Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1035: Ye Wushuura

"Sura's murderous assessment is an evaluation of the will and belief of a demonstrator. Many people clearly have the demonstrator's strength. When he sees Shura, he is afraid and cannot fulfil his own strength!"

Wu Diaoxuan looked up at Nie Yun and said, "You only have the strength of Luoxianjing, I'm afraid it's not easy to pass! If you rush past, I'm afraid there will be danger to life!"

"Life is dangerous? How to evaluate?" Nie Yun asked.

"The assessment is not difficult. After a while, I will transfer you to a place with great techniques. There is a Shura in the Golden Wonderland. As long as you can move forward 50 meters under his breath, you will pass the level!"

Wu Diaoxuan nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the young man was firm in his expression.

"Sura of Golden Fairyland? Alive?" Nie Yun stunned.

"Well, of course, it is alive, and there is no damage to the strength of the whole body. If it is not suppressed by the tower repair method, even I am not an opponent!"

Diao Xuan's eyes flashed a jealousy, and then the tone was gentle. "Your age is not big. It seems that it hasn't been a long time to merge with Dantian. It is better to practice for a few years and wait for Xuanxian Realm to try again. Otherwise, even if you have In the face of the seven wonders of the fusion, I am afraid I still can't resist it in the face of Shura in Golden Wonderland. I was a little careless and died! "

"Yes, you have to think carefully. Shura in Golden Wonderland, the idea can form a storm. Although trapped, there is still great power in every move. There is no strength in Xuan Wonderland, let alone 50 meters. You can walk ten times in front of him. M, that's great! "

After Diao Xuan Xuan said, an old man kindly discouraged him.

"Your talent is so strong that you can practice here. As long as you reach Xuanxian Realm within ten years, and you will be assessed again, it still counts. It will be a good story to become a sixth-grade driver in ten years!"

Another old man said.

几个 These eyes were peaceful and caring, and it seemed that Nie Yun had such strength at a young age, raising a heart of love and talent, for fear of danger.

"Thank you all for your love, I'll try it!" Nie Yun's body was upright when it was interrupted by everyone.

等 Wait another ten years? What a joke!

I have n’t come to practice for three years from the practice of ordinary people. Ten years later, I am afraid that Xianjun will be able to pinch to death. What's the use of being a sixth-grade practitioner?

"Hey, since you insist, now I will start the teleportation team. Shura in Jinxianjing is terrible. You'd better run the fusion air to resist immediately. If there is danger, call out immediately, I will find a way to save you! "

I can't help it, Diao Xuan said.

"Yes!" Nie Yun nodded, only to feel that a flower was in front of him, and the space shifted, and he immediately came to a space full of Shura's murderous spirit.

杀 The murderous spirit of this place is just like the essence, and it is sticky and terrible. As soon as it stands, it feels that a killing intention in the body has swelled up, and it will make people fall into a state of madness at any time and cannot extricate themselves.


A sword flashed in his mind, and he beheaded the idea, and Nie Yun looked up.

I saw in the space in front of me that numerous iron chains shrouded a huge Shura, and the sky-like runes fell like raindrops, keeping them firmly under control.

修 This Shura has a height of seven or eight, and the eyes are scary and red. Just one glance makes people feel instantly sinking. Life can not be controlled by themselves. By strength alone, it is far better than Zhenxiu Shulu before.

"It's worth the drive to repair the tower ... a big deal!"

Suddenly seeing such a scene, most people probably can't bear falling into a coma long ago, but Nie Yun didn't care, but sighed secretly in her heart.

I am afraid that only the forces that specialize in repairing the tower, such as driving the tower, dare to support him and use it to evaluate future generations.

This is a Shura in the Golden Wonderland. The combat power has completely exploded. Even if the range of Guihai City is doubled, I am afraid that it will be broken by a boxing. Keep this kind of thing without full confidence. Who dares to do it?

"As long as you enter the circle and walk fifty steps forward to pass the assessment, don't look into his eyes!"

Seeing that Nie Yun entered the place and lost his thoughts, Diao Xuan shouted quickly.

Bian Nieyun did not answer his words, but also knew that it was not a time for emotion. He looked up at Shura in front of his eyes and walked forward.

