Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1555: Killing Golden Fairy Shura (Part 2)

Chapter 155--


It was killed and Nie Yun spit out a sulky breath.

The battle just now seemed smooth. In fact, he put out all the means. Now that his strength is loose, the whole person feels weak all over, and he can't breathe.

Shura in Golden Wonderland is too powerful. All of them can be killed. To be honest, they are lucky!

And because this Shura has been here for too long and its strength has declined, if the golden fairyland Shura in its heyday, it was not an opponent at all!

"Haha, little guy, thank you for killing this Shura, now this Shura corpse and this ore are mine ..."

Just then, a laughter rang out.

The sound was sharp and unpleasant, and looking down, I saw an old man with a long face walking over.

The old man knew at first sight that he was not a good person, full of gloom, indifference, and deceit.

It seems that when Nie Yun and Dunyan Shura fought just now, he came and never shot. When Nie Yun killed him in the true sense, he came out and wanted the fisherman to profit.

"Fighting with Shura is an inescapable obligation on the part of the humans in the spirit world. You have to hide it. This is a part of it!"

Nie Yun hummed, holding back the experience in his heart.

With the Musheng talent, the side effects brought by the fighting just now are not a concern, but even the Musheng division talent takes time to repair the injury. The purpose of saying this is to give yourself this time.

Everyone in the spiritual world has the obligation to fight against Shura. Just now he fought with Shura. According to the truth, the other party must come over and fight with him instead of hiding and peeking.

"Hey, kill you, won't anyone know?"

The old man sneered, and the killer came out of his heart.

In his opinion, the guy in front of him had already spent almost as much fighting strength with Shura, and he could not be his opponent at all.

"Kill me? You need this strength!"

After recovering, Nie Yun's eyes shot violently, and he was too lazy to make any more nonsense and rushed.

If he changed to normal, he would pretend to be weak, pretend to be weak, cheated the other side, and then shot in a sneak attack. Now, time is not allowed!

Already there is a Jinxian strong, who can guarantee that there is not behind?

All you have to do now is to kill the guy in the shortest time and take the ore and the body of Dunyan Shura!

Dunyan is Shura in the Golden Wonderland. Although he has been trapped for many years, his strength has been greatly abolished, and it is definitely a great supplement for him. If he can refine, even if it is not enough for the seventh Nirvana, it is almost!

Therefore, such good things must not fall into the hands of others!

"court death!"

The old man did not expect that this guy would dare to do it himself under such circumstances. Eagle eyes narrowed, a cold light flowed out, and the palm of the hand suddenly caught forward.


Under one grasp, the space was blocked and the breath was flowing.

Martial arts, iron cable Yokoe!

He was also unsympathetic, and he was a trick when he shot.


Nie Yunquan's strength was magnificent, the iron cables across the river were strange and inexplicable, and the two big moves came together, and the two took a step back at the same time.


Knowing that he wanted to kill him, it could not be completed in a short time. Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense. He grabbed the body of Dunyan Shura on the ground into Nadan Dantian with a large grasp, and at the same time his body turned in the air, straight to the distance. The ore flew away.

"Dare you! I don't want to take away what I think of the golden immortal!"

Seeing that the juvenile's power did not seem to be damaged in the slightest, he could still fight against it. Moxu Jinxian was a little stunned. When he saw the ore flying in the opposite direction, he was furious and grabbed it.

Although he doesn't know what the ore is and what it does, but according to previous experience, it must be a good thing!

Otherwise, Shuluo will not be allowed to stay here!


His palm was like a ghost claw, rushing straight forward.

Nie Yun felt that he was about to come to the ore, and his body was involuntarily stiffened. He was caught by the other side, and his brows couldn't help wrinkling.

It seems that without killing this guy, it is impossible for the other party to give him the opportunity to collect ore.

"you wanna die!"

Having made up his mind, Nie Yun no longer hesitated, and with the help of the opponent's pull, the body slammed back, a shoulder bump, and bumped into this Moxu Jinxian.


