Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1045: 10 times gravity

In the past few days, Nie Yun asked Zhiliu and Xiao Xuan about the Golden Demon Clan carefully, only to find that the other party was terrible.

It is said that the Devil also has many branches, and the overall combat effectiveness of the Golden Demon can definitely rank in the top ten!

And this terrible race is inherently hostile to human practitioners. As long as it encounters human practitioners, it will absolutely kill without any fear. Because of this, Heiyuan Realm is so famous!

Known as the most dangerous place in the Red Devil Sea, there is no one!

If there is no black storm, it can completely fly over this territory quietly, and now it seems that this situation can only be passed on.

"Okay!" Everyone knew the danger ahead, each of them looked dignified, lowered their breath, and flew into the crimson water.

The seawater is cold and biting, and the magical energy contained in it is extremely harmful to the human body. Nie Yun and others are extremely powerful, and this kind of injury has not formed a great obstacle for them.

The crimson water spread out, absorbing mental strength and sight, making people unable to look far away. Occasionally, a big fish swam past him, revealing his terrible strength.

There are far more monsters in the ocean than on land, especially in this huge ocean. On the land, monsters in Xuanxian Realm are rare, and almost all are in some large forests and large towns, and here, they are casually encountered. At the end, they may have the power of Xuanxian Realm, which adds a lot of trouble to everyone's itinerary.

"Here is the Abyss Realm, we are now in the devil's territory!"

I walked for a while, the red water changed suddenly, and a faint mountain range appeared in front of me.

山脉 This mountain is boundless. I don't know where to go. I cut the seawater in two and wanted to pass. You have to go straight, there is no other way.

Laoshan is full of magic, with a strong smell of blood, and the soles of the feet fell to the ground. When I was about to walk, I felt my knees soft and fell to the ground. Only Duguxiao and Nie Yun did not fall, but they also looked ugly.

"Good gravity ... ten times gravity?"

Nie Yun was shocked.

On this mountain, gravity is different from other places. Ten times as much!

Ten times the gravity for ordinary people, not to mention walking around, I am afraid it will be torn into pieces after entering, although everyone is almost Jinxian strong. Faced with such pressure. Still struggling.


Qi Songyu and others released Xianli, and the body surface formed a power shield.

With this protective cover, the pressure is light and I can never feel it again.

Jinxian strong already belongs to the power level in the spirit world. Although ten times gravity is powerful, as long as the power is turned on, it will not cause much difficulty.

"Give me the protective cover!"

The multitude of talents just offered a protective cover, and the duguo smile in front of him sank. Whispered.

"Take away the protective covers. The people of the Golden Body Demon major in the flesh. There is no fluctuation of fairy power. Let's sacrifice the protective cover and run the fairy power. Come here! If we want to pass by safely, we'd better walk on foot without using any magic! "

Yun Xuanyuan Chaoxing explained.

"On foot, do you need a little magic?"

Everyone's face changed, with a bitter smile.

After the achievement of Jinxian, they almost all flew, and rarely walked, and under ten times gravity, they did not need fairy power ... even Jinxian couldn't bear it.

Jinxian strong is powerful only immortal, artistic conception, not physical.


Although Xun's heart was upset, everyone knew that once they were found and chased by the golden body demons, they didn't know how to die, and they didn't dare to talk nonsense immediately, and all their protective shields were revoked.

"Come on, let's try to avoid the demons and let them find out. As long as we pass this mountain, we will be safe!"

Lian Dugu laughed, his legs stepped on the ground, and flew out first.

I look at his speed and know that this person also has a high level of accomplishment in physical cultivation, but it is definitely not as good as Nie Yun. If you look closely, it is almost the same as the sixth weight of the spiritual rhinoceros.

This is the case with Xun Rao, which is enough here. The strong force does not accept the pressure of gravity, the soil rolls, and straight forward.

He is indeed a person of the invincible family, which is perfect in every aspect, without defects.

People with strong flesh will not be in trouble here, people who are not self-cultivating will be in trouble. Song Yuxuan, Chao Xing, Xiao Xun, Zhi Liu, Mei Xiner, have hardly practiced the physical body, and follow closely all the way, It felt like the whole body was torn apart, miserable.

"Ten times gravity has little effect on me ..."

He hurried to the end, and Nie Yun's heart was like a mirror.

Ten times the gravity has little effect on Duguxiao, and it is even more negligible to him.

I walked in this place, and he finally knew why the human body of the Golden Body Demon was stronger, growing from a place of ten times gravity, how could the physical body not be strong!


I walked around, a giant monster jumped out.

妖 This monster is not tall, but the whole body is very smooth, full of muscles, every move with a fierce and powerful meaning.

"Hum, die!"

Gong Dugu smiled with a look in his eyes, and a gun flashed in the palm of his hand, then a spear spun down and stabbed straight towards the monster.

长 This spear can't see the level, the whole body is black, it is run to the extreme by the muscle power, with the rapid wind, it breaks through the air.


