Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1059: Duanmu Longbow

King Kong's glass body reached the eighth level, and it was perfectly integrated with the eighth-level spirit rhinoceros body tactics, and once again reached a balance, allowing Nie Yun's strength to advance by leaps and bounds.

Although she used the talents of the masters, the pure power still made people scared. Seeing the scene in front of her, the world of Buddhism felt that its understanding of the entire world had collapsed.

Except for the magical artifacts in the spirit world, the exquisite artifacts belong to the highest level. The treasures of this level, not to mention the golden immortals, cannot be broken with one finger, even if the immortal comes over.

I did n’t see it with my own eyes, just listening to other people ’s narration, he would definitely laugh at Da Ya and call him absolutely sensational, but the scene in front of him now made him unable to say anything.


I know it ’s not the time to speak, the release world understands that if you stay there, you will surely die. If you dare to hesitate, turn around and run away.


His energy flickered, and a jade card was crushed by him.

The Jade Jade brand took the full blow of the Jinxian peak strong, and as soon as the Buddha kingdom was destroyed, it rolled up the golden light all over the land and rushed to Nie Yun with a roar.

攻击 This attack is even more terrifying than the Peculiar Attack just now. Anyone will avoid the frontier and let him flee freely.

But Nie Yun is not anyone and is unique.

Before the release of the world of release, a palm grabbed him in the air, as if the lightning that broke through the layers of space in an instant came to him.


He was grabbed by the palm of his hand, the release world stopped in the air, and then he saw an incredible scene.

I saw the huge attack wave from the explosion of Jade. Grabbed in the palm of the other's palm by the other's palm, swallowed alive!

Consume the attack of Jinxian peak level ...

What is this person's ability?

"You can't kill me, I'm the son of Buyumen Sovereign. If you kill me, you will be madly avenged by Buyumen ..."

However, now is not the time to study the other party's capabilities, but to save lives.

Panic shouted again and again in panic.

"Buyumen's crazy revenge?"

Seeing this guy was thinking of revenge before he died, without knowing it, Nie Yun snorted. Flick your fingers again.


The release and release world was fried into pieces of flesh, and the breath of life disappeared.

No matter what he does, he dares to offend himself. It can be guaranteed that there is absolutely no good result!

"time to go!"

He refined the Buddha's treasure and killed it in the release world. Nie Yun knew that there was no need to stay. Exhale. The body flickered and disappeared from its place.

来 This visit to the Relics of the Black Dragon is really right for him.

Before he came, he could fight up to the peak of Xuan fairyland, but now even if the power of the golden fairyland peak comes, he may not be his opponent.

Especially, the two major body training methods reached the eighth weight at the same time, and I really knew that the physical strength was terrible.

I can say without exaggeration that by virtue of this physical body and strength, the world is huge. Go anywhere!

It seems that after the completion of the relics of the Black Dragon Saint, it is time to look for Lingtai Lingyue.

算 Even if her family is strong. No matter how great, he couldn't stop his decision.

This is not pure love, but also an inescapable commitment and responsibility!

Two people's persistence!

"Yueer, wait for me, I'll come to you soon ..."

He whispered, and at the feet of Nie Yun, he flew straight in the direction of the map in his mind, straight toward the depths of the ruins.

After a period of delay, compared to others, it is already too late, and many teams have come forward, plundering the treasures.

到底 I do n’t know what the remains of this black dragon saint are, unfathomable, and there are many treasures, which has caused countless masters to be red-headed and hot to kill.

In spite of his great strength, Nie Yun still did not dare to take it lightly and walked quickly along the ground.

On the road, there are still many battles for the treasure. As long as he is interested, he sneaks in. If he is not interested, he turns away and ignores.

I walked away for about half a day, and stole a lot of good things, but did not find Xiaolong, Duguxiao, and others. I felt that they were ahead, but I never saw the slightest trace, and I did n’t know where I went.

也不 I do n’t know how big this tomb-like relic is. I have traveled thousands of miles along the way. I still have n’t seen the margins, and I have n’t found the center position.


I was moving forward. Suddenly a sudden tremor on the ground in front of me, a pair of huge palms appeared straight from the space in front of me, and violently rushed forward.

The place where I was hit by the palm was a huge portal. There was a group of people standing in front of the door, eyes were fiery, and it seemed to be opening a relatively large treasure.

群 This group of people see that the clothes are not the same force, but they seem to have made some kind of agreement to jointly open the treasure without attacking each other. Instead, they complement each other and attack the seal on the stone gate.


When dozens of powerful men of Jinxian level attacked at the same time, the blessing power on the stone gate was quickly consumed, and a sound of "squeak!" From the authorities opened the stone gate slowly.

"Everyone, we follow the rules, the treasures inside, Wufangmen, Jiuping Pavilion, Qingyangzong, and Luochen teach the Quartet forces, one for each person, no one can violate it!"