This time, the speed was fast and fierce, Moxu Jinxian was not prepared, and the ribs on his chest were immediately broken.

"Ah ... you die for me!"

Although he was wounded, it also completely annoyed this guy, so angry that black rocks appeared from his eyes and nostrils, and his palms slammed into Nie Yun's heart.

It seemed that he wanted to shatter Nie Yun's heart.

"Let's die first!"

With two eyebrows raised, Nie Yun punched Mo Jinjinxian's head with a punch.

The opponent bombarded his heart, he bombarded the opponent's head, the empty doors opened, and only the offense was turned out to be a trick that hurts both!


The two fists hit each other.


The head of Moxu and Jinxian was twisted by Nie Yun, the flesh and blood was blurred, and his brain was scattered.

And his body was blown into pieces by the opponent's bombardment.

It looks like both defeats hurt, but after half a breath, Nie Yun's body is as good as ever!

With an undead body, this kind of trick that hurts both has nothing to do with him!


To reach the realm of Jinxian, Xiu couldn't die even if his head was broken. Seeing that Nie Yun was fine, Moxu Jinxian couldn't believe it.


Fire a bit and burn the other side into ashes instantly, and Nie Yun is relieved.

It seems that this guy came late and did not see him and Dunyan Shura fighting in the forefront. If he is seen, he must know that he has an immortal body, and he would not be so stupid to perform the trick of losing both.

It can be seen that the undead body is his strongest hole card, which cannot be easily exposed. If he is prepared in advance, he will lose a large part of his initiative.

"come on!"

Killing Moxu Jinxian, Nie Yun knew that there was a lot of time delay. If he continued to delay, he would be drowned by later people. He grabbed his palm forward, tearing dozens of seals stiffly, and instantly removing that ore. Take in Dantian.

Without the owner's seal, it would be much easier to tear it up. If Dunyan Shura is still alive, it is definitely not that simple.

"Look what you have!"

After taking away the ore, Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes lightened, and he grasped with his big hand, covering the Moxu Jinxian.

Although this guy is dead, as a Jinxian strong, he ran so fast, he must have picked up a lot of good things.

With his palm on Moxu Jinxian's corpse, God stole the talent and immediately stole the contents of his Dantian to his own Dantian.


After doing this, Nie Yun fluttered into the ground, and entered the Beidouxing Palace smoothly.


As soon as he arrived at the Xinggong Palace, he threw the items stolen from Moxu Jinxian.

It is indeed the Jinxian strong, and there are really enough babies on it, but in terms of weapons, there is no unique fairy. The strongest is an iron sword, a semi-special grade.

There are quite a few immortal stones. After checking them, they belong to a normal Jinxian family, and there are many kinds of medicinal materials.

But these medicinal materials are not very useful to Nie Yun.

That ’s right, no matter who it is, there are good things that will definitely be swallowed directly, and you will be promoted, and you will never stay to wait for others.

"Well, what is this?"

Suddenly, something appeared in front of Nie Yun.

It is a small jade plate with complicated lines carved on it. It seems that there are many passages in this tomb.

"Is this a map of this tomb? No wonder this Moxu Jinxian can find it behind the stone wall ..."

Nie Yun came to understand ~ www.readwn.com ~ The place where the ore was stored was hidden behind the stone wall. He could only find it with the sense of natural eye and the nameless method. Moxu Jinxian could come in directly. reason.

I thought he had leaked his strength during the battle and was discovered by the opponent. Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Huh? Buddha Gate? There are Buddha Gate?"

Taking the jade card in his hand and studying it carefully, suddenly Nie Yun's eyes showed extreme excitement.

The map clearly marked a place with a Buddhist treasure.

Conjectured the level of this treasure, Nie Yun can take this to make King Kong's glazed body also smoothly promoted to the eighth, the Buddha and the demon repair, the strength is greatly increased!

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