Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1051: Ghost Sea Unrest

"Dugu smile? Is it the Dugu family?"

"I've heard of this lonely smile, it's a golden fairy strong!"

"It is said that one shot crossed three Jinxian strongmen, and is a famous peerless murderer!"

"What about the murderer? Can it be compared to the poisonous head ghost Shixuan, one of the four ghosts in the demon world? This guy is said to have hunted the holy fairy, and no one knows the specific strength!"

"This guy has actually come? It is said that his strength is the weakest among the other three ghosts. The other three ghosts should not have come? If you come, this ruin, let us not worry about it!"

"Yeah, but I heard it didn't seem to come ..."

Wu Dugu laughed and killed the troublemaker without any worries, immediately causing a chaos around him. .

Although there are many masters around, there are not many core disciples who can guarantee victory over the invincible family. They look at each other one by one, but they don't come to trouble, but they give up a place.

It's not that these people are afraid of Dugu laugh, but that everything is meaningless before the treasure is really born.

"Fantastic Four Monsters? What is that?"

He looked at everything just now, and Nie Yun turned his head and asked Xiang Zhiliu.

Yan Zhiliu and Xiao Yan shook their heads, as if they did not know.

"Fairy four ghosts are the most famous people in the world of monsters. They are not famous because they are the strongest, but they are the most unscrupulous! Do whatever you want, do nothing, the reputation is very bad, the top ten families and exorcists At the beginning, the tower was surrounded by siege, but these four people were not only strong, but also very cunning, they had not been successful, which has made their fame even greater! "

Mei Xin'er on the side seemed to hear the question, and somehow she didn't talk about the conditions, and solemnly introduced: "The four of them, each has a title, the oldest golden light ghost, the second hanged ghost, the third impermanent ghost. , The old four poisonous head ghost! This stone Zhongxuan is indeed the weakest of the four, but even so, the general Saint Wonderland strong is not an opponent. If these four people really want to all come, they may really tell them It ’s the same, we ca n’t get any treasures! ”

"Rest assured that the four of them will not all come. They are notorious. The whole world and the six avenues want to kill them. They seem to be crazy, but they are actually the same as bereavement. Be blamed! "

Mei Meixin's words of concern were not finished, and Yafeng Jinxian (Prince Jinya), who was with her, said, and she also showed a cautious expression on the face.

不过 "However, it doesn't matter if anyone else is here or not, it's hard to get rid of this poisonous head!"

"The poisonous head ghost stone Zhongxuan is a poisoner, secretly planning to kill people, it's weird, everyone should not run around in recent times, so as not to get caught!"

Wu Dugu laughed and seemed to know a lot about Shi Zhongxuan, and turned around and ordered.

"Got it!"

Bian Nieyun and others came to find the treasure. They did not win the battle. They all nodded except for evil and goodness, and expressed their attention.

Although the recent increase in strength is not slow, Nie Yun is not qualified and has no strength to fight against the super strong who can hunt down the immortal.

…………………………………………………………. Deep in a mountain peak not far from Nie Yun and others, two people sitting in gloomy gloomy demons sit quietly on one. The wide cave.

I can find such a comfortable cave in this place without being snatched by others, which shows that the two are extremely scary.

"Brother, a lot of people came this time. I never expected that the invincible family would send someone!"

A demon who emits poisonous gas all over his body, humming, it is the demon four monsters, poisonous head ghosts, Shi Zhongxuan that everyone fears!

"It just happened that these family children have treasures on their bodies. By the time the Black Dragon Lord remains, even if you can't find the Black Dragon Order, kill them, you can make a fortune!"

The other eyes flickered with murder and kept sneering.

If anyone can definitely recognize it, it is the third impermanent ghost among the four monsters, Yue Xin impermanence!

The real killing **** is notorious.

"Three brothers still have a way. These guys come in the name of the family. There must be a lot of treasures. There may still be powerful ideas here to observe and dare not shoot. When you enter the ruins and isolate the idea, how can you kill if you don't want to kill?"

Xuan Zhongxuan's eyes brightened.

"Well, wait, but we are not in a hurry to shoot, they will definitely kill each other, the more we kill, the more effort we save ... hehe!"

Vicious light flashed in the eyes of Xun Yuexin's impermanence.

他们 For them, human life is a bunch of numbers, death and death have nothing to do with him, even the more dead, the happier.


There are many strong men who come to explore the ruins of the black dragon saint, and even many enemies who come against each other come here at the same time. However, these people have remained silent at the same time and did not fight.

It is not that they give up their hatred for the treasure, but that they know that once they are defeated in this battle, they will surely be taken advantage of by others, and they will never fail.

Because of this consideration, although the strong are like clouds here, the competition is very obvious, but before the relics are opened, no order is taken, and the quiet is hard to believe.

