Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1079: To fill the sky

The top ten special talents have unique surnames, Tiandao Master is ranked third, and the only owner of the heavens and the world is Lingtai Lingyue.

Xiao Xiao said that this matter involved Ling Yue, so that Nie Yun could not stand anymore, and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know what's the big deal? Can you tell me?"

He glanced at Nie Yun, Xiao He hesitated, and said, "It's the battle of the demon forgotten by the magical sky. Eliminate the wickedness for this heavenly master Yantai Lingyue, and let her complete the task of the heavenly master with peace of mind!"

"Magic forgotten?" Nie Yun looked ugly.

He heard about this in the inheritance left by the Big Dipper. Ten super powers are required to shoot at the same time, which will not only make people forget, but also obliterate memories, and have a great impact on the soul.

As a Taoist teacher, Lingtai Lingyue has superb strength. When a hardship comes, she has a better chance to face Fu Shulu Wang. Why use such a powerful array to obliterate her memory?

Nie Yun trembled all over.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Yan had doubts on his face, and still explained: "The main reason for the existence of Shura from the chaos and entering the spiritual world from chaos is the crack in the heavenly path, which needs to be repaired, and the heavenly master, It is the evolution of the Tao of Heaven. Therefore, the Lingtai Lingyue has been destined since birth, and he must make up for the deficiency of the Tao and become the Tao of Heaven! "

"If the sky is old and the sky is old, the sky cannot have feelings. Once the feelings appear, the heavenly path will collapse without any power! So, when Lingtai Lingyue was born, he practiced the method of forgetfulness. Hey, who knows once Experience, broken love, and feelings, which is the evil fate that the owner of the Taiwanese said. Since then, it is impossible to incarnate the heavens, and it is no longer possible to drive Shura out. This is the best way for us, our families, to use a large array of obliterations. Her memory made her completely forgetful and saved the heavens and the earth from fire and water! "

Xiao Xiao sighed.

"Use the body to make up for the deficiency of the heavenly path, and become the heavenly path? Ling Yue ..."

Nie Yun finally understood what the responsibility of Lingtai Lingyue was, and she felt a pain in her heart.

I heard Xiao Ran said before that he made up the heavens and saved the people, and thought that he would use special methods to refine the crystals to make up for the sky. Now I know that it is not the crystals at all, but the soul and the sky with his body!

Tiandao is ruthless. Once it succeeds, it will immediately become a heaven without feelings and self-consciousness. It is no different from death!

No wonder she, regardless of her past life or present, seems to have a heavy heart, gloomy.

No wonder she is kind-hearted, but sometimes so indifferent, pretending nothing to do with anything.

No wonder she keeps saying that she broke her heart, so it is ...


No, this thing must not make them successful!

Why should all the things that protect the spiritual world and save the lives fall on a girl?

I said that if you want to protect your life, you must realize it, even if it is a big thing, I will carry it, not you ... My most beloved!

With his fist clenched, Nie Yun took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

At present, it is not possible to show the rescue of Lingyue. Otherwise, there must be many difficulties. There is only one way to truly rescue her. That is to defeat King Shura and completely solve the hidden dangers of Shura!

Before that, they must destroy their magic sky and forgetfulness!

Tan Nie Yunyun does not want to undermine the determination of many strong men in the spirit world to defend the spirit world, but he will never allow everyone to pin their spirits on a weak girl.

She is so kind, so pure, so innocent ... She should live happily, not take on these!

If you can save her and let her live a happy life, even if she dies, it's worth it!

Xie Nieyun vowed in his heart.

I love someone, not necessarily living with her, as long as she can live happily and freely, it is enough!

"Nie Yunxian, are you okay ..."

Seeing his strange face and contemplation, Xiao Yan asked.

"Oh, it's okay!" Nie Yun's face straightened, "Master Xiao, I don't know if I can go with you to this so-called talent competition and see what I know!"

"You also want to go? Ha ha, if you really go, with the strength of the good nephew, you can definitely stand out and attract a lot of people's attention!"

Xiao Xiaoyu smiled and nodded.

