Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1149: Invitation to the wedding

"Li Yuege? Ai Yueyue ... I like this name!" Lingtai Lingyue's eyes brightened.

"Oh, just like what you like, let's build Pity Moon Pavilion now!"

Nie Yun lowered her head and gently held the girl's delicate red lips, and laughed.


Huantai Lingyue didn't expect that he would kiss suddenly, but wanted to resist but felt that his whole body melted in an instant.

The two of them have always respected each other since the beginning of love. They have never acted excessively. For the first time, they felt the fiery feelings of a young man. Lingtai Lingyue instantly felt that he was definitely the happiest woman in the world.

Ten days later.

A huge hanging mansion suddenly appeared in Jiuyang Mountain. This mansion traverses hundreds of kilometers, and it is majestic and magnificent, so that people can see from the super powerful hand of the spirit world at a glance.

A huge horizontal plaque in front of the mansion hangs on it, showing the name of the mansion.

Pity Moon Pavilion!


"Have you heard that? Master Nie Yun came to Jiuxiao Jiutian alone, rushed into the Huandai family with one shot, set foot on Tiandao Mountain, and took Lingdao Lingtai of Tiandao Master!"

"I don't know about this. I heard that he had a sword and a drink. The one who dared to stop him scared dozens of immortals from moving forward!"

"What exactly is this Nie Yun, do you know?"

"I heard that he came from all walks of life, especially ordinary, and all his strengths were cultivated through hard work!"

"Your news is wrong. I heard that he is the boss of the five-claw dragon emperor of the demon world. King Shura's brother!"

"His strength is said to have reached the peak of Xianjun, the first person in the spirit world, and no one can be his opponent ..."

"I used to think that the top ten families were high. No one can surpass them, and it seems to be rare now. Master Nie Yun will be my idol in the future. I want to learn from him, and one day I will stand at the top of the world!"

"Just dream, just return to the top of the world ... blow it ..."

In the ordinary city of the spirit world, the deeds of Lord Nie Yun are sung everywhere.

Not just the spirit world. Six heavens and earth, each city now has the legend of Nie Yun.

At this time, Nie Yun seemed to be a star suddenly populated among the civilians, and became the target of all young people's blood.

Everyone in the spirit world has a dream. And Nie Yun's has become the support and goal of their dreams.

"Senior Xingxing, will this Nie Yun they say is ... he?"

In a restaurant in Jiuyang City, several people gathered around a table. One of the girls frowned and asked an old man in a scruffy face.

The girl is seventeen or eighteen years old. Fair skin. Although she has a beautiful appearance, she is not a rare beauty, but she is a rare beauty who frequently attracts everyone's attention.

The old man across from her didn't say anything, her eyes were blurred, she seemed to be half drunk and half awake, and she would be drunk at any time.

"I think it's impossible. How long has he left us, not even a year. I haven't even reached the real immortal realm in such a short time. How could he have reached the immortal monarch? Don't whim!"

The old man had not spoken yet, said another **** the table.

"It's a good thing to say, Jia Rong, don't think about it, the whole spiritual world has a lot of names, and it's also normal for a senior to be called Nie Yun. If this senior is really the one we know, I think I can't even accept it ... "

A middle-aged man at the same table held up a wine glass and said with a smile, "In less than a year, I have reached Xianjun from the fairyland I just saw ... how is this possible!"

"That's right ... I seem to be thinking about it ..."

The first girl who shook her head shook her sense of loneliness on her beautiful appearance.

"Oh, you guys have so little confidence in me!"

The crowd's words had just fallen, and suddenly the restaurant door "squeaked!" Opened, and a figure came over with a smile.

Here comes a teenager. The kind smile makes people feel very comfortable at first glance. The whole person is sunny and positive. Although not particularly handsome, it makes people remember it at a glance.

Of course, the most noticeable thing is not the teenager but the girl beside him.

As long as the girl glances at it, she will know what words are instantly overshadowed by her, and her beautiful appearance makes her hold her breath at a glance.

The two girls I talked to just now can be counted as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Everywhere they go, they are all eye-catching. Compared with this girl, they are overshadowed and become ugly ducklings.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have dreamed that there would be such a beautiful girl in the world, it would be the most perfect work in heaven.

"Nie Yun ..."

The people all over the table all stood up at the same time, one by one showing surprise, even the drunken drunkards, at this time also widened their eyes, "Yi Tong!" The wine glass in the palm fell to the ground and fell into pieces.

"Is that the rumor outside ... is it really you?"

Seeing a teenager and such a beautiful girl appear at the same time, everyone came up with an idea at the same time, those rumors are true!

Only such heroic characters can be worthy of such beauties.