Relative to the quietness here, the ghost sea city driving tower branch seems extremely unsettled.

A young boy appeared abruptly in the hall that was suppressed by Wuye Shura, causing a vibration-like roar across the repair tower.

This is the sound of foreign enemies breaking into the repair tower without permission. All the masters of Guihai City Branch got the news and rushed to this temple quickly.

"This person is deliberately roaring, seems to have no fear, look over!"

As the person in charge of the branch, Diao Xuan understood it as soon as possible, and raised her eyebrows sharply.

Jin Jinxian Peak combined with the powerful power of the Qipin Expulsion Master to radiate from his eyes.

Before Nie Yun's assessment, Diao Xuan did not show his strength. Now the whole body's momentum is suddenly released. The strength is like river water. It is no worse than Duguxiao and others. It is even a little stronger.

"Intentionally caused a roar? Who was here? Dare to make trouble at the driving tower, it seems to be really looking for death!"

冷 A cold old man hum.

This is also one of the heads of the Ghost Sea City Branch. Like Zhiliu, he is a six-pin flood repairer.


When Dao grabbed his hand, Diao Xuan appeared in front of a huge formation. Several people in charge of Guihai City, representing the most powerful Jinxian strong in Guihai City, went into it and disappeared.

In a flash, came to the place where the suppression of Wushuura was suppressed.

This huge palace is no different from Nie Yun's entry before. Ye Wushuura was still tied in the depths and was severely suppressed by the formation method. There was only one difference. A young boy was standing quietly in front of Ye Wushuura. , People can not see the depth of strength, repair to depth.

If you do n’t even look closely, you wo n’t realize that there is one more person here.

As a golden fairyland Shura, Ye Wushuura is extremely proud and has a strong intention to kill human beings. Humans are never allowed to approach. Now this person is standing in front of him even less than three meters, but the other side is as quiet as sleeping. There was not even a trace of resistance, making everyone feel involuntarily feel scalp in their eyes.

到底 Who the **** is this?

"You are in charge here?"

The young boy's face showed a slight smile. Looking at Diao Xuan and others in front of his eyes, his voice was clear and clean, and there was no depression in his ear, but he felt very comfortable.

"Who are you? Standing there is dangerous, or come here quickly!"

Xuan Diaoxuan could not see the strength of the opponent, nor did he know what he meant, but he reminded him kindly.

Although I don't know what method the young man used to make Ye Wushuura stay still, it is still a dangerous thing to be so close to Shura in a golden fairyland.

"It looks like you should be the person in charge here, who restrains my people and trains you, I think so good!"

Shao young laughed, but there was no anger on his face, but it looked like a light cloud, 风 "Well, now that I am back, this kind of thing should be over, you can go with peace of mind!"

In the light laughter, the teenager's slightly white palm slowly moved forward.

His movements are unpleasant, and there is no fancy, but slowly comes to give people a dull pressure on the chest, as if the entire space of the repair tower was controlled by him alone, it will be destroyed and collapsed at any time.

"I'm a master, do it!"

Tong Diaoxuan shrank her pupils, knowing that she had encountered a powerful enemy, and a fist roared, her fists blasted out.

His peak fighting power in the Golden Wonderland, coupled with the special talents of the seven-pin exorcist, the strength gathered together like a galaxy in the sky. At this moment, the space was distorted. With the roar of countless matrix methods, it was comparable to the immortal power Come over.

"Great ape palm!"

"Luo Tianling Longquan!"

"Nine Turns!"

Uh ...

Xuan Diaoxuan shot, and the remaining five six-pin flood repair technicians did not stay behind ~ www.readwn.com ~ each had a solemn expression, and in the whistling sound, each exhibited the biggest trick.

The worst of these people have reached the peak of the mysterious fairyland. With the special talents, the combat power is amazing. The five are teamed up to be more powerful. The hall is buried by the violent momentum. The violent power is irradiated, so that the chain of sorrow is fixed. Hunting sounded and seemed to shatter at any time.


Under strong pressure, Ye Wushuura's face showed blood, and he lay on the ground with a heavy face.

I ca n’t even bear him!

Twenty-six superpowers work together at the same time, and cooperate with many arrays of driving tower repairs. This kind of attack power, even if the top of the Holy Wonderland peak comes, it is difficult to resist and will be killed.

"It's interesting, but ... you're wrong, I won't show mercy!"

In the face of such a powerful attack, the teenager's face remained unchanged, and he suddenly smiled slightly, and his white palm greeted him.

This palm is the same as before, and it still seems to have no attack power, but the attack formed by the combination of the six strong men turns into a chaotic airflow with a single touch and escapes.


The oldest man with the worst strength seems to be shocked by his own strength, his face flushed, his body exploded, and his flesh fluttered.




[To be continued [this text is provided by @ 魔掌]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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