Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1062: Deep in the ruins

Deep inside the ruins of the Black Dragon, it was very well hidden. Nie Yun obtained the map from Moxu Jinxian. There was no record at all, and he did not know how to enter. At this time, the appearance of Shi Zhongxuan's palm made this matter a brow. .

Xiu Zhongxuan was so capable that he could not escape, and Ken had already entered the depths of the ruins. As long as he copied the direction of his palm away, he could enter it.

This is Nie Yun's calculation for a long time, otherwise, with the current strength, this palm can be left completely.

"What happened?"

"Treasures are gone? Duanmu is dead?"

"Who's out? It's so refreshing ..."

"It looks like that Shura is also dead. Is it Duanmu Changgong's disparity with him, killing each other?"

As soon as Nie Yun left the place, Shishi rushed in for a group of people.

The people from Zongmen, such as Wufangmen, did not leave before seeing that there was a lot of noise. Finally, they couldn't help coming in. As soon as they came in, they saw the ground's minced meat and clothes.

Kuan Duanmu's long bow persecuted them and was killed at this time, making everyone happy, and thanking the hero who killed him.

Ning Yun's body flickered in the air along the escape direction simulated by the tracking air.

空间 The space here is so distorted, there are traps all around, there is only one way to walk, and if you accidentally fall into danger, you will never lose it.

For ordinary people, even if they have the spirit of tracking, they will definitely not be able to track down, but Nie Yun is different. The two super talents, Tianyan and Tianear, are working. The undercurrents and traps around them are at the bottom of the eye, which can minimize the danger.

I do n’t know how long I have been flying continuously or how many difficult levels I have passed. A huge pillar appears in front of me.

柱 This pillar is like the Tiantian Peak that supports the sky. It is inserted into the void and the end is not visible. Above the pillar, there is a huge black dragon circling along the stone pillar. The majestic head looks up at the sky, as if it will soar at any time and rush into the clouds.

Yun Tian's eyes flickered, and Nie Yun glanced around.

"This is a formation, not a pillar, but six!"

I looked at it for a while, and found that there were a total of six pillars around the same huge pillar, forming the tendency of Liuyang and Xianxian, forming a huge space matrix.

The aura around the puppet is extremely abundant, but from time to time it reveals a fierce murderous spirit, which shows that there may be Shura above Jinxian level here.

"Huh? Xiaolong and Dugu laughed that they were here!"

I glanced at the surrounding forms, and Nie Yun felt a movement in her heart, sensing the whereabouts of the dragon.

I haven't been able to sense it before, I don't know where they went, but when I came here, I found out that they had entered here one step ahead.

The deep and peripheral of the relics of the Black Dragon Saint belong to two different spaces. Like the two worlds, only when they come here can they be clearly sensed.

At this time, Xiaolong disguised himself and followed behind Duguxiao and other people. Although he didn't know what happened, from the strong breath in the induction, he was not only injured, but seemed to be stronger and faintly reached The peak of Xuan fairyland can be broken at any time!

The ancient dragon, a five-clawed golden dragon with a strong bloodline, even if it is only the peak of Xuanxian Realm, still has the strength comparable to that of the Golden Immortal Realm. Besides, this is the relic of the black dragon. As a dragon emperor who has restored some memory, there must be many Life-saving means is precisely because of this, Nie Yun was assured that it was following Duguxiao and others, and was not afraid.

"over there!"

He sensed the position, and Nie Yun's concealed air movement merged the body and the surrounding environment, and flew in the direction of Xiaolong.

The more I walked forward, the more powerful the air was.

Under this force, even Nie Yun felt a bit short of breath and was under pressure.

"This black dragon saint is by no means as simple as the saint ..."

I felt this power, and Nie Yun secretly judged.

When I came here, I always thought that the so-called black dragon saint was just a sacred fairy. Now it seems, absolutely not.

Wu Shengxian definitely did not have such a large hand, built such a huge tomb, and did not have the strength to arrange such a huge array.

He is even more unlikely to have so many treasures, so that many masters of the heavens and earth are crazy.

Especially this place, the coercion is too great, ordinary holy immortals can never be arranged.


I flew for a while, and a huge altar appeared before the crowd.

祭 This altar is very wide, with a radius of tens of miles, a statue in the middle of a moment, a black dragon circling to the sky, with a strong majesty.

Above the black dragon is a black palm-sized token, locked in by a powerful seal, flashing with panic power.

虽然 Although this token is not big, just glance at it, Nie Yun knows that it must be a treasure that exceeds the level of the best fairy!

轰轰轰 轰轰!

Around the token, the air waves were hot and the power rolled.

The two groups are in full swing at the moment, and they must not have a relationship.

He looked down and Nie Yun recognized it.

One group is Duguxiao, Xuanyuan Chaoxing, Xiaolong, etc. On the other side, there are two people. Although they have never seen it, from the strength released by one arm, it should be the so-called Shi Zhongxuan.