The beast monster seemed to have been fighting for a long time, and he was not afraid of it. His tail fluttered slightly, and he twirled in mid-air, avoiding the opponent's gunpoint, and grabbed it in the volley.


一 When he touched his paw with the tip of his gun, Dugu smiled 噔 噔 噔 and took a few steps back, his face was ugly.

If you can use Xianli, this monster will not have to use half a move, but the flesh alone will suffer a lot.

"I'll try!"

Seeing that Dugu laughed and suffered, others did not practice the flesh, and Nie Yun came forward.

Anyway, everyone is a whole, and if it is found here by the Golden Demon, it will be difficult to leave.


Everyone was stunned.

Although Nie Yun recognized it, he only felt that his strength was qualified to follow, and his real combat power was far from theirs. Not a big deal.

Because of this, along the way, they did not let Nie Yun explore the road, nor did they take the initiative to let him kill the demon and the monster. Suddenly stepped out at this time, making everyone a little strange.

"Hum, the dudu son can't defeat this monster, just rely on you as a kid in Luoxianjing?" Song Yu laughed sneer, with contempt in his eyes.

"Don't make trouble here while playing!" Xuanyuan Chaoxing also frowned.

"Ha ha!"

Ignoring the ridicule of the two, he came to him in two steps. Facing the monster claws, Nie Yun punched him in the past.

Simple physical strength, without any immortal power.

"Be careful……"

I saw him so reckless. He didn't even dare to laugh at him alone. He bumped into each other until Liu and Xiao Xun's faces changed, but the expression had just changed. It was replaced by a weirdness.

I saw the fist of Nie Yun and the monster. The latter did not send out any screams, and the bones and muscles shattered and fell from the air, turning into a muddy mud.


"Your physical body is so strong ..."

Only then did everyone understand how physically powerful this young boy was.

"Eat these things, eat them raw!"

With one punch, the monster was killed, and Nie Yun grabbed it with a big hand. He grabbed a few blood clots from his body and handed them over.

This monster is physically strong. Essence is a great supplement to people, it can help improve blood circulation and increase physical strength.

"Eat raw? Do you think my son Xuanyuan will eat this? Get away!"

Yun Xuanyuan hummed towards the star and did not take over.

别 "Don't give it to me, I won't eat it either, **** ..."

Meimei Xin'er also changed her face and waved.

"Xuanyuan's son will not eat, I will not eat, take it away!" Song Yu's face was low.

"Give me a piece!"

Lu Dugu smiled differently from Xuanyuan Chaoxing, hesitated a bit, took a piece.

Ignoring the few who didn't eat, Nie Yun handed the blood clot to Xiao Yi, and Liu passed over, "Eat this!"

The two knew that Nie Yun would not harm him and swallowed the **** taste immediately.

These blood clots smelled bad in their mouths. As soon as they entered the abdomen, they felt a heat rush. The original ten times gravity made them miserable. With the heat rush, they did not feel uncomfortable.

Even the whole person feels a lot lighter. Originally, the broken muscles were torn by gravity. At this time, they are intact and full of energy.


I did not expect that the smelly blood clots would have such an effect, and Liu and Xiao Yi were shocked.

"Okay, good! Great effect!"

Wu Dugu laughed and ate a blood clot, raised his eyebrows, and laughed.

It seems that he also feels the special blood clot.

"This monster is born and raised here, and the blood itself adapts to ten times the gravity. Seeing its swallowing blood can improve human circulation and make people adapt to the environment here!"

Xie Nieyun explained casually.

For the physical understanding and cultivation, no one in this group can compare with him, and the effect of taking a blood clot is naturally more than others know.

"Nie Yun, right ~ www.readwn.com ~ Give me the remaining pieces!"

I saw the changes of several people. Song Yu and others finally knew that this smelly blood clot was a good thing. Xuanyuan stepped forward to the star and sang in a commanding tone.

"Give you?"

Seeing that he was not asked just now, now he asked in turn, and Nie Yun raised his mouth.

不错 "Yes, the son of Xuanyuan asked you if you are honored, take it obediently, the three of us have not taken it!" Song Yu saw him hesitant, a little impatient, and shouted loudly.

"I didn't ask you just now, haha, sorry, I haven't taken this blood clot!"

Seeing Nie Yun smile, he swallowed the remaining blood clot with one hand.

The seventh major achievement of the spiritual rhyme refining method is that this low-level blood clot has no effect on him, but he hates this humorous face. If he asks him to be down, he will be polite and want something. No doors.

"You ... you're looking for death!"

Chao Xuanyuan's Chaoxing did not expect Nie Yun to be like this, his face turned blue, and his hands came straight.

As a child of the top ten families, he has always been desire and desire. However, under such anger, Xianli whistled, and the sky immediately gave out a huge palm. (To be continued ...)




[To be continued [this text is provided by @ 魔掌]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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