Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1041: Different

The three major talents ran away, and in cooperation with the Hidden Division, Nie Yun quietly hid in the void and quickly flew forward.


A sword stabbed, and a monster in Xuanxian Realm exploded.

This chaotic environment is most suitable for sneak attacks. As long as you prepare properly, for Nie Yun, there are so many treasures.

"The nucleus of Xuanxianjing, good!"

The big hand grabbed the monster beast and put it into Dantian, and Nie Yun continued to lurk forward.

Huh! Huh!

Several monsters exploded again and again.

妖 These monsters are also Xuanxianjing. They were not Nie Yun's opponents. In addition to the surprise attack, the entire army was immediately annihilated.

"Hey, although these crystal nuclei and demon nuclei are not low-level, because they are grown here, they have a strong Shura murderous power, so refining is very difficult!"

I put away these crystal cores and demon cores, and Nie Yun sighed quickly.

According to the truth, the crystal nucleus and demon nucleus of the Xuanxian realm are great supplements to him, but because these monsters and demon people live in Shura's murderous gas all year round, the crystal nucleus condensed in the body contains extremely strong murderous gas, which cannot be swallowed.

Even if he has the talent of Liupin Tianwen Exorcist, it will take a lot of time to dissolve a crystal nucleus, not to mention others.

I need to resolve it constantly, and prevent Shura's murderous attacks from time to time ... Even if this kind of crystal nucleus is precious, it is estimated that not many people like it.

"Huh? Isn't that Xuanyuan Chaoxing?"

I was stealthily attacking and killing the demon beast to obtain the crystal nucleus. Suddenly two figures appeared before me. Nie Yun's heart moved and she stayed still.

Xuanyuan Chaoxing and Song Yu appeared in the field of vision.

"Escape, do you really think that I will let that Ni Xuyang beast run away? Huh, it is too underestimated! Ni Xuyangyang beast likes nesting, there is a peak of mysterious fairyland, there must be several more, and even If there is a Golden Wonderland, the monsters in the Golden Wonderland can definitely be counted here. For many years of nesting, there must be a lot of babies collected. If they can find their nests, they will be exhausted and the harvest will be great! "

Yun Xuanyuan sneered at the stars.

"It turned out that the son of Xuanyuan just said that he didn't find the suit. He deliberately let go the Sun Beast, and then touched the vine to find their nest?"

Qi Songyu's eyes brightened.

"Nice! Ni Xu, the Sun Beast, others do n’t understand it, I know it very well. This kind of thing can swallow other monsters, condense the solar spar, and the solar spar is fiery, which will greatly benefit me in practicing a magic skill. I can find this thing, collect it cleanly, and practice it, even if you are alone, you are not my opponent! "

Wu Xuanyuan hummed toward the star.

"I will definitely assist the son to complete!" Song Yu busy said.

"Very good, go quickly, I feel their lair is not far from here ..."

Wu Xuanyuan Chao Xing nodded with satisfaction, carefully sensed, pointed forward, and flew out.

"This guy……"

I looked at the conversation between the two, and was about to follow me. Suddenly, a jǐng was full of vigilance, and the whole body was hidden into darkness again and again, no one could detect it.


Xu Gang just hid his body, a light flashed not far away, and a figure appeared in front of him.

I was the leader of the crowd laughing alone.

At this time, Dugu smiled in a concealed direction towards Nie Yun, jīng glanced for a long time and found no abnormalities. Then he turned his head and looked towards Xuanyuan towards the direction where the star was leaving.


He whispered, and Dugu smiled after him.

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, the yellow bird is behind! Although this lonely smile looks mighty and mighty, it is not a simple figure for its own use!"

When I saw the scene in front of me, Nie Yun understood it.

No wonder, just now, Duguxiao suggested that everyone should be dispersed. It seems that he has seen Xuanyuan Chaoxing's idea long ago. He wants the yellow bird to be behind, and the fisherman gains profit!

I waited for a while and smiled and didn't have Mei Xiner behind. It seemed that this woman had been dumped by this guy and didn't keep up.

"No wonder you don't want to team up with people you don't know.

Seeing that there were no people behind him, Nie Yun quietly followed up with emotion.

When looking for treasure, it is best not to team up with people you do n’t know, otherwise you do n’t know how to die. This is the most obvious example.