The stone door opened, and everyone didn't rush in, a loud voice sounded.

He talked about an old man with blue beard, a fairy-like bone, with a touch of immortality on his body, full of smart charm.

"Lord of Qingling Pavilion, rest assured, we will abide by the rules!"

"The four gates of our country can only get more things if they are united together. This has already been answered from the previous things, and will not be inward!"

"Rest assured, you will not neglect to discuss things in advance!"

Three more people shouted out. They should be the persons in charge of the other three schools.

"Wufangmen, Jiuping Pavilion, Qingyang Sect, Luochen Sect ..."

When I heard these names, Nie Yun was surprised.

宗 These gates are famous first-class gates in the spirit world, and they are almost the same as Buyu Gate. These four are united together and have greater strength. It is no wonder that they can focus on more than a dozen Jinxian strongmen at once. Really terrible!

"Now that everyone agrees, let's go in!"

长 The first lingering Qingling Pavilion master, Xiao Xiao, flew towards the broken stone gate.


I have not yet come to Shimen and suddenly a powerful force in the sky crushed it down. A blade that traversed dozens of kilometers slashed down, looking at the speed and power. If the master of Qingling Pavilion does not stop, he will definitely run into it. Chopped into two pieces.


The master of Lingqing Pavilion was startled and did not dare to come forward, but stopped abruptly. His face was a little ugly, and he shouted loudly with a big wave of his hand.

"This treasure is not yours. Stop it for me!"

The stingray disappeared. A voice followed immediately.

不是 "It's not us? So many of us worked hard to break the seal. Couldn't you just say one thing?"

"Well, who is it? Get on the name, our alliance of Wufangmen, Jiuping Pavilion, Qingyang Sect, and Luochen Sect, can't wait to fear you!"

I heard the pride revealed in my voice, and everyone looked ugly.

They worked hard to open the stone door, naturally they do not want to be taken away.

I further said that their four first-class sects are united together, and their strength is counted in the spirit world. Who has taken the ambitious leopard gall and dared to stop them?

"I said it. It's not yours, so it's not qualified. I want this treasure!"

Wu Aoran's voice continued to sound, "Hoo!", A figure appeared in front of everyone.

人 This person doesn't seem to be very old. He is in his twenties, but he has heart-warming power and strength. When he appears, he will make the originally noisy crowd silent, and look at each other, speechless.

"Duanmu Longbow? Who is this person? How dare you speak like this ..."

别 "Don't talk, he is a famous genius of the top ten family Duanmu tribe. It is said that an old monster reborn in the ancient times. This year is only 25 years old. He has reached the peak of Jinxian and has the power to kill the powerful Saints!

"An old monster reborn? Duanmu people?"

Some people don't know who Duanmu Longbow is, but when they hear others' words, they are dumb and dare not make nonsense.

"Duanmu, your top ten families are great, but this treasure was opened by four gates such as our Wufang Pavilion, and we hope to raise your hand!"

The master of Qing Ling Pavilion also seemed to know the horror of the young man in front of him, and frowned, and then said humblely.

As the leader of the alliance, if I was scared by the opponent and turned away, I'm afraid he would have no prestige in the future.

"Raise your expensive hand? What if I don't?"

Yan Duanmu long bow coldly.

"You ..." The Lord of Qingling Pavilion didn't expect him to speak so directly, he was so angry that he almost didn't come up, snorted coldly. "If you don't lift it, please give us a proper reason, let us people take it orally, otherwise Even if your Duanmu family is strong, it is impossible for you to act against our four main gates because of your little son! "

"Want the reason, here you are!"

Yan Duanmu's longbow flashed a cold coldness in his eyes, suddenly turned abruptly, and a straight cold light suddenly waved to the master of Qingling Pavilion.

With the supreme knife intention, Han Hanguang rolled up the storm instantly in the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a huge force to cut everything, straight in.


I didn't expect the other party to take the shot, and there was no scruples. The Lord of Qingling Pavilion was immediately angry, his face flushed, his palms rolled up in a hurry, and he greeted him.

I can become the leader of several major leagues, and the strength of the master of the Qingling Pavilion is not covered. When he makes a shot, he is also a peak of the golden wonderland.


Facing the counterattack, Duanmu Longbow snorted, and Dao Man suddenly increased his speed suddenly.

At this moment, the thunder was too late to cover his ears. The master of the Qingling Pavilion did not expect that the slashed swords that had been waved would speed up, and he was less prepared, and immediately felt that the world in front of him was broken, as if millions of gods and demons had arrived, and an irresistible force rushed on. come.


The master of Qing Ling Pavilion instantly exploded into powder.

"Who else?" One shot killed the master of Qingling Pavilion, Duanmu Changgong looked cold, "Need a reason?"

There was no sound around the bird.

Ps: Four more outbreaks tomorrow.




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-Some people just don't realize it-

Alas-how hurtful their language is.

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