Xuan Zhong's face was blue and gray, his eyes flickered, and every trick had a flicker of poisonous gas. At a glance, I knew that the talent of poison master had been run to the limit, and even on the form of Dantian alone, he surpassed himself.

Nie Yun's talent for poison was only promoted to the third form last time he devoured evil poisons. It was only useless and far from the fourth form. This stone Zhongxuan, used constantly, was cruel, and I am afraid that he has reached the fourth form. .

There is a tall and thin figure beside Yan Shizhongxuan, his face is long and pale, without blood, and his eyes are dead fish. With the power of ecstasy, it makes people feel confused and difficult to control.

I took a closer look. This person's strength is even more powerful than Shi Zhongxuan. He has definitely reached the level of Shengxian. He has a soul-searching spirit in his palm, and it is open and close.

"Is this the third of four ghosts, impermanent ghost, Yue Xin impermanence?"

Suddenly, a name popped into Nie Yun's mind.

While waiting for the ruins to open, Nie Yun inquired about the situation of the demon and the four ghosts in detail, knowing that the third child was called Yue Xin Impermanence, and the weapon was a magic weapon.

Xun and Shi Zhongxuan are the same as in the legend, both in appearance and weapons. Needless to say, they must be impermanent ghosts.

I did not expect that two monsters and four ghosts came, and they fought together with Duguxiao and others.

At this time, the Duguxiao exhibited his full strength, and he was indeed a member of the invincible family. The guns were shadowy, and the tricks were not repeated, and the momentum was amazing.

He is just the peak strength of the Golden Wonderland, but he is inextricably linked with Yue Xin's impermanence, regardless of the outcome.

He not only exerted himself with a lone smile, Xuanyuan Chaoxing didn't seem to be pretending to keep it. At this time, he was fighting with Shi Zhongxuan, and the raging force was shocking everywhere, making Xiaolong and others secretly shocked.

No wonder Prince Jinya spoke highly of him. This guy really has the strength not less than Duguxiao!

When he saw him fighting, Nie Yun knew that this guy's weapon was a big seal. What was written on it, and it was overwhelming with the weight of a mountain planet.


There were two trembling trembling. During the collision, the two sides at the war retreated at the same time, each being vigilant.

"Dugugu laugh, I know your strength is strong, but you want to kill me Yue Xin impermanence, it is still far behind!"

The master's impermanent ghost chuckled coldly, and the spirits danced in the wind, setting him off like an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

"It's not easy to kill you, but it's not easy to kill me!"

Wu Dugu smiled proudly and stood upright, with undefeated warfare.

"I can't kill you, you can't kill me, I think we might as well stop and discuss how to get rid of this seal! By that time, the black dragon will recognize who is the master, who is it, how?"

Xin Yue Xin impermanently looked up at the black token in the center, and smashed her lips.

"OK, I agree!"

He smiled hesitantly and nodded.

He and Yue Xin Impermanence have fought thousands of moves. Regardless of victory or defeat, it is difficult to predict who will finally stand until the death of the deer. Even if he wins by chance, it is the end of a crossbow. If he wants to **** the baby, he has no strength!

So, after thinking over and over again, I decided to temporarily let go of the grudges and break the seal.

At that time, once the black dragon orders to recognize the Lord, his strength will definitely soar again, and it will not matter to kill all of them.

"Where are you?"

Seeing Du Gu smiling and agreeing, Yue Xin smiled constantly and turned to look at Xuanyuan Chaoxing.

"Of course I agree!"

Wu Xuanyuan Chaoxing glanced at the opposite Shi Zhongxuan and nodded in agreement.

Xuan Shi Zhongxuan's strength is not that he can win in a short time.

既然 "Now that we agree, let's break the seal together, but are these two ants trying to solve it, or should I solve it?"

Yue Xin Wuchang pointed at Xiaolong, Xiao Yan, Mei Xin'er and others behind Dugu laughed "getting the black dragon order and giving it to the family will get some benefits, but if you keep it ... hehe ~ www.readwn.com ~ the benefits I don't need to say much! If you keep these people, the news will be leaked ... not only will you be chased by outsiders, I am afraid your family will not let it go! "

"It ’s just a group of ants. Give us a reply. It's not that we don't believe you. We promised to cooperate with us and kill them all. I don't want us to finish the seal, so we can take it away!"

The mysterious voice of Xuan Shizhong is horrifying, and his words are direct.

"Presumptuous, we are the same collective team, do you think we can kill each other by instigating alienation? Son Xuanyuan, don't listen to him, he is deliberately disrupting our fighting power ..."

I heard the other party demand to kill himself and others, Song Yudang could not help but strode up and sang loudly.

"That's right, you're right ..." Seeing him come, Xuanyuan hummed towards the star, half of the words, suddenly turned and shot!


He Songyu was penetrated by his chest, crushing his heart.


家伙 This guy never thought of death, he has always been a loyal master, he will suddenly shot.




(To be continued. This article is provided by @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read m .)

-Some people just don't realize it-

Alas-how hurtful their language is.

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