Although Nie Yun's strength is only in the early days of Jinxian, but the real combat effectiveness, Xiao Ran has already told him. With the support of the five-claw dragon emperor and the black dragon saint, if he really wants to participate in the competition, he will definitely get a good ranking .

"The Master Xiao has misunderstood. I am not going to participate in the competition, I just want to open my eyes and see!"

Nie Yun shook his head and vetoed the competition.

He is not interested in the so-called talent contest, and once he participates, he must not get rid of it. If he wants to find Lingyue, it is impossible.

So, I just want to find a way to go to Jiuxiao Palace, and then go to Jiji to find Lingtai Lingyue and meet her.

"Don't participate in the competition? If you win the top few, you will get the top ten family patriarchs to join hands to empower, which will be of great benefit to the promotion ..."

I didn't expect the other party to reject it directly, Xiao Jie was a little bit incredible.

This talent contest is definitely a good opportunity for the younger generation. If it can be a blockbuster, it will definitely get attention and become a real big man.

"Cultivation is good only if you cultivate it yourself. I don't expect initiation! I just want to meet the many masters of the younger generation and hope that Xiao Family will be successful!"

Nie Yun holds his fist.

He really didn't expect much from initiation. He did not want to be promoted, but once he received initiation, many of his secrets would be exposed to others, which he didn't want.

Moreover, after accepting the empowerment of the other party, he must also fulfill some responsibility. Now Nie Yun only wants to save Lingtai Lingyue, and he doesn't want to bear too much cause and effect.

"Well then, we will leave early in the morning, and you will be with us at that time. Do n’t walk around. Jiuxiao Palace is the most important place in Jiuxiao and Nine Heavens. There are formations everywhere. Come out, be careful! "

Seeing that his mind had been decided, Xiao Yan no longer persuaded, holding his fist.

"Thank you!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Boss, are we going to find Lingyue's mother?"

After Xun and Xiao Xun discussed, Nie Yun rejected the invitation to dinner and returned to the residence. Xiaolong knew his thoughts and came over to ask.

"You will change your name in the future, called Sister Ling Yue!" Nie Yun did not deny.

"Hee hee, don't call her sister, call her grandmother!" Xiaolong nodded with a smile. "Relax, boss, if the other party let the sister-in-law follow him tomorrow, if not, I will grab her! Yes, Xiao Hei ? "

"Yes, what the Dragon Emperor wants me to do, I'll do it! The top ten families, as long as Xianjun doesn't do anything, I have the confidence to save people!"

The black dragon saintly nodded, as if saying something trivial.

"Forcible robbery is not advisable. You must do it only as a last resort!" In the face of two violent suggestions, Nie Yun shook his head.

The ten major families have been in business for many years. I am afraid that King Shura came to Jiuxiao Palace to win a lot, not to mention the three of them.

And once this is done, it is tantamount to tearing away his face with the top ten families, which he does not want to see.

Anyway, the top ten families are all for the safety of the spiritual world, not for their own selfish desire, forcibly destroying them ~ www.readwn.com ~ themselves will become sinners in the spiritual world.

"Do n’t do anything, do n’t talk, just follow me, all plans, wait until you see Lingyue!"

I thought for a while, Nie Yun felt that there was really no good way, rubbing his brows and saying to Erlong.

There is really no good way to do this now. From the Xiao family, we can see that the top ten families are sincerely devoted to the spiritual realm and undermine their plans. What if the spiritual realm enters the deep waters?

Nie Yun used to be unconcerned in doing things, but now it is different. I really want to do that. I do n’t think he will forgive Ling Yue.

"Forget it, don't want to do it anymore, we all practice and consolidate. If we really want to be shot tomorrow, the strength is naturally better!"

She shook her head, Nie Yun didn't say much, sitting cross-legged in the room with her eyes closed and entering a cultivation-like state.

Nothing for a night.

一 As soon as the next day, one person and two dragons woke up.


He came to the air with a call, and at this time Xiao Ran, Xiao Xiao's homeowner, and others were ready, followed by dozens of elite children, imposing and powerful.

"lets go!"

Seeing them coming, Xiao Yan smiled lightly, and turned everyone into a white light, disappearing in the sky instantly.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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