There is a huge circle right in front of Shu, Shura is inside the circle.

As soon as I entered the circle, I immediately felt different.

The murderous spirit inside is more powerful, and it is mixed with an involuntarily surrendering force. Every step forward, the soul is like a needle sticking and suffering.

"Fusion breath, resist!"

Xie Nieyun's eyes flashed golden light, her discomfort quickly dissipated under the light of fusion air, and she lifted her feet and continued to move forward.

The aura of fusion is Shura's murderous nemesis. He has combined seven talents. Although the terrible murdera radiated from Shura of Golden Fairyland is terrible, it cannot affect him.

"So talented at such a small age, it must be our enemy of Shura in the future, today I will kill you first!"

Xie Nieyun's actions caught the attention of Shura in the Golden Wonderland, blood-red eyes shot suddenly, and the air burst into anger.

One eye can make the air explode, terrible!


Immediately, Nie Yun felt a soul force with a crushing force sweeping over, covering the sky and forming a curtain.

"This is the first form of the three-soul shock of Ye Wushuura, covering the sky ... Why did he perform this trick at the beginning? This is awful!"

Seeing Jin Xian's move, Diao Xuan and others standing not far in charge of the assessment all changed his face.

头 This is called Yewu's Golden Fairyland Shura. It is extremely powerful. It was originally dismissive of appraisers. As long as it is not too close, it is usually ignored. Who knows that today, it was abnormal and took the initiative to attack, so that their hearts were caught in their throats.

"The three souls' shock work of Ye Wu was realized only after being trapped here. With a strong soul as the foundation, I forcibly attacked people. Even I can't resist it, let this Nie Yun come back soon ..."

Wu Diaoxuan's face was also full of dignity.

"Very good attack trick, but it doesn't work for me!"

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly saw the golden light bursting out of Nie Yun's eyes in the ring, and a long howling sounded.


At the same time, Nie Yun punched him up.

拳 This fist agitated with the power of fusion air, and in a blink of an eye, it tore a channel in the soul power of covering the sky, and the fist of furious power came straight to the face of Wushuura.

"Shot against Ye Wushuura?"


Stinging his actions surprised Diao Xuan and others.

When most people encounter Shura in Jinxianjing, they will feel intimidated and soft, making it difficult for them to move forward. The guy in front of him jumps up and shoots at him. Is this ... the courage or the strength?

"Dare to hit me, you're dead!"

Bian Nieyun's actions made Ye Wushuura even more furious. The trapped hands tore the iron chain, the thick limbs suddenly made a force, and a roaring fist wind burst into the air.

Despite being suppressed by the formation method and the iron chain, even this powerful attack in the middle of Xuanxian Realm is difficult to fight and will be killed.


Xie Nieyun gave birth to golden light throughout his body, and the sharp gold master's talents worked like a sharp and unmatched swordmang.


Wu Jianfeng broke through the power of smelting Wushuura, like cutting through layers of defeat.

Although he now has only the later strength of Luo Wonderland, the real combat power can fight even if he meets the peak of Xuan Wonderland. The current No Wu Xiu Luo is suppressed by the formation method, and it will not affect him.


Nie Yunren is like lightning ~ www.readwn.com ~ A few breaths of effort came to about 50 meters, his arms stopped.

"Master Diao Xuan, have I passed the assessment in this way?"


Diao Xuan and others were all holding back.

Assessing the repairing master of the six products, not only did he not be afraid of Shura in Golden Wonderland, he also took the initiative to come to the place where the fifty meters were located in such a short time.

It's too fast!


For a moment, Diao Xuan shouted out of ecstasy.

如果 If this ability is not counted, nobody will live it!

I am so young to have such strength, it is enough to foresee that the driving tower will definitely have one more powerful player in the future.

"You have passed the assessment, come back soon!" An old man quickly yelled.

"it is good!"

Nie Yunjian passed the assessment, there is no need to continue inward, and immediately flew outward.

"Want to leave? Leave me!"

Suddenly, the roar rang out, the violent force was shaking in the driving tower, and the chain of Ye Wushuura's body crackled and flew up.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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