"Of course it is me, Xia Xing seniors, Min Xixi, Shen Jiarong, Shen Chengzhu ... long time no see!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"I haven't seen you for a long time ... she ... is that Taoist Master, Lingtai Lingyue?"

Min Xixi stood up and looked at the girl in front of her.

Although Min Xiqi didn't want to admit it, she also knew that compared with the girl in front of her, she was more than a star.

No wonder Nie Yun dismissed her at first, she already had such a good lover ...

"I'm Lingtai Lingyue. Nie Yun often mentions you with me. I'm so glad to see you!"

Huantai Lingyue stretched out her hand and said with a smile.


Seeing her being so generous, Min Xixi and Shen Jiarong were a little embarrassed, and they didn't know what to say.

"Oh, senior Xia Xing. Let's meet again!"

Huantai Lingyue turned to look at the old alcoholic.

"Don't call him a senior. If I knew you were a Taoist teacher, I wouldn't dare to be a senior ..."

The old alcoholic was startled. His face was ugly.

"Haha! Now that Yueer is calling your predecessor, you can bear it calmly, rest assured, I won't say anything!" Nie Yun laughed.

The old drunkard has helped him a lot since the realm of the world, and although he is now strong, he is still his predecessor.

"Nie Yun, I heard that you built a Pity Moon Pavilion in Jiuyang Mountain. Is it true? Can you take us there?"

After chatting for a while, the strangeness often disappeared disappeared, and Min Xixi's eyes showed excitement.

"Come here this time. It's just to pick you up. Let's go to my Yueyue Pavilion to witness my marriage with Yueer!"

Nie Yundao.

"Okay, we must go!"

Min Xixi jumped up.

"Let's go then!"

Nie Yun came here to find these acquaintances. Let me witness the marriage to myself and Yantai Lingyue. Since they promised, they nodded and scratched lightly.


The crowd disappeared from the hotel.

"What just happened?"

"Did those two really be Nie Yun and Yantai Lingyue?"

"I didn't expect that I could see Senior Nie Yun with my own eyes, so happy ..."

The crowd disappeared instantly, and the whole restaurant immediately exploded, and everyone was about to faint.

I have been telling the story of Lord Nie Yun by word of mouth, and today I can actually see it with my own eyes, and I can imagine the happiness.

Just because Nie Yun has appeared before. This restaurant instantly became the most lively place in the entire Jiuyang City, and even became the most precious tourist place. This was unexpected by Nie Yun.


County New Town Flood Repair Tower.

Six or seven people were sitting in the lobby, each looking at the news in their eyes, all with their eyes rounded and shortness of breath. It seemed difficult to imagine what they saw.

"Master, do you say ... is this Nie Yun the same as before ..."

Suddenly, a young man swallowed and asked the old man in the middle.

"Surely, since I contacted him, I knew that this boy was not easy, but ... I never dreamed that in a short period of time, I had such a terrible achievement, it was incredible ..."

The old man sighed.

"How long has it been since he left us? This achievement has been achieved ... from the first glance I saw him, I knew that he would be great in the future, but ... I never dreamed that I would reach such a level ..."

A girl in the crowd shook her head and seemed a little confused.

It's Xiao Xiaodao, Xu Xinqian and others.

"You knew he would be great, but you didn't tell me, so I was ugly in front of him ..."

The dialogue between the two made one of the young people hold their heads and it was Xu Xinqian's second elder brother Liu Yuan!

When he first met Nie Yun, he was ridiculous, never dreaming about it. The former actually reached a height that made him look up so fast that it was insurmountable.

"Some people are born strong, this Nie Yun is, when I went to the Relics of the Black Dragon with him, I knew that he was not a mortal, and one day the dragon would take off, sure enough!"

An old man in the crowd said.

It was Zhiliu who was with the Taoist Xiao Xiao at the beginning ~ www.readwn.com ~ From the return of the black dragon, until Liu knew that the ghost sea city driving tower branch had been extinct. At present he did not accept the arrangement of the headquarters, but instead Came here behind Xiao Yan.

Although this county new town driving repair branch is much smaller than the previous Guihai city driving repair branch, everyone is harmonious, but it makes him very happy.

"I knew he had today's achievements and must get along well with him. This is the immortal monarch. I have never seen such a powerful person in my life ..."

A young man in the crowd scratched his head, Xu Xinqian's elder brother Xu Tao.

"Want to get along with me, it's not too late now, am I here?"

Suddenly "call!" In the room, two more figures appeared, and Nie Yun came over with a smile, with a sincere expression.

"I want to invite you to my wedding with Yue Er. Is it convenient for you?"

ps: a new volume, a new beginning, ask for a monthly pass! !! !! (m)

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