyes, raised her eyebrows, shot indifferent light, turned her palm, and held a jade card in her palm. Hesitant to crush the jade card.

As soon as the sky swept away, Nie Yun recognized it.

This jade card is a type of blasting surname. Once crushed, it is equivalent to the self-explosion of the strongest peak of Luoxianjing. Even if the strength is not weak, it is difficult to escape.

However, it really needs to be crushed. Nie Yun is not good, and the magic feather is a must die. He is afraid to crush it at will.

As for why he didn't throw this jade card to Shuxiu Town, I'm afraid he also knows that it is still the same thing if it can be blown to the other party. Even if it can be blown, I'm afraid it won't cause harm. Instead, he won't be surprised. Effect.

"Oh, you think about it, although we have hatred, but now is not the time to fight, in that case, it will give this Shura the opportunity to take advantage of it. I ca n’t see how we can cooperate and benefit each other. Not only can we save the name and escape. After chasing and killing, you may still defeat the victory and kill this Shura! "

Seeing that he was not in a coma, and even had the ability to fight, Nie Yun sighed in his heart, unfortunately, but said with a smile on his face.

In fact, it's better that this guy didn't die. If you let yourself deal with this Shura, you can't really fight it.

"it is good!"

Huan Yu is also a decisive person. If he knows that he doesn't agree, the opponent will use his strength, and he can only confess his fate, and nodded his teeth immediately.

"I have a jade bottle in my arms, and there is an elixir. Take it out for me and restore my strength. Otherwise, none of us can escape!"

Negotiated, Huan Yu looked at Nie Yundao.

"Elixir? No, give it!"

Nie Yun knew that this was really not the time for a fight. He immediately chuckled, a finger flicked, and a wood-like breath penetrated into the other side's meridians.

"Kisheng's qi? You are a teacher of Kyus ..."

As soon as Mu Sheng Qi entered the body, the magic feather body "clicked!" "Clicked!" Recovered, half of the breath could not fully recover, and internal and external injuries were as good as possible.

Feeling the change of body, Huan Yu finally knew how terrible the talent this guy had in front of her eyes, and her eyes were wide.

"Don't go into details first, let's go underground first, the town's overhang in Rome will catch up!"

Turning around, I saw that Zhenxiu Shuluo had come behind him. Nie Yun knew that when he was not talking about this, he immediately struck into the other person's body, and then stepped into the ground first.

Although this Shura world is not as murderous as Shura, it is also extremely wide. If you run forward, you can avoid the attack of the other party even if you are exhausted. It is better to find another way and use the talent of the Earthmaster to get underground.

Although I don't know what's going on underneath this, since Shura can get out of the ground, there must be another, not the scene on the ground.

Nie Yun wanted to understand this, and Huan Yu also understood it. He immediately followed him up, and the air of the earth moved, and both disappeared into the ground.

"Abominable, even if I chase the end of the earth today, I will catch you up! Let you know the price of offending Emperor Shura!"

Zhenxiu Xiura saw the two disappeared, screaming angrily, and the huge soles stepped on the ground. A huge opening appeared immediately on the ground.

"It's all lava underground?"

As soon as he entered the ground, Nie Yun immediately saw the land below.

Below the surface, most of them are lava worlds. The hot temperatures are transpiration, and it seems that they will riot at any time, turning the ground into a sea of ​​fire.

"Well, these lavas sustain the energy of the formation. What kind of formation is this? Strange ..."

After swimming in the lava for a while, a huge formation method appeared in front of it. The formation method was incomplete. Obviously, the town Sujura just escaped from it.

"This is a large array of repairs arranged by senior repairmen. It can suppress Shura, so that it cannot absorb energy and cannot practice! It was possible that Shura could not withstand the repairmen. When we were fighting just now, we accidentally tore it. It caused this Shura to come out! "

Phantom was well-informed and hummed.

"Fighting for repairs?"

Although he has accepted the inheritance of the Big Dipper, after all, Xing Jun is a character who did not know how many years ago. After such a long time, the spiritual world has also developed a lot, and many things are completely different from before. At least this drive-up has been from Never seen before.

However, despite seeing this formation for the first time and hearing Huan Yu's words, Nie Yun nodded.

It seems that this array does indeed have this effect, otherwise ~ www.readwn.com ~ is not possible, and the town of Susura is so much stronger than them that it can't be cracked. Instead, they are torn apart, causing this kind of disaster.

"Who set up this drive-up team? The most powerful strongman in the county town, just your master Su Yang and Xiao Yi Tao!"

Nie Yun asked.

The most powerful county new town is Su Yang and Xiao Xun Taoists. Is this the formation of the two of them?

"In the general demolition tower branch, it is enough to appoint a six-pin demolition repairman. The county new city sent two. In fact, it was for this seal. This seal was not arranged by the two of them, but was repaired. The Tagao people stayed, the purpose is very simple, not because of this town Suxiu, but the ancient battlefield where he is! "

Magic feather seems to know many things, voice indifferent.

"Ancient battlefield?" Nie Yun's turn wondered this time.

Since it is a battlefield, they must all be dead people. What terrible things do the dead people need to drive to repair the tower masters to put seals and spend the cost to keep two six-pin drive repairmen to guard?

"This ancient battlefield is the connection point between the spiritual realm and the Tao realm. It is very important. Although there is not much Shura in it, it involves the two realms. There must be no mistake at all!"

Hun Yu hummed.

"The connection point between the spiritual realm and the Tao realm?"


But before Nie Yun asked any doubts, he heard a faint voice again, looked up, and saw an old battlefield appear in front of him. (To be continued.)

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