Of course, their contention is that Nie Yun can quietly follow the past, even if it is good, it is not good.

He walked in stealth all the way, and after walking about half an hour, Nie Yun really saw a huge lair nestling in the void.

虽然 Although this lair is huge, it is hidden very well. If it is not for a special trip, you will not find it even if you come to it.

Find a place to hide, Nie Yuntian's eyes quietly run.

Soon, she found the duguxiao, Xuanyuan Chaoxing, and Song Yu hiding on one side.

At this time, the Xuanyuan Chaoxing didn't know that there were still people hidden behind him, and he looked diligently into the lair. He seemed to want to observe how many Ni Xuyang beasts in the end, and whether the two of them could kill them.

The solitary smile was hiding in a corner, breathing and heart seemed to stop, motionless, and it seemed to be ready to take advantage of the chaos.

"Let me consider!"

Seeing that the three were not moving, Nie Yuntian's eyes slowly moved, and he looked quietly into the nest.

"There are three Ni Xu sun beasts ..."

The nest couldn't cover the eyes of the sky, Nie Yun quickly saw the situation inside.

In addition to the injured sun beast inside, there are actually two heads, and these two forces are surging and strong, and the breath is strong and powerful. They are all monsters of Jinxian level!

Because of its huge body, the monster monster is far superior to ordinary people. The monster in Golden Wonderland, even if it is a genius like Song Yuxuan and Chao Xing, it is not easy to win in a short time.

看看 "Look what's good in it ... Damn it, there's so much good!"

Nian Yun glanced around the three beasts, Nie Yun glanced into the nest, only one look, could not help breathing quickly.

I really deserve to be the nest of the golden fairy monster, and there are really enough treasures in it.

There are a lot of excellent immortal stones used in the practice of Xiuguang. There are numerous crystal nuclei and demon nuclei, with hundreds of them.

Weak and strong, it seems that the three sun beasts did not kill other monsters here.

"Huh? That should be the so-called solar spar!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun's eyes fell on the bright spar.

晶 These crystals were extremely hot and glowed brightly. Before coming to them, the naked eyes felt that they were hot and difficult to access.

虽然 "Although I don't know what magical power this thing can be practiced, but if you give me the beacon talent to devour, I can't make the beacon Dantian break into the fourth form ..."

Nie Yun's heart moved.

As soon as I saw this thing, Beacon Dantian ran crazy, as if seeing something tonic, let him develop a feeling from the heart!

As long as these sun spar are devoured, Beacon Dantian can break through the third form and achieve the fourth form!

This feeling came very suddenly, but Nie Yun didn't know why, but felt convinced.


When he was thinking about it suddenly, there was a roar in front of him.

Xu looked up and saw Xuanyuan Chaoxing and Song Yu finally couldn't bear it and started to move.

They are also very clever. They are not rushing into the battle with the three monsters recklessly, but they grabbed a peak of the mysterious fairyland from nowhere, and placed it at the door of the lair, roaring and provoking.

Then the two hid on one side, intending to wait for the two golden fairyland monsters to come out, and then attacked.


Sure enough, after being provoked, the Ni Xuyang Beast in the lair couldn't help it, and a guy from Golden Wonderland jumped out to the Xuan Wonderland Monster in front of the door and bit it.

"Do it!"

The sun beast's mouth has not yet reached the Xuanxian Realm monster, Xuanyuan screamed at the star, and simultaneously shot with Song Yu.

Two Golden Wonderland powerfuls attacked with surprise attacks, and their strength screamed. The Sun Beast was enveloped in an instant, and all retreats before and after were closed.


倪 This Ni Xuyang beast is indeed a monster in Golden Wonderland, and it is not a simple horn. It was suddenly ambushed, the eyes of the lantern opened wide, and the thick tail flew.


Xun's majestic body and Xuanyuan Chaoxing's attack met together, and the internal organs of the bone cracked and were seriously injured.

However, even though he was injured, it was also equivalent to breaking away from the blockade of the two forces. As soon as the huge body shook, he ran towards the lair.

"good chance!"

Seeing the scene in front of me, the air flow was turbulent and the space was roaring. Nie Yun knew that the opportunity was coming. The wings of the Phoenix danced, and the body turned into a streamer. Attached to this sun beast, "嗖!" God is unaware of the ghost.




[To be continued [this text is provided by @ 魔掌]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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